...Dieuzaide Clothilde N°21304371 L1 LEA Communication skills (Groupe 18) Subject : Appliance for erasmus program in New-Zealand Dear Sir, Madam My name is Clothilde Dieuzaide, I'm a French student of 20 years old, I am currently studying at the University "Jean Jaures" of Toulouse and I intend to apply for the Erasmus exchange program with the University of Auckland as part of my studies. After completing one year of studies about economy, I changed my course to L.E.A. I realised that my interest lies more with foreign languages rather than economy only. In L.E.A I study Law, economy and three languages (English, Spanish and Italian) however, English is still my major subject. As I have always planned to spend some time abroad during my studies, I chose the Erasmus program because I am particularly interested in spending a year at an English-speaking university. I think this is a unique chance to combine my university studies with first-hand experience of life in an English-speaking country. In my opinion living on campus at another university in a foreign country is an extraordinary opportunity which can only be experienced during the time of studies. After, I will still be able to go abroad, but I won't have time to study at another university anymore because of work. The University of Auckland is my first choice for my stay due to the variety of courses it offers. Alongside improving my spoken and written English, I also hope to gain insight into the...
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...year for Erasmus The latest Erasmus statistics released by the European Commission today reveal that nearly 270 000 students - a new record - benefitted from EU grants to study or train abroad in 2012-2013. While studying at another university continues to be the most popular choice, one in five students (55 000) opted for Erasmus job placements in companies. The three most popular destinations for Erasmus students in 2012-2013 were Spain, Germany and France. Countries sending the highest number of students as a proportion of their graduate population were Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Finland, Latvia and Spain. "For 27 years, Erasmus has enabled students to spend time abroad to broaden their horizons and improve their skills. The latest figures show that Erasmus is more popular than ever. As well as contributing to a sense of belonging to the European family, the skills which Erasmus promotes also help students to boost their employability and career prospects. Our new Erasmus+ programme will enable even more young people to study, train, work or volunteer abroad in the next seven years," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. IP/14/821 The statistics show that the average Erasmus grant, designed to cover part of the costs of living abroad and travel, was €272 per month, a 9% increase on the previous year (€250). The grant is topped up in some countries by national, regional or institutional funds. Erasmus is not...
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...In the 14th century, many questioned what it meant to be a respectable and just prince, in response Erasmus authored the Education of a Christian Prince , a guide for Charles V on how to become a prince of virtue. Throughout the text, Erasmus promotes the benefits of a good education in order to become a virtuous leader. A century later in the aftermath of the 30 years’ war, German author Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen penned The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus which told the education of an innocent who by his experiences in the 30 years’ war. In his work Erasmus would for call for the education a prince in some specific way the main, three being Christianity, honor and nobility and philosophy in order to be virtuous. Simplicius...
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...Sciences as an Erasmus student. I am currently studying a Bachelor’s Degree program in Economics at the Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to spend one semester learning Business Studies at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. I have decided to apply for this program because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover, I consider this program as a great opportunity to get in touch with German culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very curious about different approaches to the business studies at the foreign university. I would like to emphasize that I am eager to benefit from this program, as I will get to know better Erasmus students from the whole Europe, exchanging experiences and practices. I advocate the opinion that Erasmus program is an excellent opportunity to meet various groups of young people, spend quality time with them and get to know their habits, attitudes, lifestyle, etc. Also, living, studying and having fun within international scholars would broaden my horizons and enable me to build a strong social network with people through our continent. Very important for me is also an “Excellent” rating for teaching of the business studies department and the overall friendly atmosphere at both the university as well as the city. Studying as Erasmus student in Germany...
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...shareholders, Dragana, Susana, Ivett and Carmen, the organisation has been working successfully until the outbreak of the crisis. Nonetheless, thanks to the hard effort of their managers, the company has got over in the last two years in a rather spectacular way. The company works hard to organise all kind of events its clients ask for. For this reason, it can be considered a highly flexible organisation whose main objective is to satisfy all its clients’ needs. Weddings, birthday parties or simply meetings are generally the kind of events that CASU-DRIV tends to organise. DEFINE THE PROJECT The Communication plan of the company ‘CASU-DRIV’ consists on advertising an important event among the student community in Ljubljana. ‘Bye bye Erasmus’ is going to be a farewell festival for all kinds of exchange students in the University of Ljubljana, as well as for native students, professors and administrative staff. Regarding the duration of such valuable event, it will last three days, in which several different activities will be organised: Sports, concerts, meals and others interesting affairs. In order to welcome three thousand people approximately, the party will take place in ‘Stožice sport centre’ and the intended dates are assigned on February 18th, 19th and 20th from 9am. THE GENERAL AIMS AND SPECIFIC GOALS General aims The main aim of this project is to bid farewell of those students who have been related to the University of Ljubljana during the course,...
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...ERASMUS-Erfahrungsbericht 2010/11 University of Portsmouth, UK Allgemeine Informationen zur Partneruniversität • Lage der Uni / des Spracheninstituts Die University of Portsmouth liegt zentral in der Innenstadt und ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel gut zu erreichen aber auch mit dem kostenlosen Uni-Bus. Im Norden des Campus liegt die Fußgängerzone und im Süden die neue Hafencity. • Mensa Eine Mensa, wie man sie aus Deutschland kennt, gibt es so nicht. Es gibt aber Cafeterias auf dem Campus. Dort gibt es Kaffee, Sandwiches u.ä. und warme Mahlzeiten. Aber das Angebot beschränkt sich meist auf Fastfood. Die Portionen sind allerdings klein und ziemlich teuer. In der nähe des der Bibliothek befindet sich ein Supermarkt, dieser eignet sich auch sehr gut, um mal etwas zu essen. • Bibliothek Die Bibliothek liegt ebenfalls auf dem Campus. Sie ist gut ausgestattet und ist sieben Tage die Woche geöffnet. An der University of Portsmouth, bekommen alle studierenden einen Studentenausweis. Mit dieser bekommt man auch Zutritt zur Unibibliothek. Während der Klausurenphase, hat die Bibliothek rund um die Uhr geöffnet, was auch von vielen Studenten in Anspruch genommen wird. • Internetzugang Man bekommt automatischen einen Uni-Email-Account eingerichtet, welches von Gogle-Mail gesponsert wird. Mit dem Passwort kann man die Computer in der Uni nutzen, von denen es reichlich gibt, unter anderem in der Bibliothek und in jedem größeren Gebäude. • Campus mit Wohnheimen In...
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...The Renaissance is characterized by an increase in awareness and interest in the classics, a revival. This was a time of transition from the classics thought to modern thought, and many ideas were being formed, and discarded. Both Praise of Folly by Erasmus, and The Prince by Machiavelli were pivotal books that greatly shaped the course of the Renaissance and intellectual thought during this period. Erasmus primarily concerned himself with the sacred, and Machiavelli was more concerned with the secular. However, both authors agree that pure philosophy is a futile and aimless pursuit that deals mostly with insignificant and esoteric truths, and use practical examples to illustrate the failure of classical philosophy. Erasmus directly attacks...
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...v Nitre Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu Seminárna práca z Manažmentu kvality Prípadová štúdia 2 Vypracovali: Monika Čásarová Bibiana Krakovíková Veronika Ontková Júlia Pittnerová Marek Bujnoch Študijná skupina: EKP 1 Školský rok: 2013/2014 Úvod Erasmus je vlajkovou loďou programu Európskej únie v oblasti vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy zameraný na mobility a spoluprácu vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní v Európe. Program je určený pre študentov – štúdium a stáže v zahraničí, vysokoškolských pedagógov a zamestnancov z podnikov – výučba v zahraničí, vysokoškolských pracovníkov – školenia v zahraničí. Pracovná stáž študentov v hostiteľskom podniku alebo inej organizácii trvá 3 až 12 mesiacov. Organizuje ju vysielajúca vysoká škola alebo konzorcium inštitúcií a ďalších organizácií. Výška grantu závisí od dĺžky pobytu a navštívenej krajiny. V našej prípadovej štúdií sme sledovali postup prihlasovania sa na Erasmus stáž, cez výber krajiny, vypĺňanie prihlášky až po poslanie prihlášky a očakávanie záverečného verdiktu. Vývojový diagram Vývojový diagram bol zostavený podľa reálneho postupu podávania prihlášky na Erasmus stáž. Vďaka jeho vetvám je jasne vidieť možné situácie v rôznych prípadoch rozhodnutí. Výber krajiny Výber krajiny počítač počítač internet internet Bilaterálna zmluva Bilaterálna zmluva Výber novej spoločnosti Výber novej spoločnosti FEM krok za krokom FEM krok za krokom Zoznam spoločností ...
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...INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE 2011 ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 1 APPLICATION FORM (EFORM) ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMME CALL 2011 (EACEA 41/10) Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Presentation and organisation of these instruction notes ....................................................................3 1.2 Definitions .........................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Contents of the Application Package .................................................................................................4 1.4 Application deadline and submission procedure ................................................................................4 1.5 Key reference documents...................................................................................................................6 1.6 The Award Criteria, Experts Assessment and Scoring Mechanism ..................................................7 1.7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .................................................................................................8 Chapter 2: The Application Package .....................................................................................................................................9 2.1. Document 1 - The Application Form ...
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...Nathan Munoz History 101 Prof. Smith-Trafzer 24 April 2014 Movie Paper The movie “Inherit the Wind” was a film that was originally released in 1960, however it has been remade several times since that time. It was directed by Stanley Kramer and written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee. It is based on the true story of John “Monkey” Scope’s trial of being convicted of teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in a high school, even though it was illegal in the state of Tennessee. The story is told in Tennessee around the time of 1925. The film shows issues between cultures about how some believe in evolution and some believe in the Church, however, the major issue is the one on how Americans can think for themselves. I feel the movie depicted the issues in neither a negative nor a positive manner. I think it was more of a historical film than a film that takes a side on either side of the issue. It is negative in the fact that the way it was handled and the laws at the time thoroughly showed that it was illegal. At the time, teaching the theory of evolution was illegal in high school. The thought of children learning of how humans came to be outside of what the bible described was blasphemy. The people showing hatred towards Bertram Cates, the name of the character in the film that portrayed Scope, was a prime example of the way people viewed those who thought this type of way. I feel that it depicted society in a negative manner more than the situation itself. In...
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...Some of the key ideas in Discourse on Free Will, including Scriptural background and arguments, thorough explanation of both free will and salvation, the grace of God, and human nature, are more than enough to consider this writing a satisfactory source for outreach through engaging the mind of a stranger. In Discourse on Free Will, Erasmus and Luther address free will in regard to salvation. Though they differ, the views of both Erasmus and Luther are held within the Christian world. Both men have used the Bible, among other Christian beliefs as sources of their views. From this, the mind of an unbeliever will be engaged to a Christian topic without the possibility of an anti-Bible or anti-Christ view getting in the way. The way that Erasmus and Luther approach the topics of free will and salvation presents itself in different forms and arguments. The interpretation of both the Old and New...
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...1466 was the year Desiderius Erasmus was born in Rotterdam, Holland during the Northern Renaissance. Later in Erasmus’ life he wrote a book entitled The Praise of Folly, where four contradicting characters gruesomely illustrate the reality of life during the Northern Renaissance. The invention of the Printing Press, created in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg, brought a rise of education and literacy rates, and the spread of Erasmus’ book. The people began to question and challenge a great deal of beliefs after the middles ages brought death and despair. The people of the Renaissance incorporated aspects of classical western civilizations, due to their past successes. Desiderius Erasmus’ schooling and traveling brought him knowledge about the classics,...
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...ERASMUS STAJ HAREKETLİLİĞİ (ORTAK EĞİTİM) 2013–2014 AKADEMİK YILI BAHAR DÖNEMİ LİSANS BAŞVURULARI |Kurum |Ülke |Ortalama Aylık |Toplam hibe |Asil Kontenjan | | | |hibe |(€) | | | | |(€) | | | HAREKETLİLİK SÜRESİ EN AZ 3 AY OLUP, MÜCBİR SEBEPLER ( HARİCİNDE BU SÜREDEN ÖNCE DÖNÜLMESİ DURUMUNDA VERİLEN TÜM HİBE ÖĞRENCİDEN GERİ İSTENECEKTİR! (LLP Erasmus 2013/14 Dönemi Uygulama El Kitabında yer alan mücbir sebep tanımı: Mücbir sebep, tarafların kontrolleri dışında, taraflardan herhangi birinin Anlaşma kapsamındaki yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmesini engelleyen, tarafların hata veya ihmâlinden kaynaklanmayan ve alınacak her türlü tedbire rağmen önlenemeyeceği ispatlanabilen her türlü öngörülemez istisnai durum veya olaydır. Teçhisat veya malzemelerdeki arıza veya bunların temin edilmesinde gecikme, işverenle anlaşmazlık, grev veya mâli zorluk çekilmesi, yükümlülüğünü yerine getirmeyen tarafça mücbir sebep olarak öne sürülemez. Öğrenim Hareketliliği kapsamında anlaşmalı olduğumuz üniversitelerin Uluslararası Ofisleri ile iletişim kurup, Ofiste çalışmak üzere kabul aldığınız...
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...A World Lit Only by Fire, by William Manchester, discusses the medieval mind and the Renaissance. In the section entitled “The Shattering,” Manchester shows us several events that “shattered” many beliefs during the Renaissance era, which had been established in the Medieval era. Most of the beliefs at the time were related to the Church because of the large influence religion had throughout the Medieval and Renaissance life. One of the first major events which caused the “shattering” not only changed beliefs and life, but also had a lasting impact on the future of Christianity. Although this revolution did not happen immediately, it was very impactful on future Renaissance life. This huge event was the propagation of the works of Erasmus....
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...viewed the role of education and intellectualism within society. Renaissance humanism has been defined as simply a curriculum based upon the study of Greco-Roman classics that affected the culture and man’s point of view. Renaissance humanism was ultimately divided into two branches which came to be known as Civic humanism and Christian humanism which defined differences between Italian humanists and Northern humanists. Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) and Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536) and their ideals exemplify what separated the two. The contrast between Italian humanism and Northern humanism can be simply stated as one led man away from God, the other drew man closer to God. Education was crucial a factor in the ideals of both Italian and Northern humanists. Classical scholarship was the heart of Italian humanism while Christian scholarship was the chosen education of Northern humanists. The classical Latin language of Cicero was an important part of both scholarship curriculums and both Alberti and Erasmus were fluent in Latin. The differences between scholarships were the exclusion or inclusion of Christian classics. Italian humanists unlike Northern humanists held the idea that the classic Latin language should be the chosen language of the elite. It was a common practice of Alberti to publish his writings in both Latin and Italian so that the elite and the less educated could read them. The study of cultural arts was a vital part of classical scholarship; however...
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