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Pay Gap Research Paper

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Imagine working in an occupation where one’s gender is taken into account of their pay. Other factors, including job experience and work ethic are taken into consideration, but gender ultimately determines the final decision. This is how women were disregarded in the past. Even the most experienced women for certain occupations were overlooked when being contrasted to men. For years, women have found themselves at odds over lower pay rates compared to those of men. Although this wage gap has decreased tremendously through the years, there is still a difference of pay rate between men and women today. Regardless of the occupation in question, the wage gap exists and demands to be recognized. The occupational wage gap between men and women …show more content…
In society today, the most influential topic that is spoken of is equality. Whether it be between different races, different sexualities, or different genders, there is a standing fight for equal rights. As a woman myself, I find that it is important to close the wage gap in order to continue in equality between men and women. Not only would closing the wage gap provide closure for women who have fought against it for years, but it would truly reveal the power that we can possess when we fight for our rights. There are many actions that are needed to take place in order to demolish the wage gap. One of the first steps being to raise the minimum wage. “While nearly two-thirds of mothers are breadwinners or co - breadwinners for their families, women made up approximately two - thirds of all minimum - wage workers in 2012” (Glynn et al.). Although raising the minimum wage is far from closing the wage gap, it is one step in the right direction. By raising the minimum wage, women will be given the opportunity to better support themselves and their respective families. Although the gap has decreased since the past, the wage gap will not go away on its own. There are many actions that are needed to take place in order to finally close the gender wage gap between men and

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