NINTH EDITION Burton’s MICROBIOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES Paul G. Engelkirk, PhD, MT(ASCP), SM(AAM) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Janet Duben-Engelkirk, EdD, MT(ASCP) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biotechnology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Acquisitions Editor: David B. Troy Product Manager: John Larkin Managing Editor: Laura S. Horowitz, Hearthside
Words: 118758 - Pages: 476
Preface A well-developed knowledge of clinical microbiology is critical for the practicing physician in any medical field. Bacteria, viruses, and protozoans have no respect for the distinction between ophthalmology, pediatrics, trauma surgery, or geriatric medicine. As a physician you will be faced daily with the concepts of microbial disease and antimicrobial therapy. Microbiology is one of the few courses where much of the "minutia" is regularly used by the practicing physician. This book attempts
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What are scientists doing to solve of the problem of HIV? What are scientists doing to solve of the problem of HIV? By Prerana Bhandari St Olaves Grammar School By Prerana Bhandari St Olaves Grammar School Image taken from: This human T cell (blue) is under attack by HIV (yellow), the virus that causes AIDS. Image taken from: This human T cell (blue) is
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De B vitamines behoren allen tot dezelfde familie, hebben echter ieder bepaalde eigenschappen. Samen zorgen ze voor de stofwisseling, het zenuwstelsel en het gedrag van de mens. De vitamines uit het B complex werken het beste als de hele familie bij elkaar is. Het zijn echte "samenwerkers". Als ze er alleen voor staan komt er niet veel van terecht, ze hebben hun broers en zussen écht nodig om de processen in het lichaam harmonisch te laten verlopen. Vitamine B1 Wordt ook wel het "moreel" vitamine
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|Define cancer and state causes. | | |State the primary function of mitosis for single-celled vs multi-cell. Organisms.| | |Define the term: meiosis. | |
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radius): là khoảng cách thuận lợi nhất giữa 2 nguyên tử. Sự chia cắt cân bằng của 2 nguyên tử là điểm đặc trưng của một cặp nguyên tử cá biệt, 1/2 khoảng cách này là bán kính van der Waals của nguyên tử. Biến tính (denaturation): sự chuyển biến của DNA hoặc RNA dạng mạch kép sang dạng mạch đơn hoặc protein từ cấu hình hoạt động sang dạng bất hoạt. Biểu đồ phát sinh loài (phylogram): biểu đồ biểu thị mối quan hệ giữa các đơn vị phân loại theo thời gian hay tỷ lệ tiến hóa. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment
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I. What is endocrinology? * The study of hormones chemical messangers * Nucleus collectiom of cell bodies of neurons of CNS * Ganglia collection of cell bodies of PNS II. Neurotransmitters vs. hormones * Neurotransmitters: * released into synapses (aka synaptic cleft) via exocytosis * secreted from the secreting cell to the target * affinity of neurotransmitter receptor binding lower because more neurotransmitter concentrated in synapses * Hormones: * released
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insulation from the cold, and a way of minimizing risk of injury from bumps and falls. UV-B rays that are emitted by the sun are harmful to skin cells. “It can damage molecules such as proteins and nucleic acid as they absorb this energy”. When DNA or RNA absorbs UV-B rays it can
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Bio 156 – Midterm Study Guide Lesson One I. Characteristics of Life • List four main characteristics of all living things II. Diversity and Organizing Life • Describe three ways of classifying, or ordering, life on earth. • Given a random ordering of the levels of organization of life, rearrange them into the proper sequence. • Describe the concept "an organism is more than the sum of its parts." • List the six kingdoms of life
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Peer-Reviewed Journal Tracking and Analyzing Disease Trends pages 557–740 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF D. Peter Drotman Associate Editors Paul Arguin, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Charles Ben Beard, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA Ermias Belay, Atlanta, Georgia, USA David Bell, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Sharon Bloom, Atlanta, GA, USA Mary Brandt, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Corrie Brown, Athens, Georgia, USA Charles H. Calisher, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA Michel Drancourt, Marseille, France Paul V. Effler, Perth, Australia
Words: 18561 - Pages: 75