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Pendulum Lab Report


Submitted By nariian11
Words 355
Pages 2
Danierian Williams
Ms. Cooper
2 December 2013
Periods of a Pendulum
The purpose of this experiment is to determine how the varying masses from the three large washers influence the period of a pendulum.
Mass | Time for 10 Periods | 10 Period Average | Period | 17.3g | Trial 1 | 19.77sec | 20.05sec | 2.01sec | | Trial 2 | 20.74sec | | | | Trial 3 | 19.64sec | | | 33.8g | Trial 1 | 20.15sec | 20.18sec | 2.02sec | | Trial 2 | 20.40sec | | | | Trial 3 | 19.99sec | | | 50.3g | Trial 1 | 19.93sec | 19.69sec | 2.00sec | | Trial 2 | 19.52sec | | | | Trial 3 | 19.61sec | | |

In conclusion, the data shows that if the varying mass of the washers at the end of the paper clip hook increase, then the time it takes for the pendulum to complete 10 periods will not change greatly. In result, the average periods of the three masses are close in time (2.01sec, 2.02sec, and 2.00sec).
* The independent variable in the experiment is the number of washers and mass on the end of the paper clip hook. * The dependent variable in the experiment is the time it takes for the pendulum to complete 10 periods. * The controlled variable is the 20 degree amplitude from the resting point.

After assembling the pendulum and taking the mass of the washers, align the protractor’s 90° mark with the vertical string and use it as your 0 point of reference. While facing the protractor, pull back the washer bob to the 70° mark and simultaneously release the bob and start the timer; then measure the time it takes the pendulum to complete 10 periods. Repeat the steps two more time and record the three trials. After completing the three trials, find the average of the trials, record, then divide the average by ten and that will be the time for one period. Repeat the steps for the two washers and three washers on the pendulum.


String, 1 meter
Binder clip
Jumbo paper clip
3 large washer
Dowel rod
Ring stand
Meter stick
Utility clamp or V-jaw clamp holder

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