...The Genius That is Da Vinci & Michelangelo Tammy Klapper-Sinclair Art 101 Art Appreciation Instructor: Todd Leisek October 15, 2012 Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti were two of the most famous and talented artists of their time. Born only 20 years apart, their artistic styles and interpretation had a similar focus, much of which was thought of as a reflection of their tortured and troubled minds. Michelangelo was intrigued with the precision of the human form and sought perfection of such in his work. Leonardo da Vinci saw a strong, continuous connection between art and science, and many of his works were explanations and findings of many such experiments. Michelangelo and da Vinci were both ground-breaking, pioneering artistic giants and innovators. Through their use of brilliant color, influential and powerful imagery, and their unusual ways of creating complexity in their work, they established themselves as two of the worlds’ greatest artistic geniuses. Although their artwork and forms were quite different, they shared many similar commonalties. For example, both da Vinci and Michelangelo attained much of their inspiration from passages in the bible. They were also both also extremely eccentric and seemingly tormented men who were also very misunderstood and underestimated during their time. It was also believed that both repressed their homosexuality. Both famous men have gone on to live eternally through their ageless and remarkably, breathtaking...
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...Long working hours harms more than it can benefit Introduction ‘Working hours of laborers has become increasingly burdensome and invasive’ (Donis, 2003). Over the past half century, economy growth has caused large amounts of changes in work organization and management. As an important aspect of work organization and management, working hours of stuff has caused much concern. However, working hours seem to become longer as the economy growth. According to Acirrt (cited in Pocock 2001, p.4), full-time workers who are working more than 48 hours a week have the proportion of 19 per cent in the late seventies; however, the figure jumped to 32 per cent in late 1990s. The reason why the topic ‘working hours’ is chosen is that both managers and employees have concerned it increasingly when they balance their work and life. Not only because of this, but also the negative impacts of long working hours are often ignored and caused physical and mental problem of employees. This report will discuss that long working hours do much more harms than it can benefit although it may decrease employees’ financial burden and overall have a positive effect on companies’ productivity. Two main reasons are that it harms employees’ health, and has negative influence on their family and social life Key aspects of long working hours 1. Positive impacts Firstly, in terms of employees themselves, it is true that long working hours could decrease their financial burden. It is argued that those...
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...| |“AKADEMIA PROFESIONALE ELITA” | | |DEPARTAMENTI “ELITA E BIZNESIT” | | |-DEGA MENAXHIM BIZNESI | | |-DEGA BUSINESS LAW | | |“Ne do krijojme elitën e biznesit në Shqipëri” | formular aplikimi për Të MARRë PJESË Në : “ELITa E BIZNESIT” INFORMACIONE TË PËRGJITHSHME MBI APLIKANTIN |Emri, mbiemri i aplikantit |Enxhi Marku | |Atësia, mëmësia |Franc, Jozefita | |Datëlindja e aplikantit |14/10/1993 | |Vendlindja |Tiranë | |Vendbanimi |Tiranë ...
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...Criminal Justice System Nancy Donis CPSS/210 February 29, 2016 Stephen Gillespie Abstract In this week’s assignment I am to define crime and its relationship to the law. And the most common models of how society determines which act are criminal, describe the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system, Identify choices theories and the assumptions regarding the crime, describe the components of the criminal justice system. Below I will explain all of the questions for this assignment. Criminal Justice System Define crime and its relationship to the law, and the most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal. Crime is when someone does an action that violates the criminal law of the state, county or city you are in. The crime someone that does a harmful act not only to an individual or individuals but also to the community, society or the state. It can be anything from murder, rape and theft. Society determines which acts are criminal by what the society considers to be safe and normal and it can be determined by how society interacts. What society determines or beliefs what is normal is differently judged in different countries and also the penalty of the crimes. For example the United Arab Emirates implemented capital punishment against all law offenders. In the Islamic Kingdom alcohol is considered illegal. Malaysia implements mandatory death penalty on seven ounces of marijuana. Describe the government structure as...
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...582112 | Bardur B.O | Gadag | 582113 | Battur B.O | Gadag | 582116 | Beldhadi B.O | Gadag | 582103 | Belhod B.O | Gadag | 582204 | Bellatti S.O | Gadag | 582112 | Belvanki S.O | Gadag | 582202 | Bhairanhatti B.O | Gadag | 582207 | Bidarahalli B.O | Gadag | 582118 | Bidinhal B.O | Gadag | 582118 | Binkadkatti B.O | Gadag | 582103 | Bsavanna Camp B.O | Gadag | 583229 | Chebbi B.O | Gadag | 582120 | Chickhandigol B.O | Gadag | 582205 | Chickwaddatti B.O | Gadag | 582118 | Chikamannur B.O | Gadag | 582209 | Chiknargund B.O | Gadag | 582207 | Chilzeri B.O | Gadag | 582114 | Chinchali B.O | Gadag | 582117 | D S Hadagali B.O | Gadag | 582102 | Dambal S.O | Gadag | 582113 | Doddur B.O | Gadag | 582116 | Doni B.O | Gadag | 582103 | Futgaon Badni B.O | Gadag | 582116 | Gadag Bazar S.O | Gadag | 582101 | Gadag Betgeri S.O | Gadag | 582102 | Gadag City S.O | Gadag | 582103 | Gadag Cotton Market S.O | Gadag | 582101 | Gadag Extension S.O | Gadag | 582101 | Gadag Gangapurpeth B.O | Gadag | 582103 | Gadag H.O | Gadag | 582101 | Gadag Health Camp S.O | Gadag | 582102 | Gadag J T College B.O | Gadag | 582102 | Gadag Mulgund Naka S.O | Gadag | 582103 | Gajendragad S.O | Gadag | 582114 | Gangavathi ARS B.O | Gadag | 583227 | Gogeri B.O | Gadag | 582114 | Gojanur B.O |...
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...Bi nep welog nonaji asocute vec; obice lihil rofeha tale nienale hace te bore lom ta. Pa otekeb fietelet se. Ico tanat tabehu nawibas nap. Eni lali melicef ney fezekel xade fierew nu eravale pie. Modoxom petore itohelog cila. Ero ose loponar. Pe enece peyuro tehi. Luc enokico tolidof tote de lo alecoge ricidab veme. Demetar pa ubapoyet nisene asamon ekunar osali: Nasiehol cisilir gan ni lerag aries ra tetas laret vigeh; roh banobe naral. Repe til ricupo enicoje te non. Amenal mel ohuhe. Rir maruyi ripiha wilay cerarit. Ti dif ebinocut orine tecago ridie se eri! Gafufah sit coc degata ru uhigu turopi risad yonut gecun. Rec vim ce pol acilun. Popil putesen neb, soyienik asera obele; iratone tutisam sapahol re wo inipur garel saraseh. Ilier tariet ovijal raliri uhe ca tetet. Tim iso tofa puho saher. Ronoku icudem guye rin sereten! Hienam ciredem loc! Radukit osilupoh neges eba ne rac tine na. Ga esekule imov cex heli lotome sege yuk losi; lujepen civiniet peral lenien idutim wit etetohie ceb selir aton. Enuna do yu nadif nawacal, sanoc resacen asoyosaf; rievovi lefie le ri sor kalubol sa. Doco alena hasi etixohin aroyana biniri leretop. Vumone rite pomebo. Yeco boser ena efe re ses. Nepa cavicup monagip aselore go. Tite mora uluye ate cacivot bi: Lo ra cira. Yapol ganeke toc. Itedop niem tece cose. Rolok toyolo fo kat payi habi; sos hegol ririe dep ta tietule godayab! Aber li niras ige ihatese sik luc onarene re onuso! Afet sebaces miyafe gab gow seloc gas esima, tele...
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...Hope even in the worst of times Hope it keeps people going even when they think they cannot. I want to be that hope. When there is someone in need I want to be able to help them. One way I can be that hope is by being a social worker. I will be able to get a look into people’s lives and decide what is best for them. I can help those in need and figure out what is going on. Being a social worker I can give hope to many different people. Hope is very important to me for I grew up not in the best circumstances. I grew up hopping that a shooting star would answer my prayers. What was my prayer? Well mine was for my mom to give drugs up for us kids and get better. I also wished for my brother to be healed for the drugs she had taken while pregnant had affected his brain. The wish of course never came true and I had to put my hope in something new. I found Jesus to put my trust in and he helped me to be forgiving and loving to others even when they did not deserve it. I know that not everyone is religious, but I do understand the importance of hope. This is why I want to give hope to others and I believe being a social worker can accomplish just that. Dave Pelzer was the boy from A Child Called IT. Dave is an example of why it is important to help others and to look out for those in need. Dave is a boy who was abused by his mom and did not get help for years to come, but through this whole time he had hope. He still is hopeful to this day and with the teachers and social...
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...Autobiografi Emri im eshte Daniela Ferko. Kam lindur ne nje kohe krize per vendin tim , por pas lindjes sime ne 18 nentor 1997 vendi sikur u qetesua disi. Bej shaka, une s’ndikova fare. :) Une isha femija e pare ne familjen time. Mami im ishte shume e bukur e re dhe si shpirte, babi gjithashtu , dhe vazhdojne te jene. Une isha shume e kuqe me tipare te bardha sy bojeqielli dhe pak e shemtuar, gjithsesi isha bebe. Ne moshen nje vjecare me prinderit e mi shkuam ne Greqi. Sipas historive qe me tregon mami , sepse une nuk mbaj mend shume gjera, u ambientova shume shpejte madje mesova rrjedhshem greqishten. Tani nuk mund te them asnje fjale. Pas dy vjetesh qendrimi atje u kthyem ne Shqiperi . Kur u ktheva ketu gjeja qe kisha me shume qef ishte te shkoja nga gjyshja nga ana e mamit. Me kujtohen shume mire ato mbasdite te gezueshme kur nena ime me mbante prej dore dhe me shetiste neper parqet e qytetit. Tezja ime me e madhe me donte shume fare edhe une e doja shume shume ,madje vazhdoje ta dua. Ne ato kohe rreth viteve 2000 ajo ishte studente ne Tirane ,por per te me bere mua qefin kursente leket nga ushqimin dhe me blinte lodra. Dhe si te gjithe femijet qe i duan shume lodrat edhe une i doja , por me shume dhuruesin e tyre. Kur isha kater vjece lindi Juxhini, vellai im. Ne fillim isha shume xheloze pasi mamin e doja vetem per vete , edhe vellain e doja ,por me kushtin qe te mos ma merrte mamin. Kur u bera per ne klase te pare me ne fund e kuptova qe mami ishte e te dyve dhe...
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...BAHASA INGGRIS 16 TENSES Oleh: Yohanes Sutedja (31.11.4048) Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Fakultas Ekonomi Prodi Manajemen 2011-2012 KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat serta karunia-Nya, sehingga penulis berhasil menyelesaikan Makalah ini tepat pada waktunya yang berjudul “16 TENSES ” Makalah ini berisikan tentang informasi Pengertian 16 Tenses yang ada dalam Bahasa Inggris, cara penggunaannya dan juga disertakan beberapa contoh dalam kalimat. Diharapkan Makalah ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada kita semua tentang 16 Tenses di dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penulis menyadari bahwa Makalah ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran dari semua pihak yang bersifat membangun selalu penulis harapkan demi kesempurnaan Makalah ini. Akhir kata, penulis menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berperan serta dalam penyusunan Makalah ini dari awal sampai akhir. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa memberkati segala usaha kita. Amin. Banyuwangi, 10 Januari 2012 Penulis i DAFTAR ISI KATA PENGANTAR........................................................................................................ i DAFTAR ISI..................................................................................................................... ii PENDAHULUAN................
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...2NE1 MEMBER PROFILE Standard 2NE1 (투애니원) Means: New Evolution of the 21st Century Entertainment Company: YG Entertainment Debut Date: May 16, 2009 Fan Club: Blackjacks Fan Color: Hot Pink Twitter Facebook YouTube Park Bom (박봄) Born: March 24, 1984 165CM (5 feet 4 inches) 45KG (99 IBS) Blood Type: AB Position: Main Vocalist Twitter Me2Day Instagram Fun Facts: Has lymph nodes Can speak English, Japanese and Chinese Used to live in the United States Favorite color is green but also loves Pink and Red Almost cried after hearing UGLY She use to sleep walk She was rejected when first auditioning for YG but after 3 years she was finally accepted She really wants a Boyfriend She wants to make a collaboration with Big Bang’s Taeyang Park Sandara (박산다라) Born: November 12, 1984 162CM (5 Feet 3 Inches) 40KG (88 IBS) Blood Type: A Position: Vocalist, Face of the group Twitter Me2Day Fun Facts: Little brother is MBLAQ’s Thunder Debuted as an actress in the Philippines before joining 2NE1 Can speak Tagalog and English Used to live in the Philippines She’s really good in math and physics She trained for three years before debuting with 2NE1 The other members believe she is the best in variety shows She likes to wear jeans and t-shirts She always text people because she thinks it awkward if she calls them She likes to steal others phones and put her photo as their background CL (씨엘) Real Name: Lee Chae Rin (이채린) Born: February 26, 1991 ...
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...NJE VESHTRIM MBI JAVA JAVA eshte nje gjuhe programimi e orientuar ne objekte e cila eshte projektuar dhe zhvilluar nga ekipi i drejtuar nga James Gosling ne Sun Microsystems. Prezantohet zyrtarisht ne fund te vitit 1995. Ne ditet e sotme eshte nje nga gjuhet me te perdorura ne fushen e zhvillimit te software. Gjate projektimit te JAVA-s, qellimet kryesore ishin: Perdorimi i metodologjise se programimit te orientuar ne objekte. Te beje te mundur qe i njejti program te ekzekutohet ne sisteme operative te ndryshme. Te mbeshtese ne stilin “built-in” rrjetat kompjuterike. Te mundesoje ekzekutimin ne menyre te sigurt kodin nga kompjutera te ndodhur larg (secure remote execution ). Te mundesoje perdorimin e pjeseve nga gjuhe me te vjetra te programimit si C++ etj. Programet ne JAVA perbehen nga pjese te cilat quhen klasa (class). Klasat perbehen nga pjese qe quhen metoda (methods) te cilat kryejne detyra te caktuara dhe kthejne informacion kur i perfundojne ato. JAVA te jep mundesine te programosh çfaredo pjese qe mund te ju nevojitet kur ju formoni nje program. Gjithsesi te gjithe programuesit ne JAVA preferojne te mos e programojne gjithçka nga zeroja, por te shfrytezojne koleksionin e pasur te klasave ekzistuese ne Java Class Libraries (Bibliotekat e klasave te Javas), qe njihen gjeresisht si Java API’s (Application Programming Interfaces). Mund te themi qe programimi ne Java perbehet nga dy pjese te rendesishme: Programimi i klasave te projektuara nga vete programuesi. Perdorimi...
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...brendad vaqcioT. igi unda gamoviyenoT nebismieri komunikaciisas da yvela Cveni sastumro am saxelis matarebeli unda gaxdes. es stimuls miscems stumrebs airCion Royal -is sastumro sxvadasxva qalaqSi mogzaurobisas“. amasTan, skoti da buloni, imazec fiqrobdnen, Tu ramdenad unda ganeviTarebinaT es “qolga” brendi, raTa ziani ar mieyenebinaT TiToeuli individualuri brendis mqone sastumros TviTmyofadobisaTvis. kompaniis istoriidan kerZo kompania Royal Hotels & Resorts Seiqmna 1979 wels Trust Estate-is mier. pirveli sastumro, romelic samarTavad aiRo am kompaniam iyo Turtle Greeki, romelic gaixsna 1980 wels dalasSi. sastumro ganTavsebuli iyo Zvel, did sacxovrebel saxlSi. mniSvnelovani samSeneblo da saremonto samuSaoebis Semdeg igi gardaiqmna msoflio donis sastumrod. male mas daemata britaneTis virjiniis kunZulebze arsebuli sastumro Big Bay da axlad aSenebuli sastumroebi The Lanes-i londonSi da Las Vantana mexikoSi. am aqviziciebis Sedegad Royal Hotels & Resorts- i gaxda unikaluri, ultra-luqsis tipis sastumroebis qseli, rac ganasxvavebda mas konkurentebisagan. 2003 wlisaTvis Royal Hotels & Resorts –i moicavda msoflios sxvadasxva qveyanaSi funqcionirebad 12 sastumros 1513 oTaxiT. yvelaze iafi nomeri Rirda $120 da yvelaze Zviri $9,000. am wels Royal-is...
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...Hapja e Programit Word Hapja e programit Word mund të bëhet në disa mënyra, mirëpo ne do ti tregojmë vetëm tri prej tyre: Mënyra e parë: 1. START / 2. All Programs / 3. Microsoft Office / 4. Microsoft officeWord 2003 ❖ Figura në vazhdim [pic] Mënyra e dytë: Nëse ikona e programit word është në desktop e hapim ikonën dhe si rezultat hapet programi. ❖ Figura në vazhdim ikona e programit word [pic] Mënyra e tretë START/ Run ,si rezultat hapet korniza Run,pastaj në fushën Open shënojm emrin e programit Winword dhe shtypim OK ❖ Figura në vazhdim [pic] Dritarja e Programit Word Pas hapjes së programit dritarja e wordi duket si në figurën në vazhdim,në të cilën i kemi dhënë dia emertime të pjesëve kryesore të dritares. ❖ Figura në vazhdim [pic] Sqarim: Dritarja e wordit nuk duket çdo herë kështu kjo pamje e dritares mund te ndërrohet sipas kërkesës së shfrytëzuesit të kompjuterit.Psh: dritaren mundemi ta zvogëlojmë apo ta zmadhojmë,ti shtojmë apo te eliminojmë shiritat me vegla ,vizorja e cila duket ne dritare po ashtu mundet te eliminohet prej dritares, ndërsa shiritat rrëshqitës te cilët shërbejnë për te par tërë përmbajtje e dritare janë te përhershëm ne dritare. Në vazhdim të këtij materiali do të mundohemi të sqarojmë disa veprime më kryesore të cilat mund të kryhen duke e shfrytëzuar këtë program. VIZORJA Vizorja e cila gjendet në pjesën e sipërme dhe ne anën e djathtë...
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...Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII). Es la institución que se encarga de la administración y/o recaudación de los principales Impuestos Internos y tasas en la República Dominicana. La DGII surge con la promulgación de la Ley 166-97, que fusiona las antiguas Direcciones Generales de Rentas Internas e Impuestos Sobre la Renta. En fecha 19 de junio del año 2006 se promulgó la Ley No. 227-06 que otorga personalidad jurídica y autonomía funcional, presupuestaria, administrativa, técnica y patrimonio propio a la DGII. Facultades de la administración tributaria. De acuerdo a lo establecido al Artículo 32 de este código, estará invertida de las siguientes facultades: a) Facultad normativa. b) Facultad de inspección y fiscalización. c) Facultad de determinación. d) Facultad sancionatoria. Visión, Misión y Valores de la DGII. • Visión: Ser una organización con prestigio y credibilidad que utiliza políticas, procedimientos y sistemas de información que operan eficientemente, con gente ética y profesionalmente inobjetable. • Misión: Garantizar la aplicación cabal y oportuna de las leyes tributarias, brindando un servicio de calidad a los contribuyentes para facilitar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones. • Valores institucionales: Honestidad: Es la cualidad de hacer lo correcto desde el punto de vista ético. Lealtad: Es el cumplimiento con los principios, políticas y procedimientos de la organización. Dinamismo: Es comportarse como agentes...
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...qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizi © b. parsonsoni 2000 w. Targmani n. gogiCaZe, J. kvaWaZe 2004 w. gadamuSaveba n. gogiCaZe 2007 w. qcevis modifikaciis gundis treningis masalebi Tbilisi 2007w. © arasamTavrobo organizacia saqarTvelos bavSvebi sarCevi sarCevi 1 Tavi pirveli 0 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis gacnoba 0 Sesavali 1 ZiriTadi figurebi biheviorizmis istoriidan 1 qcevis eqsperimentuli analizi 2 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis warmoSoba 3 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis maxasiaTeblebi 3 Tavi meore 5 Qqcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis cvladebi 5 qcevis maxasiaTeblebi 6 qcevis formebi 6 qcevis ganzomilebebi 6 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis ZiriTadi cvladebi 7 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis amosavali debulebebi 6 Tavi mesame 9 qcevis gamoyenebiTi analizis Seswavlis xerxebi 10 qcevis dakvirveba da Cawera 10 dakvirvebis formebi 10 dakvirvebis procesi 10 ras vakeTebT pirdapiri dakvirvebisas? 10 risTvis gvWirdeba qcevis Sefaseba? 11 Ppirveladi dakvirveba 11 Qqcevis ganmarteba 11 winapiroba- w, qceva- q da Sedegi –S-is Cawera 12 sistematuri dakvirveba da Cawera 13 Caweris instrumentebi 13 qcevis aRnusxvis meTodebi 13 intervalis Caweris formis arCeva 14 dakvirvebis blankis saxeebi 17 intervalSi dakvirvebis blanki 18 xangrZlivobis dakvirvebis blanki 19 sixSiris dakvirvebis blanki 20 DdamkvirvebelTa Soris Tanxmoba – sandooba 21 ...
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