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Poverty In Mexico Research Paper

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Poverty in Mexico

Mexican poverty dates back to early 1700s, but has witnessed major changes in which around 65% of citizens were in extreme poverty in the 1950s (Luna). Then, the number of Mexicans living below the poverty line increased following the 1980s economic crisis and the same effect occurred after the 1995 crisis. Ultimately, the second catastrophe brought 35% of the population under the extreme poverty line. Since then, the economy has been recovering, slowly salvaging the people (Berrebi). However, the global financial crisis and the commotion with the drug cartels recently brought a rise to increased poverty once again. As a result, the country responded with improved social assistance programs directed at helping the poorest …show more content…
In the black market, drugs like marijuana are sold in mass quantities to the drug cartels. Then these drug cartels export the drugs across borders to the United States and nearby Hispanic nations. In return, those who work for the black market receive a slight portion of the total profit the drug cartels make each exporting trip. Although taking part in the black market has often proven to be very dangerous, many citizens still involve themselves every day just to ensure they can feed their families even the smallest piece of bread …show more content…
When vacation times come around, visitors spend their leisure time in the salt-waters and then spend quality time washing off. For instance, the 10 minutes that vacationers spend enjoying the hot water is equivalent to an hour of water use that is lost by the native people (Javier). Through an interview with one native man in the city, he revealed that “each home has a tank that is filled with water about once a week. The tank holds around ten to fifteen gallons of liquid at a time, so conserving the water is essential. When the water runs out, each family must voyage to the nearest fresh water source that may be miles away in order to obtain more water” (Javier). He also stated that when tourists, in larger masses, visit during the vacation times, the town must shut down all outside water usage in hotels, condos, and RV parks in order to allow the town’s people to have the chance to fill their tanks for the week. Hence, public officials encourage any to reduce their water usage to a limited amount just to ensure the possibility for equal water separation among both visitors and the

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