...framework of 21st Century Skills that you will consider each week as you work to redesign prior coursework for your ePortfolio. Note that a similar format is followed for each of the assignments in this course. You will upload this assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite). Specifically, after reviewing the Framework for 21st century learning, you will redesign or modify a prior assignment from one of your courses in the MAED program that represents your mastery of the MAED program learning outcomes 1, 2, and 3. An assignment you may want to redesign could be in the form of a lesson plan or teaching unit you previously created for a course. Your redesign of the assignment must show a representation of 21st-century learning through incorporation of student outcomes and support systems, which are defined as follows: • Student Outcomes: Learning and Innovations Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), Core Subjects 3Rs and 21st Century Themes, Information, Media, and Technology Skills, Life and Career Skills. • Support Systems: Standards and assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development, learning environments. When selecting an assignment to redesign, think about how the assignment should consider the diverse strengths, differences, cultures, and communities of students while offering a safe, collaborative, engaging, and inclusive learning environment. If you do not have previous work to use...
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...the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | When one interviews another about their career path, one learns many things about a person. This paper will be an interview with a person to be referred as Michelle Smith for writing purposes. While interviewing Smith, I realized that my nursing experience has mirrored hers in many ways. Various universities have similar missions and viewpoints. Nursing is truly a lifelong learning process; age does not determine when nurses stop learning. Summary of Nursing Career Smith is currently a master’s prepared nurse teaching in an associate level nursing program. Smith adopted a life learning path early in her career. She was an adult student in an associate level nursing program with a husband and two teenage daughters at home. In 1990, she graduated and she began working as a registered nurse. At this point in history, according to Smith, it was highly recommended that two years of medical-surgical experience be obtained prior to working in specialty areas. After working her two years on a medical-surgical unit, she transferred to an eight bed intensive care unit. “It was a different environment back then. If we had a code during the night we ran the code until the doctor made it to the hospital from home. One night a physician was sleeping in his car because his...
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...Week 3 Learning Team Reflection Summary MGT/230 Management Theory and Practice January 6, 2013 Linda DeYampert Week 3 Learning Team Reflection Summary Learning Team B collaborated and discussed the previous week’s objectives, which included the planning function of management, and the various factors that influence planning. Planning can be affected by legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility. A companys planning is also influenced by strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning. As a team we determined that learning about the steps of planning from the textbook’s learning objectives increased our knowledge through the learning activities and the instructor’s teachings. Since we are all in the process of pursuing our career, planning is an important step to ensure that we successfully accomplish our goals. The textbook defines planning as a conscious, systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, group, work unit, or organization will pursue in the future (Bateman, 2011). Planning is an essential tool that can be used either in one’s personal life or a company. The planning function consist of identifying and diagnosing the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating alternatives, making a choice, implementing, and evaluation. This is a purposeful effort to accomplish ones goals. Planning provides individuals and work units with a clear map to follow in their future activities; at the...
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...Marrow Transplant Unit Executive Summary Table of Content Executive Summary 1. Introduction The objective of this report is to analyse the high turnover rate at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital’s (RBWH) Bone Marrow Transplant Unit (BMT Unit). Excessive turnover in the BMT Unit is a prime indicator that lack of strategic planning in place from management. The purpose of the report will include the Unit’s background, the main causes of high turnover rate, negative effects of turnover, different misconceptions associated with employee turnover, recommendation for curtailing the rate of turnover within the Unit and manage those to increase retention. 1.1 Organisation Background Cancer Care Services at the RBWH is the largest cancer service in Queensland and it’s also one of the largest in Australia (RBWH Research Report 2011). The Service encompasses divisions such as: Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplant. The BMT Unit offers all treatment modalities for adult bone marrow transplantation. The 86 staff in the Unit comprises: 1 Nurse Unit Manager 2 Nurse Staff Managers 1 Assistant Director 1 Nurse Director. The Nurse Unit Manager manages the staff’s recruiting and rostering within the Unit, while the Nurse Staff Managers manages the staff recruitment within the whole Cancer Care Services line. 2. Description of the Problem Despite Cancer Care Service’s success story, the BMT Unit is facing a serious...
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...the first visit he/she will assess the process of constructing the practical project/laboratory exercise of EACH student or group of students. On the final visit he/she will reassess the completed project work (product) of a sample of FIVE students already marked by the teacher. Note: • The Moderator selects the sample based on the total SBA scores awarded by the teacher. To facilitate this, the teacher must make a copy of his/her assessment on the Candidate’s Record Sheet available to the Moderator. The Moderator has the option of requesting additional assignments for reassessment, if needed. 2. 3 • If the number of students scheduled for the laboratory session is larger than can be accommodated at one session, the Assessor may divide them into two or more groups. In such circumstances the second group will take the session as soon as possible after the first group is finished. Individual schools are responsible for providing and preparing materials for the laboratory exercises and practical projects for use by each student. The principal/Headteacher would have received well before the examination particulars of materials, apparatus, equipment, topics and mark schemes to be used...
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...Video Summary 3 In the video it explained the purposes, functions, and characteristics of a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU is a piece of hardware that carries out instructions to the computer and is considered the brains of the computer. The CPU can find information that was saved, it can decode information, and it can move memory from one place to another. The most important characteristic of the CPU is the operating speed which is the time required to execute an instruction or set of instructions. Topics presented in clip • Fan o Sits on top or next to the heat sink and pushes out the heat. • Heat Sink o The hardware on top of the CPU that moves the heat towards the fan in the computer. • CPU o The part of a computer that performs logical and arithmetical operations on the data as specified in the instructions. Terms and Definitions • CPU o Brains of the computer that carries out an instruction or a set of instructions. • Decode o Converts a coded message into a intelligible language. • Operating speed o The time required to execute an instruction or set of instructions. • ALU o Arithmetic and logic unit. o • System Bus (frontside bus) o Main communication system between motherboard and processor. • Instruction sets o Gives sets of directions to the processor. • Clock o Timing device for proper processor operation. • Hardware o Tools, machinery, and other durable equipment. Summary of My Thoughts My thoughts about the presentation...
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........... 7 Employer Guide to Assist with Objectives ................................................. 8 Course Summary Report Guidelines ......................................................... 9 Activity Requirements ................................................................................ 10 Approved Off-Campus Seminar/Activity List .............................................. 11 Employer/Supervisor Letter ........................................................... 12 Course Objectives Form ................................................................ 13 Off-Campus Seminar/Activity Prior Approval Form ........................ 14 Off-Campus Seminar/Activity Form ................................................ 15 Timesheet ...................................................................................... 16 Work Experience Program Survey ................................................. 17 Sample Cover Letter Format and Guidelines .............................................. 18 Resume Tips . ............................................................................................ 19 Sample Resume ........................................................................................ 21 2 Welcome to the Bakersfield College Work Experience Program The Work Experience course will help you to integrate your college courses and your career...
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...document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Turban, E., King, D., McKay, J., Marshall, P., Lee, J., & Viehland, D. (2008). Electronic commerce 2008: A managerial perspective (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Roebuck, D. B. (2006). Improving business communication skills (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Overview | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Analyze...
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...Assignments In this packet, if you find anything missing out of the above-mentioned material, please contact at the address given below: - The Mailing Officer Mailing Section, Block # 28 Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H/8, Islamabad. Tel: (051) 9057611, 9057612 Dr. M. Majid Mahmood Bagram Course Coordinator ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Department of Business Administration) WARNING 1. PLAGIARISM OR HIRING OF GHOST WRITER(S) FOR SOLVING THE ASSIGNMENT(S) WILL DEBAR THE STUDENT FROM AWARD OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE, IF FOUND AT ANY STAGE. 2. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS BORROWED OR STOLEN FROM OTHER(S) AS ONE’S OWN WILL BE PENALIZED AS DEFINED IN “AIOU PLAGIARISM POLICY”. ASSIGNMENT No. 1 (Units: 1–4) Course: Human Resource Management (8502) Semester: Autumn 2012 Level: MBA (2½ / 3 ½ Years) Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50 Q. 1 (a) Quote discriminatory personnel management practices in recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, layoffs, and benefits. (10) (b) Define and discuss diversity management. (10) Q. 2 Illustrate and explain each of the seven steps in the HR Scorecard approach to create human resource management systems. (20) Q. 3 (a) Discuss the nature of job analysis, including what it is and how it’s used.(10) b) Explain the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting. (10) Q. 4 (a) Explain and illustrate the problems to avoid in appraising performance. (10) b) List and discuss the...
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...Contents Graded Assignments 2 Unit 1 Assignment 1: It Takes Courage 2 Unit 2 Assignment 1: Left in the Lurch 3 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Gratitude Journal 4 Unit 4 Assignment 1: Create a Business Letter 5 Unit 5 Presentation 1: Small Group Presentation: Leadership, Conflict Resolution, and Teamwork 7 Unit 5 Assignment 1: Compare and Contrast Effective and Ineffective Leaders 8 Unit 6 Assignment 1: Create a Long-Term Financial Plan 10 Unit 7 Assignment 1: Calculating Credit Scores 11 Unit 8 Assignment 1: Writing a Prospective Schedule 12 Unit 9 Assignment 1: Using Social Media for Job Searches 14 Unit 10 Assignment 1: Putting the Finishing Touches on Your ePortfolio 15 Laboratory Assignments 17 Unit 1 Lab 1: Personal Persistence Narrative 17 Unit 1 Lab 2: Grit Test 21 Unit 2 Lab 1: Optimism 24 Unit 2 Lab 2: Self-Control 25 Unit 3 Lab 1: Curiosity in Modern Times 27 Unit 3 Lab 2: Integrity Matters 28 Unit 4 Lab 1: Create a Research Summary Memorandum 29 Unit 5 Lab 1: Resolving Systemic Conflict: Scenario Analysis 31 Unit 6 Lab 1: Time Value of Money 32 Unit 6 Lab 2: Budget Exercise 33 Unit 7 Lab 1: Calculating House Cost 35 Unit 7 Lab 2: Delayed Gratification 37 Unit 8 Lab 1: Initiative Reflection 39 Unit 8 Lab 2: Time Management Reflection 40 Unit 9 Lab 1: Creating a Professional Profile 41 Unit 10 Lab 1: Creating a Personal and Professional Development Plan 43 Graded Assignments Unit 1 Assignment 1: It Takes Courage Course...
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...Brandan L. Holder | Date Completed 5-24-2014 | Prerequisite: You must have Units 1–6 completed before composing this assignment, which utilizes the practiced research and writing processes. Purpose and Overview The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for successful, enjoyable participation in a positive team experience for Units 8–10. In this assignment, you will research and compose descriptions of a fictitious anonymous company's IT Systems functional area and four main IT departments to demonstrate the organization’s support and interrelationships between the departments. Further, you will explore organization’s code of ethics and executive summaries of reports to understand what they are and how to compose them. Your main task is to develop a broad overview of the mission and purpose of each IT department to be prepared to participate in the team activity for Unit 8. Note that your assigned role for the team is not needed or related to this assignment. As you complete this assignment on this template, refer to information provided in the Unit 7 studies. Specifically, utilize these provided resources and perform research to satisfactorily complete this assignment. Teamwork Activity Challenge. “Organizational Structures” reading. “Functional Areas Managers” reading. * IMPORTANT: This assignment is due Sunday of week 7. Learners completing it on time will be performing Unit 8 as part of a team. Learners without a successful, timely assignment cannot...
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... |Date Completed 11/30/2014 | Purpose and Overview The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for successful, enjoyable participation in a positive team experience for Units 8–10. In this assignment, you will research and compose descriptions of a fictitious anonymous company's five functional areas. Further, you will explore organization’s code of ethics and executive summaries of reports to understand what they are and how to compose them. Your main task is to develop a broad overview of the mission and purpose to be prepared to participate in the team activity for Unit 8. Note: Your assigned role for the team is not needed or related to this assignment. As you complete this assignment on this template, refer to information provided in the unit 7 studies. Specifically, utilize these provided resources and perform research to satisfactorily complete this assignment. • Teamwork Activity Challenge. • Organizational Structure reading. • Functional Areas Managers reading. Important: This assignment is due Sunday of week 7. Learners completing it on time will be performing Unit 8 as part of a team. Learners without a successful, timely assignment cannot be on a team. Important: Utilize paragraph structure in your document, not outline format, and support your ideas with references. References can include those identified from both the Internet...
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...Grand Canyon University Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice NUR502 July 31, 2013 Master's Prepared Nurse Interview Interview This is an interview of a Master’s- prepared nurse who has recently assumed an Assistant Director of Nursing position. The aim of the interview is to show how a graduate of a Master of Science in Nursing would adequately prepare a nurse to assume a higher role in the field of nursing practice, education or administration. This achievement offers the individual with many opportunities for growth and opens the door to different career possibilities. I chose to interview B.A., a fellow instructor at the Anaheim nursing school where we teach. Aside from knowing that she is optimally qualified to fill her post, I am also awed by how she rose from the ranks, and how she values education as the tool to reach for her dreams. Overview of Career B.A. started her career after graduating as a Medical Assistant at Everest College (formerly Bryman College), La Palma in 1991. She worked from 1991 – 1993 at a surgical group practice clinic in Cypress, and was responsible for the back room. She gained clinical experience while assessing patients, taking vital signs, assisting doctors and performing venipunctures and injections. Not content with her work, she continued with her studies and became a Certified Nursing Assistant from Long Beach City College in 1993. She worked at the Skylight Convalescent Home at Long Beach from 1993 – 1996. B.A. cared...
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... | |8905075297087 | |Siyanda Mfeka | |8501265486083 | |Lucky Tsolo | |7801165901087 | |Phethile Lubisi | |8005060012086 | Note: As we are an online group we are unable to meet up to get this document signed. All team members who contributed towards this report have put their details into the table above. Executive Summary Continental Computer Corporation (CCC) is a global organisation infolded in...
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...Why should the United Kingdom be your destination for higher education? The United Kingdom attracts one of the largest internationally mobile student bodies seeking higher education from around the world. Home to the oldest university in the English-speaking world, the Kingdom has established numerous universities which provide high-quality education, facilities and research opportunities to the student demographic looking for advancement in the education career. The reasons that elevate the United Kingdom as an education destination are the quality of education, research opportunities that follow after students have enrolled or completed their universities, lower study costs, shorter study programs and the statistics that show that graduates educated in the United Kingdom have remarkably higher average salaries than if they had been educated in their home countries. According to an on-line global Student Decision Making survey conducted by the British council in 2007, United Kingdom attracts 10% of total internationally mobile students each year. Within the migrating population, 59% reported choosing the UK solely because of the quality of education. To confirm that the high standards of academic education, teaching, support and facilities are maintained, the universities are regularly analyzed, ranked and compared annually. QS world university ranking is an information database that compare and rank universities across the world and help students make researched comparisons...
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