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Unit 17


Submitted By sanawshaikh98
Words 1530
Pages 7
Unit 17: Working in the social care sector
Explain the requirements for two different careers in the social care sector
Introduction: In this assignment I will be choosing 2 different careers in the social care sector of my choice and briefly explain the different aspects to do with each. The two I have decided to look at our social work and care worker.
P1-Explain the requirements for two different careers in the social care sector
Requirements for a social worker-
Social work is a graduate profession and you will need either a bachelor’s degree in it (BSW) or a postgraduate degree to register with Health and care professions (HCPC) in England. In order to get a degree you will be required to study a 3 year undergraduate degree or a 2 year postgraduate degree in social work that is approved by the Health and Care professional’s councils (HCPC). You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). In order to study for an undergraduate degree in social work you will require, 5 GCSEs (A-C) including maths and English, at least 2 A levels, or an equivalent qualification such as BTEC National Diploma or NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care. You will need to have relevant experience in a social work or social care setting before being accepted on to the postgraduate course. That is why it is necessary you gain as much work experience as possible, either through paid work in community care settings or voluntary work. Some specialised universities specify a minimum amount of time to be spent gaining experience
During social work training you will have to divide your time between studying and 200 days of supervised work placements. During you work placements you will be trained to work with different new service users. While training, in your university you will be made aware of the HCPC’s standards of conduct, performance and

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