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Teaching And Education: The Role Of Education In Education

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Personally, I believe that teaching and learning are two simultaneous dual knowledge construction processes. Indeed, teaching is a personal process and social endeavour that feeds on ‘knowledge-for-practice’ as much as on ‘knowledge-in-practice’ (Bigelow and Walker, 2003). This personal endeavour is framed consciously and subconsciously on the development of each teacher’s system of beliefs. This system is based on their own experience as language learners (Lortie, 1975 in Richards and Lockhart, 1994), their experience of what works best, their established practice, their personality factors, their educationally-based or research-based principles, and their principles derived from an approach or method (Adapted from Reflective Teaching in Second …show more content…
Teachers as state agents are visibly responsible for the enactment of the educational policies as stated in the current Education Act 26.206 and all the related national and regional documents. Therefore, their role is pivotal to achieve the goals set in the current curricula within our education system by means of their educational practices and interaction with the learners, peers, and school authorities. As Rachel Throop (2007) argues:

‘Teachers are not passive recipients of language policy; rather, they play an instrumental role in classroom language policy (re)creation. All teachers, whether teaching mainstream or English Language Learner/ Bilingual Education (ELL/BLE) classrooms, are inevitably engaged in acts of language planning and policy each …show more content…
Accordingly, Freeman’s framework defines a social practice in terms of tools, activities and participants. He argues that a social practice is based on five key principles: 1. ‘A SOCIAL PRACTICE is described in terms of how its PARTICIPANTS use TOOLS to carry out its ACTIVITY (object; outcome)’.
That is, TEACHING AND LEARNING as a social practice should be described in terms of how its participants (TEACHERS and LEARNERS) use tools (STRATEGIES, STUDY MATERIALS, A LANGUAGE) to carry out its activity (teach and learn English; communicate in English successfully).

2. ‘TOOLS are physical and symbolic. They shape (mediate) ACTIVITY’.

In ELT, these physical tools are all the printed/written samples of language in the study materials, the practice exercises, the recordings, the realia and the oral exchanges inside a lesson. Conversely, the symbolic tools are the cognitive strategies used as well as the actual re/cognition of languages as a formal system. With this at hand, learners and teachers interact and accomplish

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