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The Art Of Rhetoric Analysis

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The Art of Rhetoric – Creative Writing Task
Riley Ransom

The media is not to blame for the public’s obsession with celebrities.
I will REFUTE this statement.
The purpose of writing this speech is to show how media has such a large impact on our society. I am looking to prove to people that media is largely responsible for the obsession with celebrities, gossip and rumours and that not everything you see on TV, in the newspaper or on the web is true.
“Social media, the Internet and reality television have become increasingly accessible to young people.”
“When Justin Bieber fans frantically took to cutting themselves and posting pictures online to stop the star from smoking pot, celebrity obsession among young people …show more content…
The topic of this essay became a discussion piece at the dinner table tonight. My grandparents, both of whom are in their 80’s reminisced of their childhood, when the major source of entertainment was sitting around the radio on a Saturday night, listening to the hockey game. Technological advances throughout the decades have created a shift, whereas in the past, entertainment and the lives of celebrities remained distant and untouchable now it is almost as if we are invited into the private and often times tumultuous lives of …show more content…
Take, for example, the phenomena of Beatlemania that rocked the headlines in the 60’s. Fans, mostly female, were photographed and filmed screaming and fainting at the sight of McCartney and his band. This obsession came from printed media, radio and television.
Nowadays, not only are these forms of media available to the public, but social media brings obsession to a whole new level. Take for instance, the obsession of Justin Bieber fans. Justin had been the highlight of social media when he was caught smoking pot. Sarah Dos Santos of JNM Journal describes the depth of fans obsession when she writes, “When Justin Bieber fans frantically took to cutting themselves and posting pictures online to stop the star from smoking pot, celebrity obsession among young people reached new heights.”
Prior to the introduction of internet technology to our homes, youth, dedicated much of their time to activities that engaged their minds and bodies in a more productive manner. Today, however, our youth are spending too much of their time investigating and trying to mimic the lives of celebrities. Too often, teens are bombarded with images of seemingly perfect bodies, opulent wealth and mind-blowing lifestyles. All too often, the celebrities we hold to high-esteem are those with lots of money, beauty and amazing material items. Teens are indeed, “…shifting their values to physical attributes and having money over ethics and

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