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Operational Contract Support

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The use of contracted support during military operations is essential in accomplishing the mission. There are three types of operational contract support; Theater Support, Systems Support and External Support Contracts. First, are theater support contracts which support the area of operations and according to ATTP, “serving under the direct contracting authority of the designated Head of Contracting Activity for that particular contingency operation.” An example of a theater support contract would be services such as trash collection, laundry and food services. Next, are system support contracts. “These contracts provide technical support, maintenance support and, in some cases, Class IX support for a variety of Army weapon and support systems.” Finally, are external support contracts that are used for logistics and non-combat services such as host nation contracted support. According to the ATTP the operational contracting support, “Under deployed conditions, the expeditionary contracting command (ECC) is organized with a contracting support brigade (CSB), contracting battalions (CBns), and contracting teams (CTs) to provide general support on an area basis.” …show more content…
Each of these functions are independent to ensure that conflict of interests are created. Moreover, the key players must coordinate to prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and more importantly be good stewards of government resources. The fiscal triad begins with the commander and validating requirements; however, it takes the COR to manage the

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