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Support Child Development Analysis

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When planning activities for young children it is important to have an understanding of the way a child develops. Without knowing it any activities planned will not have any benefits to the child and the way they're developing. The five different elements of a child's development are: social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional.
Social development refers to the child learning the skills and knowledge they need to successfully and effectively interact in positive ways to their peers and family. Children can learn these skills through observing the people around them like their peers, adults, and family members. The things that influence children the most socially are the people and environments they are in most often, like their home and their parents/carers, and their school and teachers. Some things to do that encourage social development would be to make sure the child has lots of opportunities to interact with and play cooperative games with other children of various ages. Having toys such as stuffed animals, telephones and make-believe toys would be good to help the child practice social roles. An …show more content…
Physical development is not only about development in gross and fine motor skills but also in the child's health, like their nutrition, hygiene, and overall being. Children need to learn a few different things when it comes to physical development, like how much strength to put into something ( for example picking up a toy truck takes less strength than picking up a pet cat) how to coordinate the use of their hands and legs (for example while climbing play equipment ) and how much space they and the objects around them take up (becoming spatially aware.) An activity I have witnessed is a home made obstacle course made up of cushions, boxes and other objects that the child has to climb over, jump over or run

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