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Faculty Interview Research Paper

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Faculty Interview

Visiting Lecturer, Stefan Jeglinski of the Physics department, graduated from the liberal arts University of Guilford with a degree in physics in 1979. He then worked for the Department of Energy, moving to the private sector a few years in the aerospace industry. Later, he worked in Durham developing software and hardware for X-ray microanalysis and electron microscopy. Through the course of his working career, he received both master’s and PhD degrees in Physics. In 2010, he came to UNC, and now teaches my introductory physics course in calculus-based mechanics.

In our discussion, he had little commentary on his personal experiences as an undergraduate student, finding it difficult to remember “insert quote here”. Instead, he pulled from his experiences as a professor through the past 7 years. His top recommendations to undergraduate students were to “drop the anxiety” and “learn how to program computers”. He has many students come into his office overwhelmed with the anxiety of making …show more content…
One area Dr. J feels can and should be improved upon is easing the transition into college. UNC tends to be a “meat grinder; students get in, and they don’t always get out all in one piece.” Despite the fact that there are no remedial students at UNC, retention is a problem because many incoming students are not prepared for this environment. The independence in learning that is required to fill in the gaps that poor teaching quality creates can be difficult for many students to adjust to. Students, however, can be successful if they have some kind of support structure, and sometimes that looks like students leaving school for a bit and coming back when they are ready, other times it could be connecting with campus

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