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Personal Narrative: The Organizing Project

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The Organizing Project
A few years ago, I realized that my room and closet were very disorganized and a little messy. My room was full of junk and stuff that I had kept for no reason. I wanted to clean it up, but I didn’t know how or where to start. Then I read the book The Life- Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. This self-help book gave me the confidence and the motivation to tackle cleaning my messy room. I split the decluttering and organizing project into three parts which were my dressers, my desk and bookshelf, and my closet. The first step to tackling my disorganized room was my two dressers. First, I took every piece of clothing out of the drawer. I did this entire process drawer by drawer because I have ten drawers in all. Second, I looked at each article of clothing and put them into either keep or donate piles on the floor. Additionally, I made a small pile of clothing that I wanted to keep but needed to …show more content…
First, I took everything out of my three desk drawers. I went through everything and threw away many papers that I didn’t need to keep and got rid of anything that didn’t belong in the desk. Then, I organized the items and put them back into the drawers. I also got rid of many magazines that were piled on top of the desk that I didn’t need anymore. Next, I went to clean my bookshelf which ironically only had books on one out of the five shelves. As I began to take items off of each shelf, I would decide if I wanted to keep it or not. Then, with all the “keep” items piled on the floor, I separated them into categories and decided what shelf they would go on. Lastly, I cleaned the shelves and began to arrange the items back onto the bookcase. After that, I arranged the items to make each shelf pretty and aesthetically appealing. The process of organizing my desk and bookshelf helped me to get rid of a lot of trash and things I didn’t need to

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