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Becoming A Pharmacist Research Paper

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A pharmacist is an individual who is professionally qualified to dispense drugs described by physicians and provide information to patients about medication and their use. As the primary source of our medication, they serve a growing role in our healthcare system. There are two well-known pharmacy occupations which include becoming a pharmacist and becoming a pharmacy technician. Generally, pharmacists dispense medication and execute other complex things; while pharmacy technicians assist in this process. Regarding pharmacists, there are two types of settings that they work in; retail stores, as in CVS and Walgreens, and hospital environments, which are mainly in medical facilities. Becoming a pharmacist requires certain qualifications and skills, and is beneficial in numerous ways. Pharmacists generally work in an indoor environment. There, they do tasks such as reviewing prescriptions and providing information regarding the aspects of particular drugs. They will also spend time maintaining and keeping records for patient files, inventory, and system files. At their job, pharmacists must be very accurate and precise when verifying patient information and advising patients on the effects of health conditions and treatments. They also advise patients on general health topics such as …show more content…
Education and knowledge plays an important role when heading toward this occupation. For example, this career requires you to have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and a professional degree. For this occupation, you will need to have an ample knowledge of medicine and dentistry; this includes knowing the information and procedures to diagnose and treat human injuries. You must also have an extensive knowledge of math, chemistry, and biology. While working, there are abilities you need such as understanding the context of documents, communicating and working with customers, and being able to use distinct

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