...BUSINESS NOVEMBER 23, 2010 The Just-in-Time Consumer By ELLEN BYRON Julia Robinson for The Wall Street Journal Rebecca Seabern in her destocked pantry. She is using groceries that she already has before buying more. Executives peddling wares from canned goods to cashmere say the shift in consumption habits is prompting them to change how they produce, package, price and deliver their goods. When the economy sank two years ago, Rebecca Seabern realized she could shrink her grocery bill just by eating into her crammed kitchen pantry. "I had eight boxes of lasagna in there and a year's worth of paper towels," says Ms. Seabern, a 31-year-old accountant and married mother of two in San Antonio. Today, Ms. Seabern still has her job, but her antipathy to hoarding hasn't changed. "I've stopped purchasing things just to have them on hand," she says, preferring to make bigger mortgage payments instead. The Great Depression replaced a spendthrift culture with a generation of frugal savers. The recent recession, too, has left in its wake a deeply changed shopper: the just-in-time consumer. Access thousands of business sources not available on the free web. Learn More For over two decades, Americans bought big, bought more and stocked up, confident that bulk shopping, often on credit, provided the best value for their money. But the long recession—with its high unemployment, plummeting home values and depleted savings accounts—altered the way many people think about the future...
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...area contains Chesterfield, Petersburg, and Colonial Heights. Petersburg, a modest city just over four miles away, previously flowed with restaurants, stores, and luxurious estates. Now, it may be the ¨most financially challenged city in Virginia. ¨ Research speculates multiple reasons for the decline, but the most defended theory points to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company. As the former largest employer in Petersburg, employing over a thousand locals, they fled Petersburg suddenly for tax purposes. Never-ending turmoil flooded the city thereafter with thousands unemployed, lack of currency circulation,...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...BJ’s Wholesale Club Nikki Celso Florida State College of Jacksonville Professor Elizabeth Oppe March 9, 2011 Abstract This research paper will inform you about BJ’s Wholesale Club. You will learn of there mission and vision statements. How this club keeps to its mission and vision statements. How it is involved in our local communities. Maybe you will want to be a part of this company. I have chosen BJ’s Wholesale Club because I am a member and I probably should know a little more about the company. The information about BJ’s that I already knew was, the store was named after the owner’s daughter, Beverly Jean. The owner started this company in the 1980’s. A man named Azyre started BJ’s Wholesale Club. BJ’s started as a discount department store chain in 1984, on the border of Medford/Malden, Massachusetts. When Zayre sold their nameplate to Ames, a rival discount department store, TJX Companies was formed which owned BJ's. TJX spun off their "warehouse division," consisting of BJ's and now defunct Home Club, to form Waban, Inc. Later Waban spun off BJ's to become an independent company, headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts. (Scripophily) As of January 30, 2010, BJ's operates 190 BJ's warehouses in fifteen states. (Bjs.com) It employees over 23,500 people (full and part-time.) Today, BJ's common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "BJ". The letters B and J are commonly misinterpreted to stand for Berkley and Jensen, which...
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...Anthony Morris SOCW3103/Aging Instructor: Adelle Sanders, DPA, MSW Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explain the transportation needs of, and for the elderly as a social problem. I will attempt with the help of research to show how badly the elderly need help, I will research the transportation availability. for the elderly publicly and privately in my community. Looking at the demographics in the Fuller Park community, to show ridership, location of bus stop, show the accessibility for wheelchairs. To research my neighborhood, for shopping centers, Doctors offices, food pantry’s, grocery stores. Transportation is a major problem for the elderly, and the department’s senior services area Agency on Aging administrates a variety of programs designed to address the diverse needs and interests of the elderly. For those who are healthy and active, to those who are frail and homebound. Transportation Paper Addressing the needs of the elderly is becoming a Hugh social problem. Planning Transportation to Meet the Needs of an Aging Illinois: Chicago (February, 2015) communities throughout Illinois will need to make significant revisions to current transportation options, explore more varied housing greatly augment health and human services alternatives to meet the day-to-day needs of the increasing...
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...For this paper I took a look at possible volunteer opportunities in my local community. I gave examples of what opportunities were available and how to find information on how to become a volunteer. I choose to use google as my research criterion and found a very resourceful website with the information I needed. As you read my paper you will find information about being a volunteer, what benefits it has, and what opportunities are available. Below I listed some great information about becoming a volunteer. As a volunteer As a volunteer, you can volunteer on your own or with your family or with a group. Volunteer your time, skills, services and talents. Opportunities are available with children, teens, adults, individuals with special needs and seniors. Volunteer your expertise and experience on a community board. Share your time as an instructor. Design a web page, troubleshoot computer problems, build a bookcase or serve as a mentor Volunteer by coordinating an event, project or publication. Volunteer by making an in-kind donation (new or used). Our partner agencies need everything from computers (hardware and software), office equipment and supplies, household goods to clothing and canned goods. There are so many ways an individual can volunteer these days. Finding one that best suits you is important. You want to be comfortable while volunteering and know your gaining a great deal of knowledge to help improve your education. Search criterion When researching for...
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...Read Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich * Write a one-page summary of one of Ehrenreich’s 3 experiences in the book (CCPS Summary Checklist/Rubric) * Write a 2-3 page reflection on how issues in the book affect our local area, including first-hand experience with community action and/or outside research *see note below (CCPS Narrative/Analytical Writing Rubric) Experiences: * Guest speaker from Human Services Programs (HSP) of Carroll County (Monday, December 9th during Mod 3A) * Class project **see note below * Volunteer to help with HSP Neighbors in Need Holiday Shop (http://www.hspinc.org/nin.help.php) *Students also receive Service Learning Hours * Volunteer to help organize WHS Food Pantry (dates/times will be provided) *Students also receive Service Learning Hours *Reflection paper: The reflection paper must include text-based evidence from Nickel and Dimed, connecting issues in the text to at least 2 other sources. These may be two experiences from the list above, two sources of outside research about local poverty and/or community action agencies, or a combination of the two. Please note that if you choose to include outside research, you must include citations in MLA format. **Class project: HSP Neighbors in Need Holiday Shop provides a free holiday shopping experience for the more than 500 local families and individuals who are not otherwise “adopted” for the holiday season. In addition to traditional gifts, families and individuals...
Words: 357 - Pages: 2
...Abstract When a person think of poverty, one simply says’ and or think that individuals, families, groups, and what have you lack financial stability; however, there is so much more that should be considered when it comes to poverty. The World Health Organization has described poverty as the greatest cause of suffering on earth. Living in a state of financial instability is both physically and emotionally damaging, the stress alone can make one ill. Poverty continues to be a problem not only in the United States of America but in developing countries and less developed countries (LDC) worldwide. Some of those countries are under developed countries and developing countries; furthermore, there are major problems in both. The main focus in this paper is on poverty in America; also, the new faces of poverty and how it affects the new faces. . Four Families of Article from USA TODAY, September 28, 2011 The article covers various issues of poverty of different families and individuals; however, the main portion of the article is about a father in Leesburg, Virginia. The man’s name is Billy Schlegel. He is the father of three children; also, he is divorced as of 2004. Billy and his ex-wife share joint custody of their three children. How often have we heard the phrase of people going from rags to riches? There is a new phrase now and it is going from riches to rags in the blink of an eye so to speak. Billy Schlegel’s unfortunate issues stem from changes in the in our economy;...
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...Misamis Oriental In Partial Fulfillment for Capstone Project – 1 of the Requirement for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology John Rigor Ochigue Jake Jesus Llido Shina Cabactulan Jovy Llanita Jonalyn Acierto March 20, 2014 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Rationale Pantry is one of the important and useful places in Saint Rita’s College of Balingasag, where the students, faculties, teachers, non-teaching personnel and parents who buy snacks, foods, drinks and especially the school supplies. Pantry is placed between from the Religious Virgin Mary (RVM) convent and HRM laboratory before. The processes of deliveries of snacks are weekly and recorded manually. Soft drinks are delivered in every two weeks and it is separately recorded manually. The school supplies are delivered monthly that is separated from snacks and soft drinks all of them are recorded manually. Recipes or ingredients for the lunch meal are bought outside from the campus and it is daily recorded manually. All files are separately recorded for them to easily find the files. The inventory of the SRCB Pantry is daily recorded and remitted. All the total credits and expenses are also listed in the database. Inventory is basically the total amount of goods that are stock and stored; it is a system that maintains the information about the activities within the firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. The subsystems that perform these...
Words: 7070 - Pages: 29
...Research Strategy 1 Research Strategy 2 Research Strategy Paper All my life I have been thin because I was so active in dance and drill team. As I grew older I was able to stay thin working retail for 5 years. I was on my feet and unloading merchandise for eight to ten hours a day. I was able to eat what ever I wanted and not see the effects. When I quit retail I moved to a desk job but kept my eating habits the same. It has slowly caught up with me. I have put on twenty pounds in two and half years. It doesn’t help that as people get older their metabolism slows down. I also live alone and eat out a lot. My problem would be to eat healthier. I go to the grocery store and don’t know where to being to find foods that are healthy for me. We all know fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy but what about all the food in between. For example: meats, soups, desserts, TV dinners, low fat and low sodium products. Just because a product may say low fat, does that mean it is good for me? Information Gathered I wanted to gather information on healthy food choices. I don’t want any quick diet fixes. I want to make a lifestyle change. I want to reach my goal weight but be able to keep that weight from ever coming back. I started my search at the University Library. I selected the database ProQuest for health information. I first started by searching “eating healthy” but that just brought me to the results for people with certain diseases and how they can eat healthy...
Words: 843 - Pages: 4
...PERSUASIVE SPEECH TRANSCRIPT Poverty Video Link 16.3 Speeches in Action Notice how this attention getter grabs the audience by using an interesting story. Joy introduces the topic and shows the importance in this section. The speaker gives a simple but effective preview of the main points to be covered in the speech using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. In this section, Joy cites recent and credible evidence to support her claims. 440 Chapter 16 Joy Zoodsma Western Michigan University Bohn Fawkes was a B-17 pilot during World War II who flew a number of missions over Germany. On one such occasion, his fuel tank was hit by an enemy missile, and he was forced to land the plane. Miraculously, he survived, upon which he discovered the missile had not detonated. If it had, his plane and he would have exploded immediately. Upon returning to the United States, Fawkes asked to keep the unexploded missile as a souvenir, a sign of goodwill toward him. However, upon further investigation it was found that not one but eleven missiles had hit his fuel tank. They were immediately sent off to intelligence for further investigation where it was revealed that all eleven missiles were empty, save one. The one missile contained a note, written in the Czech language, that said, “This is all we can do, for now.” A courageous Czechoslovakian factory worker had disarmed the missiles and written the note. He realized he couldn’t end the war, but he could save...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Natural Sciences | | |SCI/241 Version 6 | | |Nutrition | Copyright © 2012, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the world of human nutrition. Students examine the components included in a healthy, balanced diet and develop strategies to meet their changing nutritional needs throughout the various stages of life. Specific topics for the course include the digestion process, functions and health benefits of specific nutrients, weight management and fitness, and the effects of nutritional deficiencies. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies...
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...How to feed a family on a budget. Feeding a family on the budget has become hard for the low-income family. People’s conception of healthy food is expensive. Feeding a family on a budget has helped people to pay the loan and invest surplus income to another reason. But with a smart shopping strategy and research, the family budget has reduced to a substantial amount. According to USDA, for a four-membered family, a low-cost food plan is $193 a week, which is 38% higher than ten years ago. These are the step by step procedure to cut the family budget possible. First, always plan the for the grocery with family. Taking the time to plan your meals for a week is a great way to save money when implemented properly to get the most bang for your buck, you will need to plan meals around what’s already in your pantry and then around what’s on sale. Organize yourself to cook a meal, whether that’s breakfast, lunch or dinner. Ask your family what they like to eat and cook the food which is loved by everyone in the family. Try to be creative and rotate the meal plan every week so that everyone is cheerful for having food. Always look for the cheapest grocery chain nearby you. Comparing the grocery prices can help...
Words: 1016 - Pages: 5
...I saw a wide range of emotions and reactions from everyone. I was ridiculed for being dressed nicely by one man, and I was thanked countless times by others. A few of the folks seemed mad at me for helping pass out food, like I had done something wrong to them even though all I’d done was scoop food onto a tray for them. I couldn’t guess at the reason but wondered if it was projections of their frustrations about their situation, or maybe symptoms of a mental illness or drug habit, or maybe they were just having a bad day. I had to remind myself that I can’t take everything said to me to heart and that sometimes people just can’t help but be mad at the world if the world has only been bad to them. I even had one woman upset at me because she didn’t like the food we were serving and wondered why we couldn’t serve something different or better than pasta and different types of vegetables. Some folks I interacted with had a clearly disorganized thought process and I even experienced some word-soup conversations from what I can only guess was some form of schizophrenia. With my psychology background from my degree at CU these exchanges especially stood out to me. The interactions I had showed how diverse the group of homeless in...
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...Wellness Philosophy Paper Andrea Villa Kinesiology 1600 November 29, 2013 There are many health issues in the world, and they affect everybody, both directly and indirectly. When I was younger, my parents decided to get my sisters and I tested for high cholesterol and high blood pressure because there were many family members on both sides that had either or both of these diseases. Many family members died from heart attacks as a result of these diseases. I wanted to get test my cholesterol and blood pressure because the possibility of a heart attack in the future scared me. When I got the blood test back, it turned out that I had high cholesterol. My HDL levels were low, and my LDL levels were high. Even though my total cholesterol number was not terribly high, the fact that I had high cholesterol scared me. My parents found a cardiologist that I continue to visit yearly. The doctor put my on a cholesterol-lowering medicine to bring my cholesterol down. He warned me that I would have to continue to take the medicine for a number of years before I could possibly come off of it. I have taken this medicine for six years and continue to take it daily. As I get older, I realize that I do not want to be bound to this medicine for the rest of my life. I know that high cholesterol is genetic, but it can also be controlled by diet and exercise. My cardiologist explained that cholesterol can increase by eating foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat. As I evaluate this...
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...involvement plays a crucial part in prevention of disease or healing processes. McCubbin and McCubbin (1993) developed the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation which identifies how families cope with hardships and/or stressors such as chronic illnesses, addictions, deaths, etc. Stress is a concern central to most families. Family involvement provides a greater overview of the care patients should receive to cope with stressors. Therefore, nurse practitioners (NP) have the duty to involve each individual patient in his or her care as well as any identified family member. This paper will focus on the importance of implementing the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation as a foundation to...
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