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Teachers Arming Teachers

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Gun control has been a worldwide dispute more than ever after the many incidents that have been going on in schools the past decade. After the tragedy that happened in Douglas Stoneman high school in Parkland, Florida, people realized that gun control had to be strengthened. Now lawmakers want to pass a law where they give teachers the right to carry a gun in school property in case of another incident. While some believe that arming teacher is a benefit others believe that arming a teacher will cause more tragedies or even harm a child’s education. The primary purpose of this paper is to address why teachers should not get the right to carry a gun on school property.
Although certain lawmakers believe that providing teachers with guns would be effective in emergency situations, teachers do not have the physical or mental capability to defend the students or themselves the way they were trained. …show more content…
Teachers don’t have the required skills to respond in a situation under pressure even through training. Training will just make them think that they are ready for any situation as they tell them they will be, but once they are faced with an active shooter they won’t be mentally prepared for such a thing. Trumps thinks that by arming the teachers with guns it will stop the shooter from doing it. As stated by Alana Abramson article from Times, “…sociopath on his way to commit an act of murder in a school knowing the outcome is going to be suicide, is not going to care if there is someone there with a gun. That’s their plan, anyways” (69). A teacher being armed is not going to stop the shooter from doing its job. If the shooter wants to kill people it will do it at all costs no matter who is going to be there. A teacher will not be able to stop a determined person that wants to harm people on purpose. In other cases,

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