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Washington Post Feminist Argument

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Junior paper

In order to have a sound and effective argument one must have facts from reputable sources and points that make an impact on the reader or person listening. This is something that many extreme feminist are oblivious to, the proof is in the pudding, the pudding being the arguments. Extreme feminist have the skills and talents needed to make a unconvincing and emotionally unstable argument down to a science, and this is why extreme feminist are hindering their ability to fit in, in a twenty first century society.
Something heard a lot is about how all men are pigs and all they want is sex, and how all men have side women and such. Such an argument like this is playing the victim card by suggesting the evil and sadistic nature …show more content…
If anything, the fixation on men behaving badly is a distraction from more fundamental issues, such as changes in the workplace to promote work-life balance. What’s more, male-bashing not only sours many men — and quite a few women — on feminism. It often drives them into Internet subcultures where critiques of feminism mix with hostility toward women” ( Young, Cathy. “ Feminist treat Men Badly. It’s bad for feminism.” The Washington Post, 30 June 2016). What the feminist this quote is addressing need to remember is that using one’s voice doesn’t take away or discredit other people’s opinion just because of their gender. This is where “ mansplaining” comes to play, mansplaining is this crazy idea that if a man tries to correct someone or explain something to someone, that it’s demeaning and condescending because that man is verbally attacking you. There is another term called Manspreading, which is the supposed exploitation of women and their seating rights in public because men spread their legs and take up so much space . Both of these are a childish ways to approach and argue claims, but once again will the feminist argue any other …show more content…
They collapsed the distinction between regretted sex and rape” ( Saul, Interview Stephanie. “ ‘ Victim Feminism’ and Sexual Assault on Campus”. The New York Times, TheNewYorkTimes, 3 November 2017). It’s sickening to think that women can move one’s consensuality around like a queen on a chess board. This is just another reason why these women have a hard time finding a male friend or just friends in general because who would want to be with these manipulative women, this destructive and sickening behavior isn’t something people usually want to be

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