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Get Good Grade

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Getting a Good Grade to Play? Imagine this, a star player for football. He’s the best player on the team but his grades are terrible. He’s on the field and he’s a defensive tackle. He goes in for the hit on another player, and he leads with his helmet. Causing a foul and a spinal injury. He gets rushed to the hospital and the doctors say he can never play again. Now this man is hurt and can never play again, and may likely not get into a collage because of his grades. He’s in trouble. Some people may say that players shouldn’t have to have good grades but think of this situation, this man is going to have to work very hard to get back into the life that he wants.

Getting into a College

Another situation where this had occurred was with …show more content…
If you want to play sport you should have to have a good grade. But Colleges care, Colleges care about every grade to make their school stand out, and help you succeed in life. Another good grades reason to have good grades is that Colleges are most likely to scout you and want you to play for them. Let me just say you will not get into college if you have low grades. Especially when you take your ACT’s and SAT’s in High School. They critical to get into college and if you’re not prepared and have bad grades you will do poorly.

If you want to play sport in college but a college can’t give you a scholarship for sport like Division 111 for example, and you can’t afford it. You can still earn one academically. According to (get real on scholarships by the washington post) it says, “only about 19 percent of high school students with a grade-point average of 3.5 to 4.0 (on a 4.0 scale) get the awards...the odds of gaining an athletic scholarship are just 0.7 percent”. If you want to be in that 19 percent you have to get a good grade. Plus, if you do get into a school with an academic scholarship you could walk onto a sports team.

Have you ever heard the saying “school comes first”? It’s true, for all of these reasons school is needed to get into college and if you want to be on the sports team! Nothing in life just works out perfectly, you have to work for it. What Virat Kohli says, “Self-belief

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