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Styles of Love


Submitted By shortygurl540
Words 826
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Styles of Love

Love is not always what it may seem to be. There are so many ways to be in love or think you’re in love someone. It is not easy to understand the meaning of love for someone as a friend or as a lover. Researchers have come up with many different names for forms of love. There are many scenarios for each form of love. There is a girl name Erin who met a great guy named Joe, in high school. It started off just saying “hi” to each other to sitting next to each other on the bus. After a couple months Joe asked her to be his girlfriend. The first couple of years went well at least what Joe thought. Erin was into talking to other guys and seeing if there were other options while being in the relationship with Joen. She began to break up with Joe and start seeing another guy to see how bad Joe would want her back. As soon as Joe knew she was seeing someone else, he would ask to be with her again. The games continued on for almost 7 years. Joe finally began to realize the relationship was just a bunch of games. He wanted to take a break from this and move on. This relationship began on a great start but then ended on a bad note. Joe learned that Erin like to see “if the grass was greener on the other side” all while being with him. He saw the games she played with him and realized love was not to be this way. With the lesson learned he began to reevaluate life and see what true love is to be without games. Susie met a guy named Tim at the bar when she stopped in after her shift at work. They talked for a while and enjoyed their company. When Susie was ready to leave and telling Tim good-bye, Tim asked if they could exchange numbers or meet again. Susie thought this would be great he seems like a great guy with good conversation. They exchanged numbers before Susie left. They began to

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