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Samaritans Research Paper

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People all over the world were and are hated for what they believe in. One of those people groups were the Samaritans. Samaritans came from Israelite family lines, but branched off and became their own people group. They believed in pagan gods because of intermarriage in neighboring tribes, and henceforth, looked down upon in Israelite communities. They were viewed as slaves and worthless beings, which is why Jesus used the Good Samaritan in a parable. The Samaritans were the social menial to the Jews in ancient times.

The Jews have always had a very strong disgust towards Samaritans. The Samaritans came from King Jeroboam after the split between the Northern and Southern kingdoms. “Immediately after the division, Jeroboam changed the worship of the Israelites in 1 Kings 12:25-33. No longer did the inhabitants of the north travel to Jerusalem …show more content…
The main reason was because of persecution under multiple Muslim rulers, but the monotheistic ways of their religion seemed enticing to the Samaritans. Samaritans then became known as Palestinian Muslims. They began to worship Muslim gods and take part in Muslim rituals. Evil things like that were, to the Samaritans at least, are wrapped up in a package with a pretty little bow on top.
Mount Gerizim is a temple to The Lord during the fifth century, the reason why their temple was selected to be built there was because that is believed to be where Abraham was to sacrifice his sin, Isaac. A reference to this mountain can be found in John 4:20, “Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is Jerusalem.” This verse also makes note that Jesus and the Samaritan woman are on the mountain. Mount Gerizim was a place the Samaritans thought to be their holy city of Jerusalem and will keep it forever

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