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Job Shadowing Exercises

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On December 3rd, I got the privilege to job shadow my business teacher/assistant activities director: Mrs. Staggs. I job shadowed her on the season opening basketball game versus the Broken Bow Indians. It was a very exciting game and a lot of people were there since this was the start of a new season. I started job shadowing her during the boys and girls JV games. She was very excited I asked her if I could job shadow her.
As an activities director, some of the responsibilities include: finding referees for the game, making sure you have people working the admission table and the concession stand. You are also responsible for making sure the gyms are set up and ready to go by game time. Since there were two gyms that needed set up, it was going to take a little more time. In the South gym I had to put the bleachers out and then once …show more content…
Staggs during the event was expected to make sure everything ran smooth and have no problems during the event. Mrs. Staggs did a great job since no problems occurred and nobody came to her to complain about something during the event. During the event there was an unexpected circumstance that occurred, we couldn’t find the game ball. We looked all over the school for the game balls and we eventually found them on the South side of the school in the coaching room between the boy’s locker rooms. I was surprised that there was actually very little media at the game. Our local news station: KNOP, showed up late to the game so I did not get to tell them were to go and ask them if they needed help setting up anything.
During this job shadow experience I was not expecting a lot of people to show up to the game but a lot of people were there. Other than all the people being at the game I had a good idea what the job shadow was going to be like and I was prepared for everything. After my game I asked the janitors if they needed any help cleaning the gym and putting things away but they said since it was a school night I could go

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