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Submitted By Gregwhite
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“You cannot get out of computers any more than you put in. Other versions are that computers only do exactly what you tell them to, and that therefore computers are never creative. The cliché is true only in the crashingly trivial sense, the same sense in which Shakespeare never wrote anything except what his first schoolteacher taught him to write—words”.
Richard Dawkins
The human race since the beginning of time has always had the deep urge to control, to name, to create ultimately in his own viewpoint as he was formed from God. Man forges his own purpose from the desires of his imagination and the rare strength of his will to create. His implements have been modified as time has gone on, but his longing, his passion to create; to change his world has not. The paper will address Artificial Intelligence from several aspects. The history, the key players, everyday uses, technologies and the future will be conversed.
Artificial intelligence is defined as the study of intelligent behavior and the attempt to find ways in which such behavior could be engineered in any type of artifact. Simply is the act of putting human intelligence into a machine. AI is a major section of computer science dealing with the reformation of intelligent behavior in computers: the capability of a machine to emulate intelligent human behavior. It can be correlated to the parallel task of using computers to understand human intelligence; however AI does not have to limit itself to methods that are physically visible.
The pursuit for artificial intelligence is not a new venture for science it’s been around before Christ. Even in Egyptian times looked to talking statues for mystical advice the quest for the thinking machine was there. Artificial intelligence (AI) are both a term and a science was coined 120 years later, after the operational digital computer had made its debut. “In 1956 Allen Newell, J. C. Shaw and Herbert Simon introduced the first AI program, the Logic Theorist, to find the basic equations of logic” (Kanade,1996). AI research started after WWII, a number of people independently started to work on intelligent machines. The English mathematician Alan Turing may have been the first. He gave a lecture on it in 1947. He also may have been the first to select that AI was best researched by programming computers rather than by building machines. By the late 1950s, there were many researchers on AI, and most of them were grounding their work on programming computers.
Alan Turning Turing is known as the father of computer science. In 1951 Turning wrote an essay showing a test called "The Imitation Game" that might finally resolve the issue of machine intelligence to define a standard, which would test machines ability to exhibit human-like behavior. Turing then switched up the game, by the players of either sex or the computer in place of the judge. The judge now had the task to find which player was real or a computer. “Turing proposed that if, under these conditions, a judge were less than 50% accurate, that is, if a judge is as likely to pick either human or computer, then the computer must be a passable simulation of a human being and hence, intelligent” (Gray,1999). John McCarthy McCarthy was a Computer Science Professor at Sanford University. That laid claim to the term “Artificial Intelligence” in 1955. He was the first to suggest publicly about computer time-sharing technology (cloud computing) (Gray, 1999). He was over two of the vital AI laboratories in the world. His labor when it came to computers created countless progressions. McCarthy believed AI should be cooperative, allowing for a give and take similar to AI simulators. “McCarthy’s labs were run in an open, free-wheeling fashion, encouraging exploration and argument” (Gray, 1999). He was honored with great prestige awards like the Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery.
Types of AI Artificial Intelligence can be dived in to two groups Weak AI: which states that the artificial intelligence systems are not intended to match or exceed the capabilities of humans. While on the other hand Strong AI: is the big daddy artificial that matches or exceeds human intelligence. Some well know examples are pictured below: How AI is used today
Whether we want to or not AI is alive and well kicking in everyday life. AI use normally is not that visible at first glance. Microsoft's homepage uses A.I. to assist users get straight directly to the things users request. Most planes use AI to assist pilots to fly and stay on course. Robotics a type of AI are being use in several medical aspects like ultrasounds, MRI scanning, and they are even doing critical surgeries better than the old fashioned surgeon. A.I. was used when NASA decided to study if there could be life on Mars. “The artificially intelligent, Sojourner, was programmed to leave the Pathfinder to explore on its own” (Waldrop, 1990). Hazardous Duty Robots are a major AI creation because the use of them in places of dangerous substances helps protect humans from harm and danger to get rid of those materials. Artificial Intelligence potential has not even fully been seen it will get better. The main thing to know about AI is that its main point is to protect and keep the world safe.
Robots are seen as machines that mimic human motion to achieve programmed tasks. Robots can be given perception systems that allow observation and reaction to their environment. Artificial intelligence is an area of robotics. It's a very debatable subject. People can see a robotic working in a factory on a machine line but to have intelligence as a human is an issue for most. Robots of today have shown the capability to earn in a minimal way. These types of robots distinguished particular movements. They can't be as intelligent as the human mind though some can learn by impersonating humans. “Kismet, a robot at M.I.T's Artificial Intelligence Lab, recognizes human body language and voice inflection and responds appropriately”(Thro,2010). The real trial of AI is to understand how natural intelligence works. Developing AI isn't like building a car it takes hard work there is not an exact method of doing this. The human brain is complex and not easily understood. This reason AI may not be taken as seriously as it should it’s just too new and hard to grasp. Bottom line, robots will be a great part of the daily interactions in the world for the he future. “In the coming decades, robots will gradually move out of the industrial and scientific worlds and into daily life, in the same way that computers spread to the home in the 1980s” (Crawford, 1997). Future of AI Artificial intelligence is at the brink point where it can give invaluable assistance in doing everyday tasks that ordinary people do. HR&Block, Tax ACT use AI systems most people that used them have no clue. Right down to the common car the braking and fuel injection incorporates AI. Of course the most known examples of artificial intelligent systems are those that most people don’t see or even know. Several people would say AI saved their life if they knew the AI assisted in a critical surgery or stop their brake from going out. The future will consist of the computer becoming the forefront of the human race. The extraordinary of the progression of the computer will have your alarm clock reminding you of appointment with voice. On the downside there can be bad outcomes. The government is one of the major funding sources for AI. AI soldier robots are being created to look like other things to confuse the enemy. Right now the bad side is only in the movies like Terminator and The Matrix.
Wrap Up
Yes the future of AI is already begun but we need not be anxious that all human life as we know it will terminate and the only surviving things will be robots. AI will advance continually develop better applications. We can also know that the use of common sense will be lessening during this time of development. In conclusion, we won't see the full effect of AI in our lives, but we continue to strive for day in and day out and the progression will be captivating.

Bowles, M. D. (2010). Introduction to computer literacy San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Crawford, Robert, (1997). Machine Dreams
Technology Review, 1 pp. 77
Gray, Paul (29 March 1999). "Computer Scientist: Alan Turing" TIME
Kanade, Takeo (1996). “New technologies and applications in robotics”
Communications of the ACM pp.58-72
Matthys, Erick (1995). Harnessing technology for the future
Military Review, 1 pp. 71
Morss, Ruth (1995). Artificial intelligence guru cultivate natural language
Boston Business Journal pp. 19
Thro, Ellen. (2010) Robotics: the marriage of computers and machines The Economist pp.81-87
Waldrop, M. Mitchell (1990). “Fast, cheap, and out of control”
Science 248.4958: pp.959-68

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