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Alcohol Nicotine Research Paper

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Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine: the infamous chemical stimulants that most people are accustomed with today. It is therefore important to consider the period between the 16th and 18th century, whereby these substances grew in popularity and caused various changes to transpire in the societies that they entered. The following essay will discuss the causes and consequences of the growth in production and consumption of these substances, by looking specifically into alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.

Alcohol has been a part of society for a much longer time than one would suspect. Wine was the first form of alcohol that was accepted in society as it was seen as a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice in biblical times (6000 B.C – 400 B.C) . Other alcoholic …show more content…
The chief method as to how alcohol was able to grow was due to sea trade as well as the work of explorers and missionaries. These methods of work allowed alcohol to be transported from country to country, hereby increasing the awareness and demand for the substance. As explorers and missionaries visited new countries, they found new forms of alcohol that they then took with them to their next destination and so the cycle continued.

Another cause for the growth of alcohol popularity was the belief that it retained medicinal value . It was seen as something of a “heavenly substance” as it was believed to be able to cure almost all diseases and ailments with the added advantage of giving one better concentration and memory. This was especially important in a time where pharmaceuticals were nowhere near as advanced as it is today. Therefore, alcohol arrived on the medical scene in a large way and paved the way for research into its seemingly medicinal …show more content…
The substance has many negative health effects that can cause great damage to the human body. In certain cases, these effects can extend further than the physical consequences and affect the mind by hindering concentration. Also, as a result of its widespread use in smoking, a fire hazard was introduced into society, which caused smoking to be banned in certain places . However, due to its popularity, trade in- and cultivation of nicotine/tobacco increased largely and this led to increased profits and revenue for many countries. This is why, although the substance was damaging to the human body, the worst punishment it was (and still is) subjected to, is a tax. In relation to alcohol and nicotine as chemical stimulants is caffeine, which also had its own period of growth and consequence. Caffeine made its debut in Ethiopia and travelled north as a result of exporting and trade . Caffeine grew in production and consumption for multiple reasons. Akin to alcohol and tobacco, it was also initially believed to have medicinal properties; more specifically being seen as an antidote to alcohol because alcohol caused drowsiness while caffeine caused alertness . It was also seen as the only consumable drink (coffee) that offered a stimulating effect. Trade and travel also aided in its spread to different parts of the world, but it was popularised in

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