...9/11 World Trade Center Tragedy which is a big loss of one of the worst ever in the history of mankind. 9/11 World Trade Center Tragedy, This is a four-fold attack against the United States in Washington DC, New York City. The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day. It was known that the U.S. economy was in a transition from an unsustainable to a sustainable rate of growth. But after the 9/11 attacks occurred nearly 70 percent of the jobs lost and 86 percent of the wages lost were in fields like finance, insurance and banking.[1] There are several aftereffects from 9/11 attacks on the US economic. The first aftereffects of 9/11 attacks is that impact on airline industry and tourism....
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...Health Plan for World Trade Center Attacks (911) Sandra Morgan June 21, 2011 Epidemiology and Risk Management Health Plan for World Trade Center Attacks (911) I. INTRODUCTION: On September 11, 2001, one of the worst man made disasters occurred in US history. “Terrorists crashed two hijacked planes into The World Trade Centers. In less than two hours, the towers collapsed and nearly 2,800 people died, including 343 firefighters, 23 police officers, 37 Port Authority police officers, and more than 2,200 civilians” (NYC Government, 2011). Most of Lower Manhattan residents were exposed to all kinds of dust, particulates, and other environmental contaminants. Moreover, people witnessed some of the most deeply traumatic events they had ever seen. Families watched as their entire lives and livelihoods disappeared. While individuals tried to make sense of what was taking place, rescue workers, contractors, and many others began the massive undertaking of rescuing people trapped under the rubble. In late September the rescue turned from rescue to recovery. Over the next 10 months many City, State, and federal agencies participated in the cleanup of Ground Zero. Immediately after the collapse of the towers there were concerns about the consequences for health and mental issues. Therefore, the development of a health plan was necessary. This plan had to include the collection of proper data and an explanation for collecting...
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...In a perfect world, people do not make mistakes, they do not miscommunicate, nor do they try to improve. That would be what the everyday citizen seems to believe, but the truth of the matter is that there is not a perfect world, at least not one that we are aware of. On this planet, we make mistakes, learn from our mistakes, strive to do better, and most importantly we help others in need. The attacks on the World Trade Center were an eye opener for the United States and the rest of the globe and a realization that the radical world was, and still is, out to demolish our beautiful culture. Even before the attacks on the World Trade Center, terrorism was in the books, something that most United States citizens disregard. Former Secretary of...
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...On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Centre in New York City. The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Centre and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below. America was under attack. The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly financed by Saudi fugitive Osama Bin Ladens al-Qaeda terrorist organization, they were allegedly acting in retaliation for America's support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued military presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists had lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken flying lessons at American commercial flight schools. Others had slipped into the country in the months before September 11 and acted as the "muscle" in the operation. The 19...
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...EDM501 Domestic Terrorism TUI University Summer 2015 Select one of the following events/person: the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Unabomber, the Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, 2001 Anthrax Attacks, or the Fort Hood Attack. * Explain the following: * What was the target/s? * Why was it selected? * What tactics were used? * What tools were used? * What were the expectations? * What were the outcomes of the events; e.g., media coverage, public acceptance, goals achieved? * What vulnerabilities were recognized and mitigated after the event? Or, were they? What was the target/s? In 1993, a massive truck bomb ripped a hole almost 30 meters (100 feet) across the B-2 level of the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center's North Tower. The blast wave was so powerful that it penetrated five stories of the reinforced concrete building. In addition to causing structural damage, the explosion destroyed or heavily damaged hundreds of vehicles in the garage. That such a powerful explosion killed only six people is nothing short of a miracle, for the attackers had a goal of much more. On the morning of February 26th, 1993 World Trade Center was the target of a terrorist bombing when a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The bomb was intended to knock the North Tower into the South Tower, bringing both towers down and killing thousands of people...
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...make sense because steel melts at 2750 degrees but jet fuel can only burn at 1800 degrees. The steel in the twin towers was certified to withstand 2000 degrees for six plus hours. World Trade Center maintenance workers confirmed several large explosions in the sub levels prior to the plans even hitting. A video was reluctantly releases by the NIST after a lawsuit by the international center for 9/11 studies. The video shows two fire fighters discussing the explosions in the sublevels and in the lobby causing the building to collapse. Hyman Brown, the World Trade Center construction manager stated, “the buildings could have easily withstood multiple airplane crashes.” The steel structures were removed as quickly as possible after the attack before any thorough examination to the steel itself could be done. Nano thermite was found in the dust after the World Trade Center. Nano thermite has the ability to burn at 4000 degrees way past the burning temperature of steel. Months prior to 9/11 the World Trade Center was privatized and sold to a man named Larry Silverstein. Larry proceeded to take out an insurance claim that covered acts of terrorism. After the attacks on 9/11 Larry took the insurance company to court and was awarded 4,550,000,000$. Larry also ate breakfast every day at the World Trade Center but was conveniently at a dermatologist appointment the morning of the...
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...Yesterday, the whole world watched for several hours while New York City faced the indefinable and unimaginable. Even those who have faced wars firsthand were unable to make sense of the events that occurred at the World Trade Center yesterday. Yesterday, on September 11th, 2001, hijackers flew jetliners into the World Trade Center towers, resulting in devastation that had American’s everywhere grieving, devastated, and in utter shock. United Airlines Flight 175 hit the south tower at 9:06, while the American Airlines Flight 11 hit the north tower, only 18 minutes prior. Both were headed from Boston to Los Angeles, never reaching their intended destination. The pentagon was hit by American Airlines flight 77 at 9:40. Even in the aftermath, the collapse of the towers caused severe damage to the surrounding buildings and caused another World Trade Center building to fall hours later. From the planes alone, 266 people perished, as were many of the first responders as the buildings were still collapsing. Estimates of how many people died in the...
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...Modern Architecture II Spring 2015 Twin Towers: The Rise, and the Rise Again of Great Architecture Once criticized for its different modernist style, the World Trade Center has become known most for the horrific assault of 9/11, but is deserves recognition for its fine engineering and architecture. In 1962, the Port Authority thought they should take a different route on choosing an architect for the building of the World Trade Center. Instead of choosing a big time architect, they would choose one with a more mainstream background. The twin towers were built in New York, New York, USA by architect, Minoru Yamasaki and Associates. The One World Trade Center was completed in 1972 at 1,368 feet high, and the Two World Trade Center was completed a year later in 1973 at 1,362 feet high, both with 110 stories. At the time of the completion of the two buildings, the Twin towers were known as the tallest buildings in the world. Yamasaki worked as a disciple of Mies van der Rohe favoring such minimalist lines as seen the Martin Luther King Memorial Library in Washington, D.C. and the IBM Building in Chicago. Yamasaki soon tired of the International Style, and moved on to something new: New Formalism. Yamasaki was one of the most prominent architects of the 20th century. He and fellow architect Edward Durell Stone are generally considered to be the two master practitioners of New Formalism. This was not a style that caught on and it was not a style that followed...
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...3225 Project Management Tools and Techniques Introduction On September 9, 2001 the city of New York was attack by terrorists, which end up in destroying the World Trade Tower buildings and taking the life of over 2,700 people in the attack. It took nearly a year of around the clock worker to remove debris and recover bodies from the destruction. Meanwhile debates were rage on how best to rebuild the World Trade Center and memorialize all the victims in the tragedy. The initial plans called for the rebuild to be completed by 10th anniversary of the attacks. A combination of political struggles, financial problems and legal squabbles among the various parties involved led to repeated delays, and rebuild efforts are still ongoing still today. The Memorial which was schedule to be dedicated at the 10th anniversary was pulled off with success; however the museum is still under construction. The National September 11 Memorial and Museum occupies about half of the 16-acre World Trade Center site. It contains two large waterfalls and reflecting pools, each about an acre in size, set within the footprints of the Twin Towers that fell. On the bronze parapets surrounding the pools are inscribed the names of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terrorist attacks as well as those killed in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. With multiple changes to the original design of the Freedom Tower and prolonged disputes between the various parties involved over financing, Silverstein...
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...months before 9/11 happened on April 27, 2001. Johnny Bravo, episode 14 “Chain Gang Johnny” If I did not convince you in that first conspiracy this one might convince you. The picture above is of a game in early 2001 named Trade Center Defender. A gamer had to shoot down planes that were heading to the World Trade Center. If a player could not defend the towers, the towers would get flown into and caught on fire, and the player would lose. Coincidence…. I think not! World Trade...
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...In February of 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below the World Trade Center in New York, NY. Ramzi Yousef was one of the main perpetrators of this incident. Yousef was also a co-conspirator in the Bonjika plot. The Bonjika plot was a well-organized Islamist attack by Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to have 12 large airplanes blown up along with the approximate 4,000 passengers inside them. There are six characteristics that apply to this case. The first characteristic is no rules-no moral limitations on the type of violence terrorist’s use. Second is no innocents- everyone is looked at equally; guilty. Third is economy- kill one person to terrify thousands. Fourth is publicity- publicity is sought by terrorists, which in hand causes terrorism. Fifth characteristic is meaning- terrorist acts give meaning to the lives of terrorists. And the last characteristic is no clarity- although terrorists cause direct damaging acts, long-term goals are poorly conceived....
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...Tone Analysis: “Ashen Guy” On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants associated with the Islamic extremist group, al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and placed suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center, another plane was flown into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., the final plane was flown into a field in Pennsylvania. Over three thousands deaths were associated with this terrorist attack. In the narrative, The Ashen Guy: Lower Broadway, September 11, 2001 Thomas Beller uses a chaotic tone to explain the tragic event that took place in New York on September 11, 2001. Using imagery, Beller protrades the event that took place on September 11, 2001. “It was just after...
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...| 9/11/01 and Public Health | HSA4011GI-201032011 Public Health Management - Kevon Pierre | | Denise Solis | 1/22/2011 | | 1 On September 11, 2001 I was heading out with my nephew Alex to family court and my husband Tony could not be with me that day. He was working with Marc Green on the campaign for Mayor of NYC and on that day it happened to be the day to vote to determine who would run for mayor. While driving to the court house, I received a disturbing call from him saying that there had been a plane crash at the twin towers and he was told to get back in his uniform and get to the site. Tony worked for FDNY as a paramedic and on that day all of the public health employees for NYC were called in for an emergency. This specific occurrence has had a great impact in our society and on public health. Security was breached due to the lack of an intense airport security. Since then our government has worked on how this can be prevented from happening to the USA again. The first order of business after the attacks involved a few plans to solve the problems at hand then later and determine how to make them long-term changes. “The Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act (2001), was allotted five billion in grants and ten billion in credit for airlines as form of compensation for 9-11. The reason behind this was to aid airports all across America in returning to their “usual business” since all airports were re-opening after a period of...
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...September 11th 2001 was a traumatizing day that will always be remembered by Americans. On that fateful day, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center causing both Twin Towers to fall to the ground. Terrorism has been a big fear in the American homes ever since. Terrorism still exists today and will continue to be part of this world. Many people have an idea of what happened and who did it, but we will never know for sure. There have been many conspiracy theories and many accusations throughout the years. So the question is who is responsible? On Tuesday September 11th , 2001 a series of four planes were hijacked and targeted US landmarks. Two of the planes that were hijacked were American Airlines Boeing 767 and United Airlines Flight...
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...Not My Problem The September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was one of the most violent events that occurred in America in the past decade. People were horrified and shocked when they first learned that one of America’s most famous buildings had been attacked. It was a day where the entire country was in a state of mourning over those individuals who lost their lives in this catastrophic attack. Ironically, Thomas Hoepker’s photograph captures a group of five individuals casually observing this tragic attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 with no display of concern or grief. These individuals appear as if they are not worried about the thousands of lives that were lost on that sad day. At first glance, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is that these five individuals appear to be desensitized to violence. However, through further analysis we learn that these individuals are not desensitized to this violence but in fact feel a different sense of responsibility to express their feelings in the presence of others. Thomas Hoepker’s photograph shows a group of five individuals under the sun in a park near Brooklyn while a dark grey cloud of smoke fills the sky behind them as a result of the two buildings being under attack. The body postures of the individuals show that they acknowledge the disaster that is occurring behind them but that they appear to ignore this violence. The woman lying on her back is shown to be very oblivious of the situation at...
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