...Klassetrin 1.G til 3.G HTX Dato Fysik Formelsamling Resume En samling af ligninger, konstanter og tabelværdier til faget fysik. Skrevet af Kristian Thostrup og Kim Hansen, designet af Kasper Grønbak Christensen. Velegnet til gymnasieelever på alle klassetrin. Formateret og redigeret til papir- og digital version. Kilde http://www2002159.thinkquest.dk Copyright Indhold, Kristian Thostrup og Kim Hansen (TEC Frederikshavn) Design, Kasper G. Christensen (TEC Lyngby) [05-07-2008] [FYSIK FORMELSAMLING] Indholdsfortegnelse Forord ............................................................................................................ 4 SI-Enheder ..................................................................................................... 5 Tabelværdier ................................................................................................. 6 Vand..........................................................................................................................................................................6 Jorden og Solen ........................................................................................................................................................6 Andre Enheder............................................................................................... 7 Konstanter ..................................................................................................... 8 Energi og Varme .........................
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...English 093 Professor Miller mmiller@mcc.commnet.edu Essay Topic #2 In light of reading the essays “Dumpster Diving” or “Serving in Florida” analyze your own understanding of homelessness, poverty and making a living with minimum wage in the U.S. You might consider whether the essay(s) changed preconceived notions that you had? Compare these preconceived notions to what you learned through the experiences of either Eighner or Ehrenreich. The following are topics and thesis statements on “Dumpster Diving” or “Serving in Florida.” Please feel free to use these topics and/or the accompanying thesis statements “as is” or with your own modifications: • How Eighner discussed such an informal topic in a formal way: Lars Eighner's discussion of dumpster diving is very methodical, intelligent and polished in contrast to the subject matter of digging through the trash. • Eighner’s attitude toward his lifestyle: Lars Eighner's account of dumpster diving was surprisingly positive given the fact that he is homeless. • The common problems of an employee: Although Barbara Ehrenreich set out to discuss the life of a minimum wage worker specifically, her experience was universal to most working class people. • Problems specific to minimum wage workers: Barbara Ehrenreich's essay "Serving in Florida" revealed the daily struggle of a minimum wage worker in America. General Essay Reminders: Essays are to be submitted via hard copy and electronically...
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...Introduction to Management: Unit 8 Assignment • • Explain which of the eight steps from “Sherman’s Eight Steps towards Integrity” apply to Dalman and the Location Manager in this particular situation and why. • The Eight Steps toward Integrity include: doing what we say we will do, doing the right thing, taking responsibility, supporting our own weight, holistic thinking, checking the mirror, defining the rules and values. The first step is doing what we say we will do which “includes keeping promises and meeting deadlines… —and often, tough negotiation—prior to making commitments.” (Stratford Sherman). Doing the right thing includes being aware of what’s right and performing the right actions. This also includes accepting the consequences. Taking responsibility is simply taking responsibility for your actions. Supporting your own weight “means functioning as a whole.” (Stratford Sherman). Holistic thinking is “an appreciation of wholeness in the world supports its practice.” (Stratford Sherman). Checking the mirror is taking the time to do an honest review of you or as Sherman said pause for reflection. Defining the rules and values is simply rules about the basics that can be applied to almost anything from couples to organizations. The new laws that Sandwich Blitz is in violation with needs to be corrected. The enclosure that houses the trash dumpster is five feet from the property line. The government inspector has told the unit manager...
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...Rim as Oh Dal Ja. Dal Ja is a 33-year-old woman who is clueless in her love life and has a fairy-tale dream that one day, she is going to meet “the one” and she will just know it and will live happily ever after. She is successful and competent in her career as a managing director of a home shopping channel. She has stumbled her way through her twenties, making mistakes left and right and learning her lessons, it seems, a bit haphazardly. However, her strength, courage, and candidness are parts of Dal Ja’s character that are to be admired. She seemed like she would be a total blast to be around, someone people naturally gravitated towards but when it was game time, you know she would go out of her way and make every effort and sacrifice within her ability to help you. Dal Ja is such a strong female character that is totally different from other dramas who are wimpy and pathetic. Dal Ja is the dreaded old maid of modern Korean society who is capable, attractive and self-sufficient, but still seen as somehow inadequate because she is without boyfriend or husband. She is kind of like Bridget Jones, except without all the alcohol, dating and sex to take the edge off spinsterhood. It all started when she was stood up in a date by a colleague of hers whom she knows very well and known for his “playboy” status. Out of embarrassment and anger she hired a man, who is 6 years younger than her to play and be her “boyfriend” for a month. There were many insights as Dal Ja “ grows up”. There...
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...What is Junior Achievement? Junior Achievement is a program that uses hands-on activities to help young people understand the economics of life. In partnership with business and educators, Junior Achievement brings the real world to students, opening their minds to their potential. What do JA volunteers do? JA volunteers bring a real world perspective to youth in our community. As a Classroom Volunteer, you will lead discussions and activities to encourage teamwork and leadership skills with your class. As an Exchange City Volunteer, you will act as a business consultant who helps students run their own business and achieve their goals for the day. What other responsibilities does a JA volunteer have? Each school year, volunteers must sign and abide by Junior Achievement's Volunteer Conduct Policy. They must also participate in a 2-3 hour training prior to beginning the program and be available to work with students during the normal school day. Classroom Volunteers follow lesson plans and activities developed by JA and add their unique experiences. What is the time commitment for volunteers? Please see the Time Commitment Chart below for more detail. What are some benefits to volunteering? Volunteers can improve communication skills, increase coaching talents, enhance leadership/supervisory potential and feel good about helping a school in their community. Company benefits include demonstrating their commitment to education/youth...
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...Authentic JA Cuisine Final Draft Msoptimistic1 October 20, 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive overview Pg. 3 2.0 Situation Analysis Overview Pgs. 4-5 2.1 Market Summary Pg. 6 2.2 SWOT Analysis Pg. 7 2.3 Competition Pgs. 8-9 2.4 Product/Service Offering Pg. 10 2.5 Keys to Success Pg. 11 2.6 Critical issues Pg. 12 3.0 Marketing Strategy Overview Pg. 13 3.1 Mission Pg. 14 3.2 Marketing Objectives Pgs. 15-17 3.3 Financial Objectives Pg. 18 3.4 Target Markets Pgs. 19-20 3.5 Positioning Pgs. 21-22 3.6 Pricing Strategies Pgs. 23 3.7 Marketing Attack Strategy Pgs. 24-27 3.8 Marketing Research Pgs. 28-29 4.0 Controls Overview Pg. 30 4.1 Progress Milestones Pg. 31 4.2 Marketing Organizations Pg. 32 4.3 Contingency Planning Pg. 33 5.0 Conclusion Pg. 34 1.0 Executive Overview The economic downturn has affected how restaurants are marketed. Marketing campaigns of the 1980s were aimed at image and status. Since most of today's consumers, even those in the upper-income strata, are dollar- and value-conscious, price and value will be the key marketing concepts of this decade. Another recent change is the increased emphasis on creative, high-impact marketing promotions that generate restaurant traffic and increase guestroom occupancies. It is hard times but influencing...
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...Is this rap’s logical conclusion? An essay by Louis Frederic Mendel Life on the street has changed during the 20th century. The continuous poverty, anger and violence has affected every living soul on the street, and produced rap music – a new musical genre which has revolutionized the street-life. The dreadful street-life of a criminal can be heard through thousands of rhyming rap songs, and the rules are simple; the rappers which have the most experience with violence, drugs and poverty are getting the most respect from the audience. Rap music is a product of the poverty and violence, which people experience on the street, and many rappers are striving to achieve respect, money and fame through a rap music career. In the article “Is this rap’s logical conclusion” from 2003, the journalist presents the life story of 50 cent, a rapper who’s achieved all three elements: respect, money and fame. In the article, we are confronted with his horrible circumstances as a child, in which he was forced to live the life of a drug dealer. We hear the stories of his being shot, of selling drugs before he was a teenager, and of how he wrote a platinum hit-song in just under an hour. Throughout the article, the journalist is present in the text as he provides subjective observations. He conveys his own personal view of 50 cent’s life, and tells us how “he can flip the switch between being a though guy to a soft-spoken choirboy” (p. 3 l. 34-35). This is interesting for the...
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... The Inspiration of Music in a Young Man’s Life…. As a child with a childhood deprived by poverty, Ja’Vonni became very fond of music to escape his saddening reality. This attraction to music started extremely early for the young Ja’Vonni, it was said to have started before birth. He would always tell stories about how his mother told him that while pregnant with him she would play music for him and about how he responded to the music that she played for him. His mother said that if he liked the song he would begin to shuffle around as if he was dancing, and if he didn’t like a song or if she played a song that he didn’t like he would give her a slight kick in the side. Soon after birth, his musical side skyrocketed. He was the sweetest little percussionist of the family, no matter what, when or where it he had the ability to bang on to something he would give all his might. Even if others thought that he was just randomly beating and making noises his mother knew that he would be stellar at music. It was only a matter of time before his true musicianship came forward. Furthermore, as time passed his mother realized his future greatness, so she decided to get more involved in his musical career, she signed him up for orchestra band in the sixth grade. His musical instructor was a young woman named Mrs. Dubose. She did her best in teaching him all of the fundamentals of percussive instruments. He was taught to play instruments such as; Snare...
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...states that Ja'Kevia's attitude towards school has changed. She has a more positive attitude about school and actually enjoys coming to school. According to Student Transition Planning Survey, Ja'Kevia states that she is punctual most of the time. She enjoys working with others and learning new tasks. Her mom is very involved in Ja'Kevia's education. She assists Ja'Kevia with her homework and helps prepare her for weekly tests. Ja'Kevia says that she generally accepts responsibilities at home as well as consequences for her actions. She also says that she likes to learn new tasks and work with others. After high school, Ja'Kevia plans to attend a community college majoring in nurse. According to the Career Cluster Interest Inventory, Ja;Kevia was matched with the following career clustesr: Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications, which assesses interests in creative or performing arts, communication or A/V technology Health Science which assesses interest in the providing help to others by providing diagnostic, therapeutic, informational and environmental services including researching and developing new health care services. Information Technology which assess interest in the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia, systems integration services, and technical support. Ja'Kevia stated that she would like to pursue a career in the field of Health Science. She wants to become a nurse. After graduating from high school, she plans...
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...If I, Ja’Vonni Sturgis, have the honor of being selected to become a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, have chosen three problematic situations that I, as a brother would like to change. Being that our band program has a laxed and unorthodox way of doing things, mainly its band members, I’d like to touch on way to change them. First and most outstanding problem is discipline. Reason I say outstanding is because of the level of discipline we had during band camp has really dwindled throughout the season. Second reason is communication, which really is the root of most of our problems. I say this because there seems to a nook in the chain of command somewhere in middle of directors to bandsmen. Third and final problem is fellowship. I as a bandsman in this band feel that our program isn’t really into the team aspect of things at which could be contradictory to the vision that the director has in place. To add, a great solution to solving the discipline problem is too first starting at the root and work your way up meticulously. While working you’re your way up correcting and cleansing the program of impurities. When doing this we as leaders on the band must have a firm grip while also having a soft touch. What I mean by this statement is to dictate your section (firm grip) explaining to them in depth their role as band members and then explaining my role of leadership so that there is no confusion (soft touch). I would also like to plagiarize one of the band staff’s theories of...
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...Wiliam Gajski Ja idem na biologiju about an hour ago via mobile · Like Luka Lapanja iz cega ces ucit? jel imas nekakve knjige, skripte ili neki k pa da mogu fotokopirat about an hour ago via mobile · Like Wiliam Gajski Imam skripte kaj mi je dala od zene neka frendica kaj ide na pripreme iz bio.. briem da ima oko 130 str about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1 Luka Lapanja Aj jel moš to donijet u školu, pa da si fotokopiram to 4 minutes ago · Like Wiliam Gajski moram pogledat dal mi opce doma il kod zene about a minute ago via mobile · Like Luka Lapanja dobro, samo molim te ako možeš to dofurat ovih dana a few seconds ago · Like Luka Lapanja pa ti ja slijedeći vratim a few seconds ago · Like Options OLDER POSTS Diana Dee Dee Jašarević jel ko napiso eng??? koja tema je najlaksa ( makar meni nijedna nije xd ) Like · · Follow Post · 5 hours ago Seen by 15 View all 9 comments Dominik Cvijanović Eee paa sad 4 hours ago · Like Diana Dee Dee Jašarević joj joj ... sto reci 4 hours ago · Like Options Antonija Gabrić jel gledala potacek izostanke? Like · · Follow Post · 8 hours ago Seen by 16 Luka Lapanja and Diana Dee Dee Jašarević like this. View all 15 comments Diana Dee Dee Jašarević kurvaa 7 hours ago via mobile · Like Antonija Gabrić 7 hours ago · Like Options Dominik Cvijanović Laura Šeremet nam je u vezi sa Biciklom tj sad je sa Motorkom hahahahahhahaha eee ako ona moze nac decka onda svatko moze hahahahaha ...
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...Tartu Ülikool Õigusteaduskond Kriminaalõiguse, kriminoloogia ja kognitiivse psühholoogia õppetool Kallutatud kahtlusaluse identifitseerimise protseduurid ja pealtnägijate USA ülemkohtu usaldusväärsuse test Referaat Juhendaja prof T.Bachmann Tartu 2011 Sisukord Sissejuhatus 3 1.“Usaldusväärsuse test“ 4 1.1. „Usaldusväärsuse test“ Manson v Braithwate kohtuasjas 4 1.1.1. Kohtuasi 4 1.1.2. „Usaldusväärsuse test“ 4 1.1.3. „Usaldusväärsuse testi“ vastuargumendid 5 1.2 „Usaldusväärsuse testi“ ideaal ning reaalsus 5 2. Kallutatud süüdlase identifitseerimised pealtnägija poolt 6 3.Kallutatud kurjategija identifitseerimised ja hilisemad DNA testid. 7 Kokkuvõte 8 Sissejuhatus Käesoleva referaadi allikaks olen valinud Gary L. Wellsi ja Deah S. Quinlivani poolt kirjutatud teadusartikli „Suggestive Eyewitness Identification Procedures and the Supreme Court’s Reliability Test in Light of Eyewitness Science: 30 Years Later“. Valiku langetasin selle artikli kasuks, kuna pealtnägijate mälu ning arusaam kuriteopaigal toimunust ning hilisem politseijaoskonnas toimuv võib otsustada terve kohtuprotsessi kulgemise ning viia halvima stsenaariumi kohaselt süütu inimese süüdimõistmiseni või kurjategija õigeksmõistmiseni. Käesolev artikkel keskendub põhiliselt süüdlase identifitseerimisele pealtnägija poolt...
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...yhden tuntemani tuotteen kehityskaarta tuotekehityksen oppikirjojen esittämien mallien valossa ja pohtia käyttäjien halujen ja tarpeiden huomiointia kehitysprosessissa. Yritys, jossa olen töissä, on meritekniikka-alan (offshore- ja laivarakennus) suunnittelutoimisto. Yritystoiminnan keskeiset tuotteet ovat projektit erityyppisille laivoille ja öljyporauslautoille. Yritys tarjoaa sekä kokonaista suunnittelupakettia, sisältäen konsepti-, perus-, tuotantosuunnittelu, rakennuskoordinointi ja –valvonta että osaprojekteja, esimerkiksi konsepti- ja perussuunnittelu, pelkkä perussuunnittelu jne. Tyypillisesti projekti alkaa siitä, kun asiakas ilmoittaa tenderista, ja suunnittelutoimisto kehittää konseptin ja tekee tarjouksen. Tarjouksen hyväksyttyä kehitetään konsepti, jossa määritellään aluksen pääparametrit ja yleisjärjestely. Seuraava vaihe on perussuunnittelu, jossa tehdään rungon rakenteet, varustelun, koneiden, putkiston sekä sähkön peruskaaviot ja hyväksytetään ne viranomaisilla luokituslaitoksella. Tämän jälkeen on työpiirustuksien suunnittelu. Tässä vaiheessa laivan runko yleensä mallinnetaan Tribon- ohjelmistolla. Sitten projektista riippuen yritys voi tehdä telakan evaluoinnin asiakkaalle tai jatkossa lähettää site- insinöörin telakalle koordinoimaan rakennustöitä. Eli yrityksemme tuote on hieman erilainen, mitä me kutsutaan tuotteeksi tavallisesti. Yrityksen tuote on suunnittelu ja projektien läpiveto. Tässä tehtävässä tarkastelukohdaksi ei kuitenkin tule tyypillinen projekti...
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...XAK 140L / Latinalaisen Amerikan historia, kulttuurit ja yhteiskunnat / referaatti, yhteiskunnat -osio 2 op Jaana Helminen op.nro 011613127 John Peeler: Building Democracy in Latin America Demokratian perusta Latinalaisessa Amerikassa Onko demokratia vain osa länsimaista kulttuuritraditiota vai voidaanko se laajentaa universaaliksi käsitteeksi, jopa päämääräksi, joka on mahdollista saavuttaa missä tahansa? Demokratian käsite ja sen toiminta on muuttunut ja muuntautunut aikakausien kuluessa. Poliittiset suuntaukset ja tarpeet ovat määritelleet myös sitä, miten demokratia itse asiassa on ymmärretty eri aikoina: klassisesta demokratiasta siirryttiin Rooman valtakunnan tuhon jälkeen keskiaikaiseen (katolisen) kirkon johtamaan ajatteluun poliittisesta toiminnasta. Nykyaikaisen hallintojärjestelmän pohjalla vaikuttavat modernin valtion ja suvereenisuuden käsitteet sekä kapitalistisen talouskäytännön dominantti rooli. Toisen maailmansodan aattona, kun poliittinen tiede ja poliittinen sosiologia alkoivat kukoistaa, pyrittiin myös demokratiaa määrittelemään uudelleen, jopa minimalistisesti: demokratia on hallintojärjestelmä, jossa kansalaiset antavat kausittaisissa vaaleissa poliittisille johtajille vallan hallita (Schumpeter). Uudet demokraattiset teoriat alkoivat korostaa sekä stabiiliutta (eli olivat luonteeltaan konservatiivisia) ja niissä painotettiin pluralismia (poliittisen vallan hajauttamista ja päätöksentekoon osallistumista). 60-luvulla yhteiskuntakritiikki...
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...5 Luottamuksen vaikutus johtamisessa ja yrityksen menestymisessä Simon Sinek (2014) mainitsee puheessaan, että “armeijassa annetaan mitaleita ihmisille, jotka ovat valmiita uhraamaan itsensä, jotta muut selviytyisivät. Yritystoiminnassa annetaan palkkioita niille, jotka ovat valmiita uhraamaan muita ihmisiä, jotta he itse menestyisivät.” Ihminen on kehittynyt selviytymään vuorovaikutuksessa muiden ihmisten kanssa. Onnistunut vuorovaikutus perustuu yhteiseen näkemykseen tavoitetilasta, jonka myötä ihmisten välille muodostuu luottamus. Pitkällä aikavälillä menestyy se yritys, joka johdonmukaisesti ylläpitää yhteistä tavoitetta sekä sen olemassaolon tarkoitusta. Tämän esseen tehtävänä on pohtia, miten hyvät johtajat inspiroivat muita, ja miten johtajan ja työntekijöiden luottamus vaikuttaa organisaation menestykseen. Sinek käsittelee puheessaan, yhdistäviä tekijöitä maailman inspiroivimpien puhujien ja organisaatioiden, kuten Martin Luther Kingin, Applen, ja Wrightin veljeksien välillä. Hän esittelee idean kolmesta kysymyksestä koostuvasta ”kultaisesta kehästä,” jonka ydin kysymys on ”miksi,” jota seuraa ”miten,” ja viimeiseksi ”mitä.” Kaikki organisaatiossa tietävät ”mitä” he tekevät. Useat tietävät ”miten” he tekevät. Mutta vain harvat osaavat sanoa ”miksi” he tekevät; miksi organisaatio on olemassa ja mikä on sen tarkoitus? Tämän johdosta ajattelumme kulkee kultaisen kehän uloimmasta kysymyksestä sisimpään. Inspiroivat johtajat ja organisaatiot taas ajattelevat nimenomaan...
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