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Selecting Market Animals

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Cattle have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Although, Cattle seem intimidating to some people, they are massive teddy bears. In my opinion, showing cattle has started to decline in popularity. It will always be a tremendous part of my life. After reading this, someone who has never been around cattle should be able to understand how important they are and how to prepare them for a show. In order to prepare a market animal there are several steps.
These steps begin with choosing the proper animal. Selecting a market animal is the hardest factor. First, choose a cow between the months of August and October when it is about six months old. Keep in mind, when selecting the animal you should search for three specific factors. …show more content…
Catching a market steer can consume more time than you would anticipate depending on if the animal is wild or gentle. For example, my market animals come from my family’s cattle. This means that their normal living situation is almost free range. The cattle are oblivious of their surroundings when they are suddenly being retained in a pen, and they are not accustomed to having people around them. However, the majority of cattle relax rather quickly. The easiest way to catch and halter your animal is to use a lasso and a confined pen. Once you have them lassoed, you should attempt to walk up calmly beside them. Place your hand on their side to allow them to know you are there. Next, place the rope halter around their ears, over their nose, and under their jaw. Ensure the lead end is on the left side of the face. After catching your animal, you should tie him up to a fence and comb him off with a curry comb. These circular combs have three rings and slightly sharp ends. Combing your market steer with this comb will allow you to extract the dead hair. Over the next months, this will become a crucial part of preparing cattle for the fair, working with your cattle as much as possible will allow your fair experience to progress smoothly. When summer rolls around, you should begin working with your cattle everyday. An efficient way to do this is by keeping them tied up 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When tied up your obligating is to feed them in feed pans and walk them to the water tank every morning and night, as watering them is highly important. Doing this at least three times a day is extremely important, your animals need to stay hydrated, just like you. Additionally, you will need to start washing your market

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