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Modern Day Culture Analysis

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When it comes to modern day adaptations of old time folk tales and myths the classical antiquity is a very popular theme in modern day culture and has been integrated into so many different aspects of society now a days, especially the media. Things like advertisements, comic books, video games, movies and TV shows all pull ideas from the classical antiquity period for their entertainment. An example of a modern adaptation of Greek mythology can be seen in the television series “Charmed” where three sister witches battle the different forces of evil on a day to day basis while still trying to preserve their normal lives. This show draws on lots of different mythical ideas such as fairies, leohrocausns, ogres and nymphs. This show is a great …show more content…
In this version of the titan myth it involves Kronos and his two followers Meta and Dimitrius who are imprisoned in an ice cavern and released by a demon looking to team up with them and kill the sisters. An interesting thing they did however was giving Meta the power of turning people to stone with the look of her eyes, such as Medusa. Perhaps she is a parody of Medusa since the one told in Greek mythology is so hideous she turns people to stone yet Meta (the titan) is beautiful and attracts men. The series keeps the base line of the story original mentioning things such as Kronos eating his own children. Although the base of the story is the same they have adapted it to be different and the titans are described as God-like beings who ruthlessly ruled the earth. Their powers were said to be tied to their and a rage could spark a massive earthquake or a hurricane of epic proportions. The mortals of the era were terrified by these beings' abilities and tried to appease them but ultimately the Titans could not be vanquished and the only way they could be stopped was by magically entombing them in ice, an act which brought their heinous reign to an

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