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Gram-Bad Bacteria

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Glucose, salt, and protein are essential to everyday life. These substances are present in our foods and drinks, and are vital to great health and wellbeing when consumed in moderation. However, these materials in excess can lead to serious problems, especially in the circulatory and digestive systems.
There is another factor that plays a role in this -- bacteria. Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments (Vidyasagar, 2015). They have been living for thousands of years. They are prokaryotes, and are usually attributed to causing diseases. They also have various shapes. There is good and bad bacteria, but bad bacteria is what causes a variety of illnesses, and when amalgamated with glucose, salt, and …show more content…
He used the microscope and saw minuscule organisms in plaque (CBS News, 2017). This led to further discoveries of its structure and function. Bacteria has a cell wall. This protects the cell and gives it its shape. It also allows the bacteria to retain water. A key ingredient in the cell wall of bacteria is peptidoglycan, which is made up of sugars and proteins. It contributes to the strength of the cell wall. Bacteria can be classified as Gram-positive or Gram-negative depending on the amount of peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Gram-positive bacteria contains a large amount of peptidoglycan, and is therefore simply structured. Gram-negative bacteria contains a rather small amount of peptidoglycan, and due to this, has a multiplex structure. This has an impact on how the bacteria reacts to certain matter. Gram-positive bacteria tends to be nonpathogenic, and Gram-negative bacteria tends to be pathogenic, although there are some strains of Gram-positive that can be pathogenic and some strains of Gram-negative that can be good. The cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria is resistant to …show more content…
These different shapes allow bacteria to adapt and thrive in specific conditions. Cocci Cocci bacteria have a round, globular shape. Cocci bacteria can live as a singular organism, or in clusters of two, three, four, or more. Most cocci bacteria are Gram-positive, and there is a small percentage that is Gram-negative. Some of the Gram-positive cocci bacteria are actually pathogenic. They tend to produce toxins that cause infection. Cocci bacteria are mainly attributed to skin infections. However, they can be treated more effectively because of their cell wall arrangement. (Buzzle, 2014). Bacilli Bacilli bacteria have a rod-like shape. Bacilli bacteria can be in chains, but also in dyads and bended patterns. Like cocci bacteria, a majority of bacilli bacteria is Gram-positive. Bacilli bacteria can be used as probiotics. Bacilli bacteria is well known for causing the disease anthrax, which specifically targets the skin and the respiratory system. (Buckle, 2015, Schultz et al., 2017).

Spiral Spiral bacteria are helix or wavy shaped. There is spirillum bacteria and spirochete bacteria in the spiral category. Spirillum tends to be stiffer and Gram-negative. Spirochete tends to be more motile. Spiral bacteria can cause food poisoning and sores. (Aryal,

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