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Stop Sign Culture

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There is nothing more iconic on the road today than the stop sign. Whether it be an advertisement for the latest iPad, a classic Pontiac GTO, or even the Route 66 sign, the stop sign garners more attention than any other object on the road today. But this sign is more than a nagging regulation, it is the embodiment of American culture. This seemingly insignificant display says so many things about the values that Americans hold dear and the nature of American culture. The stop sign represents the international influence of American culture, the pioneering innovation which drives legislation around the world, and the widespread use of automobiles in the United States. The stop sign represents American culture because, like many other American creations, it is internationally …show more content…
The stop sign and its prevalence show the United States’ love affair with the automobile. One could listen to songs like Rascal Flatts’ “Life is a Highway” or see first hand the fascination that NASCAR holds for so many, but to truly understand just how much the US loves the automobile one must first understand the stop sign. If found on the road, the stop sign, and other road signs just like it, make known the necessity of infrastructure in the US known. Millions are employed by transportation, billions of dollars are put into road infrastructure maintenance and development, and almost every American uses a road daily (Spear 23). The humble stop sign demonstrates all this. However, in contrast with the positive implications of the pioneering of the stop sign, this may be a negative implication. Emissions from the many vehicles on American roads contribute a great deal to the greenhouse gas buildup in the atmosphere which is driving climate change. Stop signs signal (quite literally) just how much American society values the car, but this should not be romanticized as much as it

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