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Gap Year Research Paper

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An estimated 1.2 percent of first-time college freshmen take a gap year, most of them male students, according to the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California Los Angeles. A gap year is a period, typically an academic year taken by a student as a break between going to a university, a college or a higher education. In the final sentence of the introductory paragraph, make sure to craft a thesis that outlines your stance on the topic and a brief reason as to why you feel this way. You should take a year off between high school and college. According to Danielle Turiak you should because you want to be able to recharge your academic battery, think about it, you spent twelve years in school as a student, then as …show more content…
Doing this will help you get your mind clear of anything that happened in the previous year as a high school student as you transfer to a college student, whether that means problems with friends, family or general drama. It will get your mind on set for the upcoming years as your education continues and develops. Even Harvard College encourages admitted students to defer enrollment for one year to travel, pursue a special activity, work, or spend time in another meaningful way, it was found that each year, between 80 and 110 students defer their matriculation, which is the formal process of entering a university, or of becoming eligible to enter by fulfilling certain academic requirements to the College (Ducey, Fitzsimmons, and McGrath). The time away from school should be used in a good way, so by volunteering, working, or studying to benefit you to have experience under your belt. Many students waste this time and in the end their parents write out a check to help them get through college, while those who spent their time working or studying have a better chance of not

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