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Shoulder Joint Replacement Procedure

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Shoulder joint replacement is surgery to replace damaged parts of the shoulder joint with artificial parts (prostheses). Two parts may be used to replace this joint:
The humeral component replaces the head of the upper arm bone (humerus). This is a rounded ball that is attached to a stem that fits into the humerus.
The glenoid component replaces the socket (glenoid depression).
The prostheses are usually made of metal and plastic. Depending on the damage to your shoulder, the surgeon may replace just the humeral head (hemiarthroplasty) or both the humeral head and the glenoid (total shoulder replacement). The surrounding muscles and tendons hold the prosthetic parts in place.
This procedure may be done to relieve joint pain, treat …show more content…
The center cavity of the humerus bone will be cleaned and enlarged to create a hollow area that matches the shape of the implant stem. The top end of the bone will be smoothed so the stem can be inserted flush with the bone surface.
If the ball of the prosthesis is a separate piece, the proper size will be selected and attached.
If the socket portion of the joint is healthy and the surrounding muscles are intact, the surgeon may decide not to replace it. However, if the socket needs to be replaced:
The surgeon will prepare the socket surface by removing the remaining damaged cartilage.
The socket bone will be gently reshaped to fit the implant.
The glenoid component will be implanted and cemented into position.
The arm bone, with its new artificial head, will be replaced in the socket. The surgeon will reattach the supporting tendons and close the incision with sutures or stitches.
The arm will be placed in a sling or immobilizer, and a support pillow will be placed under the elbow.
Tubes will be placed to remove excess drainage. These are usually removed after a couple of days.
The procedure may vary among health care providers and

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