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Dreyfus Brothers

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At the start of the twentieth century, most clothes came from natural fibers such as from a cotton field, a sheep’s back or a silkworm. Camille and Henry Dreyfus devoted a big part of their life on the scientific and commercial development of acetate. Their initial interest was stimulated by the need of a nonflammable film for the photography and motion picture industry. Their vision then developed in reaching a larger market for toilet articles that will not burn when exposed to flames and creating an artificial silk made from cellulosic acetate. Their research for creating a production process of acetate, began with unheard of solubility and high thickness. The Dreyfus brothers were one of the first to realize the importance of the acetyl content in acetate because it affects the material. They also realized that thickness, high tensile …show more content…
The aircrafts used by England, France Italy, and the United States had their wings coated in cellulosic acetate. The fiber was exceptionally suited for coating and persevering the fabric of airplane wings to providing properties such as inflexibility, resiliency, waterproofing and inflammability. In 1917, the United States asked the Dreyfus brothers to establish a plant in America that served the same purpose. Thus the creation of American Cellulose & Chemical Manufacturing Company (Amcelle), now known as the Cleanse Corporation of America. In 1919 the Dreyfus brothers continued their research and encountered numerous problems. One of which was being able to die the fiber. They sought help from several dye manufacturers and British dyers. Soon a solution was found; insoluble dyes finely dispersed in oil. The fiber was now available for dying in a many shades for commercial markets. For his work in the dying aspect of the fiber, Henry Dreyfus was awarded with the Perkin Research Medal.

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