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Submitted By shrina08
Words 2666
Pages 11
GCE Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2008 question paper


Paper 1 (Core), maximum raw mark 100

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began.
All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. •

CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2008 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. Page 2

Q. No.
1 (a)

Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

Expected Answer
Identify which one of the 10 points refers directly to:















(i) product knowledge
Award one mark for No. 2.




(ii) teamwork
Award one mark for No. 10.
With reference to Fig. 1, describe how waiting staff are expected to create good first impressions.
Award one mark for each of four valid statements, including appropriate development, about the creation of good first impressions as indicated on Fig. 1. Correct responses will include reference to:
• smile – to create welcome greeting
• personal appearance – uniform & tidy
• introduce self to guests
• have all equipment e.g. cloth, tray, pen & order pad
• behave in professional & efficient manner
Credit all valid points.
Analyse two ways to monitor the effectiveness of the customer service provided by the waiting staff.
Award one mark for each of two valid identifications of ways and up to a further two marks for an appropriate explanation of each. Correct ideas in this context include:
• observation by supervisor (1) – can provide both formal
(1) & informal feedback (1)
• complaints (1) – written (1) & in person (1)
• customer survey (1) – comments about service they have received (1) – highlights areas for improvement (1)
• mystery shopper (1) – formal feedback (1) allows benchmarking etc (1)
Explain two types of service encounter that the waiting staff in
Fig. 1 will have with internal customers.
This is clearly set in Fig. 1’s hospitality environment and the stated encounters must be appropriate. Award one mark for the identification of each of two valid encounters and award a second mark for each if appropriate explanatory development is offered. The more obvious examples will include:
• kitchen staff (1) – collecting meals (1)
• bar staff (1) – collecting drinks (1)
• maitre d’ (1) – complaints (1)
Credit all valid illustrations.

© UCLES 2008

Page 3


Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

With reference to travel and tourism examples with which you are familiar, assess how customer service delivery has been improved. Syllabus











Candidates are expected to have made a study of customer service within a chosen T&T organisation. Furthermore, they are also expected to have precise knowledge about three types of service procedure within particular job roles. We can thus accept references to a particular company and/or types of job role contained therein. We should reward candidates attempting to explain how the particular improvements under consideration have actually been achieved.

2 (a)


Use level of response criteria
Level 1 (1–3 marks) will identify up to three appropriate types of improved procedure providing some detail but will be mainly descriptive. Level 2 (4–6 marks) can be awarded for an analysis of selected procedures and we should expect an appropriate treatment, indicating what has been done, to allow suitability for customer or organisation requirements – at least two of these for the higher marks.
Level 3 (7–9 marks) can be awarded for evaluative comments about service provision with due reward being given to the range of procedures followed, particularly if these are relate to improved efficiency and thus improved customer service. The better answers will have a reasoned conclusion.
Describe the main differences between a travel agent and a tour operator.
Award one mark for each of two valid definitions and a further one mark for two appropriate developments about difference.
Key ideas are:
• travel agent = retailer (1) – selling travel products & ancillary services (1)
• tour operator = producer (1) – puts holiday packages together for sale (1)
• both are in chain of distribution (1) – some are vertically integrated to achieve economies of scale (1)
Credit all valid descriptions.
Identify the two brochures that are season-specific.
Award one mark for each of:
• Thomas Cook winter sun
• Thomson Summer Collection
NB names must be in full!

© UCLES 2008

Page 4




Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

Suggest advantages to Airmiles in operating through a call centre instead of retail outlets.
Award one mark for each of four valid advantages, allowing development, such as:
• potential 24/7 operation – extended opening
• competitive advantage – automated call handling
• reduced overheads – increased profit
• economies of scale – purpose built call centre site
Credit all valid reasoning.
Explain three advantages for destinations that are ports of call for cruise ships.
Award one mark for each of three valid advantages and award a further mark for an appropriate explanation of each. Correct ideas will include:
• increased visitor numbers (1) – higher visitor spend (1)
• additional jobs (1) – less unemployment and underemployment (1)
• additional demand (1) – increased multiplier effect (1)
• improved infrastructure (1) – attract other cruise operators (1)
Credit all valid reasoning.
Assess the extent to which the hosting of major international sporting events contributes to tourism development. You should refer to specific examples with which you are familiar.
This is topical and the candidate is being invited to apply their knowledge and understanding of tourism development objectives and relate them to this sports tourism context.
Furthermore, it is expected that the candidate will understand that the impacts associated with hosting the event will tend to be localised, rather than being evenly spread. We can credit consideration of all appropriate international sporting events.
Aspects to be assessed and evaluated can include:
• economic
• political
• socio-cultural
• environmental
Use level of response criteria
Level 1 (1–3 marks) candidates apply only limited or general knowledge and understanding and answers will be descriptive of sporting event impacts and lack much focus on particular destinations or the range of objectives host nations usually have.
Level 2 (4–6 marks) candidates apply some of their knowledge and understanding and will clearly attempt an analysis of 1 or 2 key objectives of sports tourism at particular destinations.
Level 3 (7–9 marks) candidates offer a clear evaluation of how hosting sports tourism events have caused particular destination(s) to develop through diversification of the total tourism product. They have every chance of being selfsustaining. We should expect valid reasoned conclusion(s) for the higher marks and reward those who argue in an appropriate manner about the uneven distribution of development i.e. national versus local scales.
© UCLES 2008












Page 5

3 (a)




Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

Identify the three Chinese cities with direct flights to Los
Award one mark for each of:
• Beijing
• Shanghai
• Guangzhou
State three services likely to be provided at the Los Angeles
Convention and Visitors Bureau in Beijing.
Award one mark for the identification of each of three appropriate services including:
• travel information about flights & transfers
• destination brochures/guides
• visa advice
• attraction details/flyers
• accommodation booking
• theme park tickets
Credit all valid suggestions.
With reference to Fig. 3, explain two reasons why China is likely to offer Los Angeles a large tourist market.
Award one mark for the identification of each of two Chinese market aspects from Fig. 3 and award a further mark for an explanation of each. Valid responses include:
• 86,000 visit already (1) – expect 12% increase by 2010 (1)
• number of Chinese with ability to travel now 176 m (1) –
50 m increase over next 3 years (1)
• LA has second largest US Chinese community (1) – great VFR potential (1)
Credit all valid reasoning.
The China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) is a public sector organisation. Discuss the main objectives of public sector tourism organisations.
The syllabus gives emphasis to the fact that the challenge facing those responsible for Destination Management is to try and ensure that tourism developments integrate with the other social and economic activities of the particular area so that future development will be sustainable. Public sector organisations are nationally funded for the common good and candidates will probably think in the Chinese context and make reference to economic, political and social aims & objectives.
Use level of response criteria
Level 1 (1–2 marks) will identify up to two appropriate types of objective, providing some detail but will be mainly descriptive about features.
Level 2 (3–4 marks) can be awarded for an analysis of selected objectives and we should expect an appropriate treatment, indicating suitability for tourism development, of at least two for the higher marks.
Level 3 (5–6 marks) can be awarded for evaluative comment about the range of objectives related to different types of development need. The better answers will have a reasoned conclusion. © UCLES 2008















Page 6


Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

Evaluate the significance of business tourism to the successful development of destinations. You should refer to specific examples with which you are familiar.









Candidates should be aware that international tourist arrivals reached an all-time record of 763 million in 2004 and that the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide increased in
2004 by 73 million. Business travel accounted for 16% of all international visits. Furthermore, business tourism is resilient, sustainable and creates quality employment opportunities. It regenerates urban and resort areas – 40% of business visitors return with their families on leisure trips. It stimulates inward investment and facilitates significant export earnings. Over the last ten years there has been a 53% growth in all business trips, exceeding the overall tourism growth rate. The conference and incentive travel segments are predicted to grow at a faster rate than any other tourism sector to the year
2010. Revenues from international business tourism are estimated to account for approximately 36% of total international tourism revenue by 2010.
Answers could thus look at the above ideas in relation to the
Butler model and the need to develop a sustainable tourism product. 4 (a)

Use level of response criteria
Level 1 (1–3 marks) candidates apply only limited or general knowledge and understanding and answers will be descriptive of business facilities and lack much focus on particular destinations or the range of products/services available to the business traveller.
Level 2 (4–6 marks) candidates apply some of their knowledge and understanding and will clearly attempt an analysis of 1 or
2 of the effects of business tourism activities on particular destinations. Level 3 (7–9 marks) candidates offer a clear evaluation of how business tourism has caused particular destination(s) to evolve or rejuvenate themselves while, through diversification of the total tourism product, have every chance of being selfsustaining. We should expect valid reasoned conclusion(s) for the higher marks and give due credit to those who argue in an appropriate manner against the suggestion.
Fig. 4(c) indicates that building development is taking place around Hammamet. State four negative environmental impacts that may result from this development work.
Award one mark for each of four valid impacts such as:
• noise pollution (construction work)
• visual pollution (blocks of flats)
• congestion (building site access)
• air pollution (increased traffic)
• habitat destruction
• increased litter & waste
• water pollution

© UCLES 2008

Page 7




Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

Explain two reasons for the appeal of the holiday properties shown in Fig. 4(b) to foreign owners.
Award one mark for each of two valid identifications and a further one mark for an appropriate explanation of each.
Correct ideas include:
• view (1) – sea and/or marina (1)
• location (1) – easy access to both (1)
• prestige (1) – exclusive developments (1)
• cost (1) – price represented value (1)
• asset (1) – investment growth (1)
Allow all valid reasoning.
Explain four socio-economic impacts on the local community which may be caused by the Hammamet Yasmine Marina development. Tunisia is an LEDC and the modern development shown in
Fig. 4 will have brought a variety of problems. Award one mark for each of four valid identifications and a further one mark for an appropriate explanation of each. Correct ideas include:
• decline of traditional employment opportunities (1) – now service based (1)
• seasonality of employment (1) – winter is quiet season
• increased living costs (1) – locals cannot afford (1)
• leakages (1) – foreign owned providers (1)
• conflicts with the host community (1) – Demonstration
Effect (1)
• social problems, such as begging and prostitution (1) – leads to crime (1)
• loss of cultural identity (1) – leads to changes to family structure etc (1)
Credit all valid negative socio-economic impacts.
Discuss the reasons why mass market tourist destinations that were popular in the 1980s and 1990s are now facing decline.
This invites candidates to write in general terms but it would be quite appropriate to consider matters in terms of the Butler model of destination evolution. The success of future tourism within existing mass market destinations is very much connected with the way in which the industry’s stakeholders understand and incorporate the emerging critical trends that will influence further development. Tourism is undergoing major changes;
• aging world population (western countries)
• active life style of older traveller
• development of emerging markets
• growing disposable income of the youth market segment
• increased awareness about impact of tourism on environment etc

© UCLES 2008












Page 8

Mark Scheme
GCE A LEVEL – October/November 2008

The above will decisively influence the number of tourists, motivation, destination and product choices as well as activities of future travellers. The rapid liberalization and deregulation of markets will bring fierce competition based on price, quality and characteristics of the tourism products.
These trends will bring profound changes and many destinations will not be able to maintain their market share.
Use level of response criteria
Level 1 (1–3 marks) candidates apply only limited knowledge and understanding and answers will be descriptive of traditional mass market destinations, thus obtaining credit for the identification of appropriate examples, but lack much of a focus on the potential for decline.
Level 2 (4–6 marks) candidates apply some of their knowledge and understanding and will clearly attempt an analysis of some of the reasons for loss of popularity and may consider appropriate Butler stages.
Level 3 (7–9 marks) candidates use their knowledge and critical understanding to offer a clear evaluation of the reasons for identifiable older mass market destinations being under threat and they may well relate this to Butler evolution. We should expect valid reasoned conclusion(s) for the higher marks. © UCLES 2008



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Black Scholes

...Universidad Iberoamericana Cálculo Vectorial Avanzado “Modelo de Black-Scholes y las Opciones Europeas” Mtra. Teresa Martínez Palacios Luisa Adame Elías México, D.F., a 8 de mayo de 2012. Modelo de Black-Scholes y las Opciones Europeas Resumen La finalidad de este trabajo es entender el Modelo de Black-Scholes-Merton. Este método es el que se utiliza con mayor frecuencia para la valuación de opciones europeas en el mercado de derivados. Para poder comprender de mejor manera explicaremos de manera básica el mercado de derivados así como las opciones europeas. Conoceremos parte de la historia del método de Black-Scholes, obtendremos su ecuación diferencial parcial y conoceremos como aplicarla. También veremos un aplicación práctica donde alguna empresa muestra la manera en que llego a utilizar este tipo de opciones. Introducción Un derivado es un instrumento financiero que asegura el precio a futuro de la compra o venta sobre un activo (llamado activo subyacente), para prevenir o adelantarse a las posibles variaciones al alza o a la baja del precio que se generen sobre éste. Su principal característica es que son dependientes al valor del activo subyacente. Por ejemplo, el precio del oro, del petróleo (en el caso de commodities), o de acciones, índices bursátiles, tasa de interés, valores de renta fija, etc. (en el caso de instrumentos financieros). Entre los derivados más utilizados en el mercado se encuentran los contratos...

Words: 3404 - Pages: 14

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Instrumentos de Cobertura

...Guía para la Competitividad Cambiaria del Sector Exportador GUÍA PARA LA COMPETITIVIDAD CAMBIARIA DEL SECTOR EXPORTADOR © Primera edición: Febrero 2011, Lima, Perú Distribución gratuita. Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú: N° 2011-00999 Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo Viceministerio de Comercio Exterior Dirección Nacional de Desarrollo de Comercio Exterior Calle Uno Oeste N° 50, Urbanización Córpac. San Isidro, Lima – Perú. Telf: 513-6100 Impresor: Ilustra Consultores S.A.C. Av. La Mar N° 832 Dpto. 201 Miraflores, Lima – Perú Telf: 221-5335 Tomo II Instrumentos de Cobertura Cambiaria Guía para la Competitividad Cambiaria del Sector Exportador - TOMO N° 2: Instrumentos de Cobertura Cambiaria. Guía para la Competitividad Cambiaria del Sector Exportador - TOMO N° 2: Instrumentos de Cobertura Cambiaria. Estimado Lector: S i usted es exportador, probablemente ha vivido en carne propia como las variaciones en el tipo de cambio, sobre todo una caída significativa y prolongada en el mismo, pueden representar un riesgo para sus ingresos y ganancias. Defenderse de este fenómeno económico es imperativo si usted quiere sobrevivir y prosperar. La pregunta que probablemente se está haciendo es cómo. Cada una de las guías aborda temas específicos del quehacer comercial y financiero vinculado al mercado cambiario. Dichos temas se han desarrollado dando respuestas a consultas seleccionadas...

Words: 9195 - Pages: 37

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...Planificación de Alcance Jacqueline Rodríguez Universidad Metropolitana 2 de junio de 2016 Profesor José Rivera Instrucciones 1. El/La estudiante realizará búsquedas electrónicas en la base de datos de la Institución o cualquier motor de búsqueda, utilizando palabras relacionadas con el contenido disponibles en los objetivos específicos del curso. * Conceptos Generales del PMBOK: Grupos de los Procesos (5 grupos) * Grupos de los procesos de iniciación: Según Sánchez, Arias (2010) el primer proceso que es la fase de iniciación se compone de procesos que facilitan la autorización formal para comenzar un nuevo proyecto o una fase del mismo. Esto denota solamente un proceso de autorizaciones para dar inicio a la constitución formal del proyecto, en el que las necesidades han sido entendidas y analizadas. * Grupo de procesos de planificación: En este proceso, el componente de gestión en lo concerniente a las operaciones es visto como consistente en la creación, revisión e implementación centralizada de planes, y al asumirse que poner un plan en acción es solo cuestión de emitir órdenes, la producción del plan resulta ser un sinónimo de acción (Koskela y Howell, 2002). * Grupo de procesos de ejecución: En una perspectiva teórica de producción, Koskela y Howell rescatan como única referencia directa de la interface común entre plan y trabajo, la relacionada con el sistema entre plan y trabajo, y en ese caso, la comunicación oral o escrita de autorizaciones...

Words: 4706 - Pages: 19

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Proceso de Software

...MODELOS DE PROCESO Un modelo de procesos de software es una simplificación o abstracción de un proceso real. Podemos definir un modelo de proceso del software como una representación abstracta de alto nivel de un proceso software. Cada modelo es una descripción de un proceso software que se presenta desde una perspectiva particular. Cada modelo describe una sucesión de fases y un encadenamiento entre ellas. Un modelo es más adecuado que otro para desarrollar un proyecto dependiendo de un conjunto de características de éste. Un proceso del software es un conjunto de actividades que conducen a la creación de un producto software. MODELO CASCADA Este modelo considera a cada actividad del proceso como una fase autónoma que produce una salida o documento aprobado. La siguiente fase comienza cuando se ha finalizado con la anterior. Las fases se suceden en orden estrictamente secuencial. Ventajas: * Fácil de administrar. permite detectar fácilmente el avance en el desarrollo, debido a que cada actividad produce un artefacto * En cada fase están bien definidas las salidas a producir para avanzar a la siguiente etapa. * El proceso de desarrollo es claro de entender por los clientes. * La separación de análisis, diseño e implementación conduce a sistemas robustos Desventajas: * Modelo inflexible: presenta dificultades para hacer cambios entre etapas. * Este modelo tiene una visión estática de la ingeniería de requisitos, ignora la volatilidad natural...

Words: 8378 - Pages: 34