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Reflective Leadership Plan Paper


Submitted By erma91155
Words 2751
Pages 12

This paper will show how external and internal issues affect the managemet functions of the Enron Corporation. Enron’s business strategy was to control all of the enery supplies without owning all the power plants. as a substitute, Enron would use contracts to have power over the services in which other companies had invested their hard earned money. The paper will describe how the management functions which consist of controlling, leading, organzing and planning are utilizrd by Enron. Enron Corporation is the world leading electricity, natural gas, pulp and paper and communication company. Stakeholders and employees lost large sums of money in the Ernon scandel. The top exectives were able to cash out before the scandel was publizeised. Enron became known as the Enron Scandal because of a creatively planned accounting fraud. The paper will also address globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics and how they affect the management functions of Enron. The paper will show how supervisors will use delegation to control the different causes and purposes listed. The Enron history is not plainly a story of a isolated business that steped into thee fire and got burned. Enron got just what they describe. Enron was able to take large chances while keeping shareholders in the dark because it could expolit accounting loopholes for subsidaries that are available to most openly traded companies. Companies like Enron can legally cover up large debts because rules involve a full bookkeeping of a subsidary’s balance sheet only when the parent company owns more than half of it.


Globalization is the process of integrating nations and peoples-politically, economically, and culturally into a larger community. ( Levit. Harvard University 1983) Enron corporation’s actual business was to make money, therefore they would

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