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Dyadic Encounter Report

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Dyadic Encounter: Developing an Ongoing Relationship From this day forward the relationship between me and my best friend has grown so much stronger. Due to a questionnaire that involved face-to-face communication. The questions we had asked each other involved our thoughts, behaviors, ideas, liking and disliking and questions just concerning life. In the 11 years I have known Eric we have never gone through questions concerning our relationship. This experience was new to the both of us. Eric and I have a significant personal relationship. Due to the fact that he’s a brother to me and not just a friend. If I had to pick two words that describe our relationship they would be intimate and fraternal. I choose intimate because I know him very well and we …show more content…
First, that I am very self-disciplined, I don’t listen to people, and Anytime Eric tells me you shouldn’t do that. I end up doing it anyway. I’ve never realized I act this way on a daily basis. I will now consider listening to Eric and other people a bit more. Who knows the information they give me might actually benefit me and not negatively impact me because I didn’t listen to them? Secondly, I am outspoken, sometimes people can’t handle it because I speak the truth. They may get the sense that I dislike them or that I’m disrespectful. In reality, I can’t help but to be honest. This relates to self-disclosure which is an important role in interpersonal relationships. However, an alternative to self-disclosure may be better to use on my half. For example, Instead of telling someone “they look awful “it’s better to be quiet and not use this type of unsolicited opinion I have. As I am sharing personal feelings and information with others and Thirdly, I found out I can be too sensitive and need to relax. I sometimes easily get affected by other people’s moods. Which usually ends up negatively affecting my moods to other

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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at IJOPM 26,7 Supply chain management: theory, practice and future challenges 754 John Storey and Caroline Emberson The Open University Business School, Milton Keynes, UK, and Janet Godsell and Alan Harrison Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, UK Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to critically assess current developments in the theory and practice of supply management and through such an assessment to identify barriers, possibilities and key trends. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a three-year detailed study of six supply chains which encompassed 72 companies in Europe. The focal firms in each instance were sophisticated, blue-chip corporations operating on an international scale. Managers across at least four echelons of the supply chain were interviewed and the supply chains were traced and observed. Findings – The paper reveals that supply management is, at best, still emergent in terms of both theory and practice. Few practitioners were able – or even seriously aspired – to extend their reach across the supply chain in the manner prescribed in much modern theory. The paper identifies the range of key barriers and enablers to supply management and it concludes with an assessment of the main trends. Research limitations/implications – The research presents a number of challenges to existing thinking...

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