...LAPORAN 29 September 2013 FAMILY BUSINESS “PT. DJARUM” Oleh: Harry Santoso 0131101101 M.K. FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT S1 BISNIS PRASETIYA MULYA BUSINESS SCHOOL 2013 Visi Perusahaan: “Menjadi yang terbesar dalam nilai penjualan dan profitabilitas di industri rokok Indonesia” Misi Perusahaan: “Untuk memuaskan kebutuhan para perokok global” Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan: 1. Fokus pada pelanggan PT. Djarum selalu mengutamakan agar pelanggan selalu puas terhadap produknya, dengan memberikan harga yang relatif rendah meskipun keuntungan yang dicapai berkurang, hal ini diatasi dengan peningkatan hasil yang baik dan jumlah penjualan, selain itu juga PT. Djarum memberikan dana kepada beberapa pelanggan untuk memasarkan produknya sehingga tercipta hubungan yang sangat dekat. 2. Profesionalisme Profesional dalam membangun perusahaan secara baik, dimulai dengan perekrutan karyawan-karyawati yang potensial (salah satu elemen vitas bagi kegemilangan gerak sebuah perusahaan). Kemampuan perusahaan untuk melakukan inovasi secara terus menerus. Seiring tuntutan tersebut, PT. Djarum selalu memberikan respon yang inovatif pada konsumen. 3. Organisasi yang terus belajar Dengan keberhasilan yang diperoleh berupa penghargaan-penghargaan dan produk-produk yang inovatif, PT. Djarum tidak berpuas hati, dengan keberhasilan tersebut, PT. Djarum selalu belajar dari keberhasilan itu. Tidak hanya selalu menilai perusahaannya sendiri, PT. Djarum melakukan sharing...
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...I strongly disagree with the set up of the new factory especially when it clearly brings a lot of negative impacts to our community. Thus, my proposition is that the construction should be shut off immediately or else, the residents of this housing area will live in an unpleasant atmosphere and suffer from various hazardous effects. The reasons to protest the set up are mainly because of the harmful effects caused by the chemical, air and noise pollution. One of my major concerns is the disturbing environment caused by the noise from the construction site. The non-stop noises coming from the factory are very disturbing and distressing. Consequently, the residents in this area live in a not conducive atmosphere. On top of that, this condition is also affecting the students learning environment at the school nearby. They can hardly focus on the lesson while the teachers will also have difficulty in teaching at the same time. This is obviously a major distraction to everyone in the school. I am definitely not happy with this situation. Hence, I beg to oppose the set up of this industrial factory for the sake of our children’s future and our comfort. Not only that, the existence of this factory also guarantees you a very unhealthy atmosphere. The chemical waste produced by the factory will be dumped into the river nearby. Apparently, as a result, the river will be contaminated and subsequently will get very dirty and smelly. This is very worrying because we really need a clean water...
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...The position of a community health nurse has many obstacles including the transmission of communicable diseases. While there are many that exist in local jurisdictions, global communicable diseases may pose a threat for the world. Especially for people who travel abroad are presumed to be at higher risk to contract a communicable disease. For instance, SARS is a respiratory illness that could potentially lead to many health issues for an individual but can also be transmitted to others. If this illness is identified in a particular community the health care professionals to include the community nurse should be able to analyze the epidemiology, cause and manifestations of the disease, as well as the mode of transmission. The educated community nurse should have the knowledge base to deal with the outbreak of SARS. In order to meet the community needs as it relates to a communicable disease, the community nurse must take on specific measures. They must identify the disease along with its manifestations of symptoms and effective interventions to stop the spread. The causative agent for SARS is usually the Corona Virus, which is known for attacking a person’s respiratory system. The most common symptoms of SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, are headache, body aches, muscle aches, and a fever greater than 104 degrees. It is possible for a person too have diarrhea, coughing, and shortness of breath. It is usually spread through bodily secretions, such as coughing...
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...Those Who are going for CGI , on 9th May 2015 Sample Placement papers for CGI Aptitude sample paper for CGI - placement paper Q. Every day a driver comes to pick up a man at his office at 6pm. One day the man gets free early and rather than waiting for the driver, he starts walking for home at 4:30pm. The man meets the driver on the way and then reaches home 30minutes earlier than usual. What is the usual time that man takes to reach home from the office? Q. What is the distance travelled by a ball that falls from a height of 8 mts and each time it bounces half the distance back? Q. What is the height of the cone of diameter 12 cm that is formed after melting a sphere of 6 cm diameter? Q. A can work three times as B can work. If A takes 60 days less than B to complete the same task, calculate the number of days when both A and B start working together on the same day. a) 25 days b) 20 days c) 22 and 1/2 days d) 24 days Q. A boy has Rs 3 in total. If he wins, he gains 1 Rupee and if he looses, he has to loose 1 Rupee. The boy may lose only 5 times in the game and if he earns 5 Rs, he has to quit the game. Find the number of ways of the possibilities. Q. A and B decide to speak truth or lie on a day. Another person asks A if he is saying truth or lie. B listens to A whatever he answers. Now the person asks B what A had told. B replies as “ A has told that he is a liar”. What does B say? a) Truth b) Truth when A lies c) Lie d) Cannot be determined Q. What is the...
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...HR PRACTICES OF WIPRO STUDENT UNDERTAKING This is to certify that we have completed the Project titled “H R P r a c t i c e s o f W I P R O ” under the guidance of Prof Sana Danani in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Management Studies at Rizvi College of Arts, Seience & commerce. This is an original piece of work & we have not submitted it earlier elsewhere. ROLL NO. 105 86 100 89 71 NAME: Jyoti Singh Atul kumar Pandey Muzaffar Shaikh Asim Qureshi Jangle Sanchit SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank my Project Guide Prof. Sana Danani for her immense guidance, valuable help and the opportunity provided to us to complete the project under his guidance. I would like to thank all faculty members of Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce for guiding and supporting me in the completion of project from time to time. Last but not the least, my gratitude to great almighty and my parents without whose concerned and devoted support the project would not have been the way it is today. ROLL NO. 105 86 100 89 71 NAME: Jyoti Singh Atul kumar Pandey Muzaffar Shaikh Asim Qureshi Jangle Sanchit SIGN SUBJECT PROFESSOR (Prof. Sana Danani) CO-ORDINATOR (Furkan Shaikh) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled “ HR p r a c t i c e s o f W I P R O ” is an academic work done by the following student submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of management...
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...GPT 1 Task 3 Cassandra Green Bette Bogdan August 23, 2014 Outbreak From April to May 2013 there was a measles outbreak that occurred in a North Carolina community. One unvaccinated person traveling from India back to the United States brought the infection with them. The person belonged to a Hare Krishna community of about 25 families that did not vaccinate for communicable diseases and the result was an outbreak between two counties. Measles is a very contagious respiratory disease spread through droplets from the nose, mouth, and throat that are sprayed out when an infected person coughs or sneezes. One person can infect hundreds. The disease is preventable through vaccination and was officially eliminated in 2000 in the United States but due to more recent views on vaccination there have been more and more cases showing up throughout the country. Epidemiological Indicators A RNA virus that affects only humans causes measles. Measles are so contagious that 90% of people who are not immunized come in contact with someone who has it they will become infected. (Missouri Department of Helth and Senior Services) There is an incubation period of about 10 days with a rash appearing approximately 14 days after exposure. A fever is presents anywhere from 7 to 18 days after exposure. A person is most contagious up until 4 days after the onset of the rash. When a person is suffering from the measles they will have a fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, malaise, and most...
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...(80 µg/m3), NO2(80 µg/m3 ) , and NH3( 400 µg/m3 ) were within the permissible standards as per NAAQS. The presence of high concentration particulate pollutants has a significant negative impact on the ambient air of study area. REFERENCES 1. Air Sampling and Analysis, CPCB, 2009. 2. Ambient Air Quality Assessment, CPCB (2002). 3. Cleaner Production Manual for the Queensland Foundry Industry, November 1999. 4. D. N. S. Kumar Christ University, Bangalore “Impact of Cluster Development: A Case Study of Belgaum Foundry Cluster, Karnataka”, International Conference on Technology and Business Management 5. Dr. William Franek, PhD, PE Mr. Lou DeRose, J.D “Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control” Manual- APTI Course 452 Second Edition. 6. H.V. Dayal and S.N. Nandini, “Vehicular Emissions and Ambient Air Quality in Bangalore City”, Poll. Res. 19 (2), 2000, 205-209. 7. Mahuya Das Gupta Adak, Adak. S and Purohit. K.M, “Assessment of Ambient Air Quality in the Vicinity of Mini Cement Plants - A Case Study of Mandiakudar, Orissa”, Journal of Current Science 2 (I), 2002, 43 - 48. 8. National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 2009. 9. Operation Manual – Fine Particulate Sampler Cat. No. APM 550, Envirotech Instruments PVT. LTD, New Delhi. 10. Operation Manual – Gaseous Polluatant Sampler Cat. No. APM 433, Envirotech Instruments PVT. LTD, New Delhi. 11. Operation Manual – Respirable Dust Sampler Cat. No. APM 460 NL, Envirotech Instruments PVT. LTD, New...
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...Cuprins: Introducere I. Cererea si oferta forţei de muncă II. Indicatorii numarului si structurii forţei de muncă III. Masurarea gradului de neocupare a forţei de muncă IV. Forta de munca in Romania Concluzii Bibliografie Introducere Functionarea oricarui sistem de productie este de neconceput fara prezenta si interventia omului. Procesele de productie a bunurilor corporale si necorporale, respectiv a serviciilor, capabile sa satisfaca cele mai diverse nevoi umane, au ca element comun faptul ca desfasurarea lor presupune prestarea de munca. Trecem printr-o perioada dificila a economiei, datorita crizei care a cuprins intreaga lume si care afecteaza si locurile de munca din tara nostra, fiind tot mai putine in ultimii ani dar care, dupa analiza specialistilor, se vor inmulti in viitorii ani, tototdata scazand si rata somajului care in momentul actual este destul de ridicata. In lucrarea ce va urma, vom incerca sa prezentam oferta fortei de munca existente in momentul actual, dar si o scurta analiza asupra previzionarii ofertei fortei de munca pana in anul 2014. I. Cererea si oferta forţei de muncă Factorul muncă, care contribuie la crearea, utilizarea si dezvoltarea celorlalti factori de productie, se asigură prin intermediul pieţei muncii, aceasta ocupând un rol central in sistemul economico-social. Datorită acestui lucru, piaţa muncii are o influenta directa asupra altor subsisteme si ramuri economice si determină diverse acţiuni...
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...L E GE cu privire la Centrul pentru Combaterea Crimelor Economice şi Corupţiei nr. 1104-XV din 06.06.2002 Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova nr.91-94/668 din 27.06.2002 *** CUPRINS Capitolul I DISPOZIŢII GENERALE Articolul 1. Centrul pentru Combaterea Crimelor Economice şi Corupţiei Articolul 2. Cadrul juridic Articolul 3. Principiile de activitate Articolul 4. Structura Centrului Capitolul II ATRIBUŢIILE, OBLIGAŢIILE ŞI DREPTURILE CENTRULUI Articolul 5. Atribuţiile Centrului Articolul 6. Obligaţiile Centrului Articolul 7. Drepturile Centrului Capitolul III ORGANIZAREA ACTIVITĂŢII CENTRULUI. ATRIBUŢIILE DIRECTORULUI CENTRULUI Articolul 8. Organizarea activităţii Centrului Articolul 9. Atribuţiile directorului Articolul 10. Finanţarea şi asigurarea tehnico-materială Capitolul IV ANGAJAREA Î ORGANELE CENTRULUI N Articolul 11. Angajaţii Centrului Articolul 12. Condiţiile de angajare Articolul 13. Restricţii Articolul 14. Legitimaţia de serviciu şi uniforma Capitolul V ACORDAREA GRADELOR SPECIALE Articolul 15. Gradele speciale Articolul 16. Condiţiile generale de acordare a gradelor speciale Articolul 17. Acordarea gradelor speciale iniţiale Articolul 18. Jurămîntul Articolul 19. Termenele de deţinere a gradelor speciale Articolul 20. Limita de vîrstă Articolul 21. Neacordarea î termen a gradului special ulterior n Articolul 22. Particularităţile conferirii gradelor speciale şi calculării vechimii în muncă angajaţilor transferaţi în organele Centrului Capitolul VI SERVICIUL Î CADRUL...
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...Facultate de Ştiinţe Economice şi Gestiunea Afacerilor PLAN DE AFACERI SC Innovation SRL CUPRINS INTRODUCERE ...………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...4 1.1 Descrierea ideii de afacere 5 1.2 Denumirea firmei 5 1.3 Logo-ul firmei 5 1.4 Obiectul de activitate al firmei 6 1.5 Localizarea firmei 6 1.6 Capitalul social al firmei 7 1.7 Forma de organizare 7 1.8 Acţionarii principali, asociaţii, angajaţii 7 1.9 Descrierea produselor şi a servicilor 8 1.9.1 Proiectarea şi realizarea paginilor web 8 1.9.2 Realizare designului pentru paginile create 8 1.9.3 Implementarea softwere 8 1.9.4 Mentenenţă softwere 8 1.10 Analiza mediului extern al firmei 9 1.11 Analiza PEST 10 1.11.1 Mediul Politic 10 1.11.2 Mediul Economie 11 1.11.3 Mediul Social 11 1.11.4 Mediul Tehnologic 11 1.12 Planul de marketing 11 1.12.1 Descrierea Pieţei 11 1.12.2 Segmentul de piaţă căruia ne adresăm 12 1.13 Concurenţa 12 1.14 Analiza SWOT 13 1.15 Strategia de marketing 14 1.15.1 Obiectivele de marketing 14 1.15.2 Mixul de marketing 15 1.16 Previziunea vânzărilor 17 1.17 Planul de management 18 1.17.1 Misiunea şi obiectivele generale 18 1.17.2 Planul operaţional 18 1.17.3 Riscurile associate ideii de afacere 19 2.1 Prezentarea situaţiei actuale a firmei 21 2.2 Prezentarea ipotezelor pe care se bazează previziunile 21 2.3 Prezentarea situaţiei previzionate 21 2.3.1 Fluxul de numerar 21 2.3.2 Factorii care influenţează...
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...-^uc THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BY T. E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. PAGE, LITT.D. W. H. D. ROUSE, utt.d. CICEKO DE OFFICIIS I . M.TULLIUS CICERO. rROMTHE JAMES LO£B COLLECTION ^y^ CICERO DE OFFICIIS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY WALTER MILLER PBOFESSOR OF LATIN IN IHE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUEI LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD NEW YORK G. R PUTNAM'S SONS : : MCMXXVIII IV5 rhst printed 1913 Rtprinted 1921, 1928 PrxMtdin Oreat Brttain by Woods and Soni, Lld., LonJon, M. I INTRODUCTION In the de Officiis we have, save for the latter PhiUppicSj the great orator's last contribution to The last, sad, troubled years of his busj"^ literature. life could not be given to his profession; and he turned his never-resting thoughts to the second love of his student days and made Greek philosophy a possibihty for Roman readers. The senate had been abohshed; the courts had been closed. His occupation was gone but Cicero could not surrender himself to idleness. In those days of distraction (46-43 b.c.) he produced for pubhcation almost as much as in all his years of active life. The liberators had been able to remove the tyrant, but they could not restore the republic. Cicero's own hfe was in danger from the fury of mad Antony and he left Rome about the end of March^ 44 b.c. He dared not even stop permanently in any one of his various country estates, but, wretched^ wandered from one of his villas to another nearly...
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...ABHILASH GOYAL, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING COCA COLA Supply Chain Operations Excellence Trainee OTHER COMPANIES INTERVIEWED WITH: ITC and Schlumberger Program- BTECH HIGHLIGHTS OF MY CAMPUS STAY CPI: 8.8 Volunteer in Ritambhara, participated in 2-3 robotics events etc. PRE-PLACEMENT PREPARATION - When it came to resume building, I mentioned my internship (which was in Samsung), projects I did and the co-curricular activities - I was confident about my aptitude and was focussing mainly core and analytics. - I didn’t prepare for GD but finally had to give GD in Coca Cola, ITC and Schlumberger. So you can never be too sure of what comes your way during the placements. PLACEMENT EXPERIENCE - I started my placement journey by getting shortlisted in Capital One on Day 1. They shortlisted 125 candidates on the basis of resume. Then they took a case study interview and reduced the number to 30. Then again took an aptitude test but finally didn’t give offer to anyone. - Then came Coca Cola on Day 2. They organised GD in the groups of ten each and then there was a single interview of about half an hour which mainly consisted of HR based questions. The topic of the GD was “Are Engineering students wasting time in studies ?”. The interview mainly focussed on the commitment to work with them and asked whether I did any activity depicting leadership skills. - Coca Cola shortlisted candidates with medium profile like moderate CPI with few extracurrecs. I had a target of gettng...
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...a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so...
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...FAMILY OF SECRETS The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years RUSS BAKER Contents Foreword by James Moore 1. How Did Bush Happen? 2. Poppy’s Secret 3. Viva Zapata 4. Where Was Poppy? 5. Oswald’s Friend 6. The Hit 7. After Camelot 8. Wings for W. 9. The Nixonian Bushes 10. Downing Nixon, Part I: The Setup 11. Downing Nixon, Part II: The Execution 12. In from the Cold 13. Poppy’s Proxy and the Saudis 14. Poppy’s Web 15. The Handoff 16. The Quacking Duck 17. Playing Hardball 18. Meet the Help 19. The Conversion 20. The Skeleton in W.’s Closet 21. Shock and . . . Oil? 22. Deflection for Reelection 23. Domestic Disturbance 24. Conclusion Afterword Author’s Note Acknowledgments Notes Foreword When a governor or any state official seeks elective national office, his (or her) reputation and what the country knows about the candidate’s background is initially determined by the work of local and regional media. Generally, those journalists do a competent job of reporting on the prospect’s record. In the case of Governor George W. Bush, Texas reporters had written numerous stories about his failed businesses in the oil patch, the dubious land grab and questionable funding behind a new stadium for Bush’s baseball team, the Texas Rangers, and his various political contradictions and hypocrisies while serving in Austin. I was one of those Texas journalists. I spent about a decade...
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