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Who I Am Today Analysis

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Family is the foundation for everything, they're the ones we turn to when in need, the ones we rely on and the ones who shape us to be who we are today. Because my family has always been there for me and has supported me through anything and everything, all of that is what has helped shape me into who I am. The cause of my family's influences has affected the person I am today. I have always been a strong believer in the way we are raised affects the outcome of our morals and overall the way we grow into the people we are today. We are all raised differently and every family has their own aspect as to what makes them different. Speaking as a military child, I believe since I have moved an impressive amount of times, it has taught me to never take everything for …show more content…
Recently I have been recovering from a horrific knee injury, and for any athlete not being able to play during critical times is more than upsetting. Even though the sadness overcomes the positive person I am, I have my family there to replace any kind of positivity I am short of. They are here to brighten up the sad situation, they are there to push me and motivate me to get better, stronger, and to keep my head held high. For the past few months I have been down in the dumps and often feel hopeless, sad that I can't play but I know i'm not alone. I know my family supplies the positivity and support that I need to get through the hard times. My families positivity has not only helped me, but it has become a motivator for me to strive beyond the odds, so that in the end I can make them proud and finally start radiating the same positivity they have given me. If the support from a loving family was not provided and I never was given the support, who knows where I would be right now. The cause of my families support has affected me to believe the positivity in a bad

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