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Paul Mitchell School

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When choosing one’s future career, it is crucial to keep in mind the importance of happiness. The students graduating now need to take into consideration what they have connected with most in life; Whether that be science, art, math, makeup, music, flying planes, writing, or dancing, it is important to do what they love and to enjoy the time given to them to their fullest ability. It is also important to choose a dream college. Paul Mitchell School gives those whose passion is cosmetology a chance to live out their dreams and do what they love as a career. Paul Mitchell will make your dreams a reality. There are many reasons to choose Paul Mitchell but a few are more important. Paul Mitchell is fairly close, only takes one year to graduate, …show more content…
Paul Mitchell has a network of over 50,000 salons in over 81 countries with nearly 14,000 graduating every year from over 100 schools. Those who graduate from Paul Mitchell take the name of the school with them, which includes a repetition for innovation and excellence and a commitment to quality. With an education from this school, it is more likely to be hired at higher end salons due to the school’s reputation for creating beauty professionals. This school can also help with job placement once graduated. Finding a job after college can sometimes prove difficult and with the crippling debt some young adults face after taking out tens of thousands in student loans, additional assistance finding a stable well-paying job can prove to be priceless. Throughout the schooling, many salon owners and top leaders in the field of cosmetology visit and serve as critics, offering their professional wisdom. This is a chance to show them the skills acquired from Paul Mitchell and receive possible job offers while still in school. By graduating from Paul Mitchell, one is left with a greater probability of finding a higher paying job, thus making it easier to pay off one’s higher initial investment in the tuition rate of this superior …show more content…
Most collegiate level degrees take two to four years to complete depending on the choice of an Associate's or Bachelor’s degree respectively, thus piling up a higher debt each year. As for Paul Mitchell, in just one year one can start a full time job and begin earning a salary. This puts graduates in the lead to start making more money sooner. Though pay is not very high for a cosmetologist, those extra couple years can make a difference. Graduates from Paul Mitchell also tend to be hired at higher paying positions, making it easier to pay off the tuition. In addition, you may fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), receive financial aid, and be offered Pell grants. With federal grants that do not need to be paid back at any point, one can support oneself in college and possibly afford an apartment at the same

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