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Why Do African Americans Inhumanity To Co-Exist

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In the human race, since the beginning of time , there have always been people who feel superior to others. In this case, African Americans have been the victims and first hand endurers of mans inhumanity to man. Taking on slavery, segregation, and the fight to be free. The battle between blacks and whites has been a long and tiring one, but with determination and negotiation, we have learned to co-exist.

Slaves were not obtained in graceful humane ways. In fact, most were kidnapped straight from their villages in forceful and traumatizing ways. Kidnappers would gag their victims mouths, tie their hands, and throw them in sacks to prepare them for their treacherous journey ( 27). Brothers and sisters were separated as were parents and children. When the Africans arrived auctions, they were bought and …show more content…
When they got back to their houses, which were usually 1 to 2 roomed log cabins , they had to do normal house chores such as cleaning the dishes or sweeping.(34) Some even spent time working in the masters house. However, if they did not create perfect dishes they were whipped. (35) Along with the creaky wooden cabins, masters would provide only the bare minimum needed to keep slaves alive. This included hand-me-down clothes once a year, with the exception of children who went entirely unclothed until adolescence ( Slaves were given weekly food rations that mainly consisted of corn meal, lard, some meat, molasses, peas, greens and flour. ( Slaves had to entirely rely on their “owners” because they were not permitted to learn to read or write ( Although it was evident that blacks were mistreated, a black person could not file a court case against whites and before 1774 it was not illegal to assault or even kill a slave.

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