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Student Generated Stress Test Accuracy

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I think the student-generated stress test accuracy was a little off because the numbers for the different stress levels were either too high or too low. There was only one test that I think was exceptional when it came to the scoring. To make the stress test more accurate I would have made the scoring and the numbers for each stress event more reasonable. I would also add events that teens go through either every day or would face at some point as a teenager.
The top three stressors facing all high school students are figuring out what to do after high school, academics, and physical appearance. After high school trying to decide what to do can be a difficult decision for many students. Whether it’s going to college and trying to pick a major, joining one of the many branches of the military like the navy, army, or coast guard, or going to a trade school. Not many students know exactly what they want to do, so determining what to do after high school can cause students to sometimes start suffering mentally, physically, and academically.
Academic wise some students stress about keeping their grades up, test such as the SAT/ ACT, college acceptance and the whole process that goes with applying to colleges. To some students school comes easy, but to others school may be a little hard. When it …show more content…
Preparing for college is very stressful for me because I have to do a lot of things on my own. No one in my immediate family has gone to college so I can’t really as them for help and I don’t really talk to my extended family. Only being 17 and not really having experience with the real world makes it hard to make tough decisions that will determine my future. As well as not having a clue with what I want to do with the rest of my life. In my opinion I don’t think there’s really anything I can do about the stress besides taking it one day at a

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