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Oral Cavity Filter

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The production of sound is explained through the Source-Filter Theory; which dictates that the movement of the diaphragm, rib cage and its musculature creates moving air molecules that are then filtered through various anatomical structures/movements. The flow of sound is filtered through vocal fold movement, the shaping of the pharynx and articulators in the nasal and oral cavity, and the number of times the vocal folds vibrate (fundamental frequency F0). The F0 has additional vibrations, known as harmonics, and as air molecules move through the filter, some of these harmonics are emphasized while others are dampened. The amplified areas are referred to as formants and different filter shapes create different patterns of formant amplification. …show more content…
The acoustic change that occurs due to the change in tongue height is represented by the first formant (F1). The relationship between tongue height and the value of the F1 is inverse; a higher tongue height results in a lower F1 and a lower tongue height results in a higher F1. As seen on my graph, the vowels /i, ɪ, ʊ, u/ have a low F1 value and are high vowels; vowels /e, o/ are high mid vowels. The vowels /æ, ɑ, ʌ / have a high F1 value and are low vowels; vowel /ɛ/ is a low mid vowel. The acoustic changes that occur due to the change in tongue advancement is represented by the second formant (F2). When forming a vowel, a constriction is formed in the mouth creating two cavities; one in front of the constriction and one in back of the constriction (including all space down to the glottis). The back cavity is always larger than the front and the size of the back cavity determines the value of the F2. The relationship between tongue advancement/size of the back cavity is direct; the farther back the tongue is in the mouth (the smaller the back cavity), the lower the F2 value. Referencing my graph, the vowels /i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ/ have a high F2 and are front vowels; the vowels /u, ʊ, o, ɑ/ have a low F2 and are back vowels and the vowel /ʌ/ is a central vowel with a mid-level

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