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Type Dd Personality

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So, what can actually affect the health of a type D personality person? Can this be changed over short or long a period of time? Where does the type D personality affect people in their life? So let's jump into the topic that I have chosen and figure out some answers to all the questions I have for the type D personalities.
Type D (distressed) personality is a diagnosis of a person that has an issue or many issues with both social anxiety disorder and general anxiety disorder. A social anxiety disorder is when you have a fear or phobia of being watched, judged, or criticized by people around them. General anxiety disorder is much more than just a “normal” anxiety disorder that people experience day to day, it is extensive and over exaggerated …show more content…
Type D personality had also be found in post-traumatic stress disorder patients, which are patients that went through a trauma or life threatening event and is suffering for it, most commonly found in military patients and cardiovascular patients. Patients with type D personalities are usually shy and fearful and have withdrawal challenges which have been determined from a study by Kupper & Denollet (2013). Also this may cause patients to withdraw from the people around them and then they will become fearful of other people because they think that more people will judge them and they will eventually assume the world around them will judge them everywhere they …show more content…
Studies by Nyklicek, et, al., (2013) shows that social inhibition causes some of these issues in type D personality patients that I will be discussing. These studies used cardiovascular patients, which are patients that have a heart issues, blood clot issues, vessel issues, or structural issues. Psychologist studied the groups of patients for a duration of an eight week time period to see if it is possible to eventually reduce areas of stress disorders and anxiety disorders in type D personality patients. They took profiles of patients and looked at the stress levels and how they possibly could improve life and health of that specific patient. The psychological intervention looked at the profiles of the patients that were selected and included a mindfulness based stress reduction to improve the quality of type D personality people's health and their life as well. The mindfulness based stress reduction is a program that is designed to help patients with a variety of conditions, issues, and problems within their life or with their health problems. The goal of mindfulness based stress reduction is a study which is used to reduce the stress of the patients and to see how they can be helped overtime with their health and life. The project ended up helping the patients and reducing the stress in the patients with type D personalities. They conducted the questionnaire before the eight week trial and then again after the eight week trial

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