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The Skeletal System

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The Skeletal System
The skeletal system is an internal skeleton and one of the four main body systems in the human body and is made up of cartilage, joints and bones which support and protect vital organs, for example: the rib cage protects the heart, lungs and liver.
Most human skeletons have 206 bones in their body, however there are some exceptions and abnormalities where bones have naturally been fused together or extra bones have been found. There are also many diseases that affect the skeletal system such as: Brittle Bone Disease/Osteogenesis Imperfecta (this is a genetic disease which is triggered by a collagen abnormality, resulting in brittleness of the skeleton making it very easy to break and cause deformities) and Spina Bifida (this is also genetic and effects the spinal cord because it causes exposure of meninges, as a result of this condition the sufferers can develop learning difficulties and paralysis).

When looking at the skeletal system it is easier to …show more content…
The heart is situated in the middle of the chest slightly to the left and made up of cardiac muscle. The heart also has a fluid bag which surrounds it to prevent friction from the heartbeats.

The heart itself is made up of four parts (chambers); these are the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles. These sets of chambers form the base of the transport circuits within the body. The two different blood transport circuits are:
• The pulmonary circuit- this allows blood to be taken to and back from the lungs.
• The systemic circuit- this allows blood to be taken to everywhere else in the body.
Firstly, the blood collects in the atria, from here the atria pumps the blood into the ventricles. The atria walls are thin because it only has to pump the blood into the next chamber.
The ventricle walls are much thicker and muscular as they have to pump the blood out of the heart and around the different

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