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Osteoarthritis: A Case Study

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The primary objective to treat knee osteoarthritis patients is pain relief and restoration of function. As a doctor, explaining the lifestyle modification to the patient is the first option. Many aetiological factors of osteoarthritis are amenable to lifestyle changes. Weight loss in obese patients reduces the risk that symptomatic osteoarthritis will develop and improves symptoms once evidence of disease is found. Radiographic structural modification has not been shown, although benefits are evident with morphological and physiological MRI and several biochemical markers. The effects of exercise need further elucidation, but activities focusing on improved muscle strength. Lastly the doctor need to explain the benefits in cardiovascular health and all-cause mortality (Glyn-Jones et …show more content…
All the treatment guidelines in the world are mostly accepted as well founded and proper surgical procedures to establish the function and increase the health that related to the quality of life for OA patient. Especially, the OA patient who did not acquired adequate pain relief and functional improvement with a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment (Das & Farooqi, 2008).
Plus, the one of the complication for TKR is periprosthetic infection which can be a challenge for the surgeon to manage and also the patient as they need to stay in hospital for a long time, so the management for in infection option is do not offer a 1000% guarantee that the patient will get the infection as doctor still need to considered patient preference as well (Clement, Burnett, & Breusch, 2013). Patients with symptomatic knee OA, should use NSAIDs at the lowest effective dose, but their long-term use should be avoided if possible because for the new guidelines, no single drug that can treat effectively to reduce the symptom (Magill-Lewis,

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