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Psychotherapy And Antidepressant Treatments: A Literature Review

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This article discusses how certain factors can predict how patients dealing with depression will have different responses to psychotherapy and antidepressant treatments. Several explanations are described, including anterior insula brain activity, a history of childhood trauma and the size of the patient’s hippocampus. The fourth edition of the textbook has many sections that address the topic of depression. Specifically, there is a section that focuses on mood disorders (pp. 462-465), as well as a chapter on therapies which discusses the two kinds of treatments discussed in the article; psychotherapy (pp. 514-515, 535) and antidepressant medication (pp. 539-540). Other interesting topics worth checking out are, learned helplessness (p. …show more content…
514). It doesn’t transform a person completely, but rather psychotherapy provides a client with support and comfort and works with them to ensure that they are changing their bad habits and working towards solving their problems (p. 515). Furthermore, psychotherapy is beneficial because a higher percentage of people stop taking their antidepressants as opposed to the percentage of people who drop out of their psychotherapy treatment (p. 535). In addition to working to cure a patient’s mental health, visits to a psychotherapist can also help people who suffer from certain medical conditions such as headaches and arthritis (p. 535). 
 Although there are demonstrated benefits to psychotherapy, the treatment is not effective for everyone (p. 535). As technology continues to improve and hospitals continue to modernize, drugs play a huge role in the treatment of mental disorders and is referred to as pharmacotherapy (p. 539). In the current treatment of depression, there are three common drug protocols. Minor tranquilizers are used to produce relaxation and lower the patient’s anxiety, antidepressants are used to improve their mood and antipsychotics are used to reduce hallucinations (p. 539). These medications help combat the disorder by adjusting the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain (p.

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