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The Effectiveness of Teaching Children Sign Language


Submitted By devinfazio
Words 754
Pages 4
Devin Fazio
Dan Glass
13 January 2016
Winter Interim Classes
Reading Area Community College has added a new academic path for students who enjoy fast paced learning. These classes are offered between the larger breaks that are taken throughout the semesters. A winter, spring, and summer interim class are offered as an online or lecture class for about four weeks at a time. During these four weeks, a lot of information is covered. However, being a winter interim class, it still needs to meet the requirements for an average 15 week semester. Winter interim classes are beneficial for the academically fast paced students, who are highly motivated, eager to learn, and want to get a head start on their goal of graduating. All college courses are stressful but winter interim classes are especially stressful. Every other day in the course is a new week, with a new load of work, and a new assortment of questions. As progression happens throughout the course, students begin to notice that everything mentioned or taught, is valuable. There is no time for “fluff” information. As the semester shortens everyday students become motivated to do their work in a timely fashion. Students learn the consequences of procrastinate on their work, and start to develop more effective time management skills. One of the most beneficial factors that can be valued for fast paced class, is the skill to time manage. Time management is realistically practiced in the real world and taking a winter interim class prepares students for those situations. Developing time management habits early on in their academic career helps students cope with a heavy work load and ease the stress levels. A stressful incident that could happen during any semester is failing a course. If a student does proceed to fail a course, a winter interim class could potentially revive them. By taking the class with a new professor directly after failing it the previous time gives the student some background knowledge on what is expected. It is a second chance at taking the course, but also, still being able to graduate on time. If the class that is previously failed a prerequisite, to a class needed for the following semester; it would be convenient to take a winter interim class. The students can earn the credits, and proceed onto the following semester. For some, the following semester would be considered the real world. Taking a winter interim class can speed up graduation dates or allow students to graduate as they planned. If a student needed a history class to graduate by spring but the history class is only offered in the fall semester, instead of prolonging their graduation date, they have an opportunity to take earn the credits in a winter interim class and still be able to graduate as planned. When a student earns their college degree, they are able to start a career in their line of work that they are passionate about and enjoy doing. Winter interim classes may not be for everyone. It is an intensified semester. Most students who do not prefer an online winter interim class is, because those students tend to learn better in a face-to-face lecture class. When students are in a lecture class they have the opportunity to ask questions and receive an immediate response; whereas, when the question is e-mailed there is no immediate response. Sometimes when students do not receive a response or the e-mail is confusing to comprehend the work and assignments becomes unbearably stressful, causing the students to feel stuck in their progress. Students should not feel stuck in their progress, because this course is designed for little to no wiggle room. There should be no procrastination done during the four weeks that the class is held. Students should ask at least one question as each assignment is posted; as soon as a question develops, do not be afraid to ask it. Check the classroom’s website frequently throughout the day. The professors always respond to their e-mails, they are here to help their students succeed. It is clear to see that winter interim classes are fast paced, stressful and a condensed course, but all of benefiting factors that are learned from the experience, and the knowledge gained throughout the semester is evident. As a result, students who take advantage of the winter interim class option, have a better chance of achieving their designated graduation goal than a student who does not take any winter interim classes.

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