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Transgender Bathroom Debate

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The Transgender Bathroom Debate How would it feel to not be allowed to use the restroom in a public setting? To be told that, “You’re different so you have to have your own individual restroom”? Being told something so bigoted and apathetic might not feel so good. Transgender people in four states in the U.S. are not protected by any non-discrimination laws; fifteen states only protect 1-24% of transgender people through local ordinances; six states protect only 25-49% of transgender people through local ordinances; two states protect only 50-59% of transgender people also through local ordinances; and only 20 states protect 100% of transgender peoples’ rights though statewide laws (“National Equality Map,” 2016) Perhaps the biggest issue …show more content…
To clarify the point: think about somebody that has the appearance of Brad Pitt having to use the women’s restroom because they are transgender. Likewise, imagine somebody that looks like Megan Fox having to use the men’s restroom because they used to be male. Statistics say that there are around 700,000 transgender people in the United States (Gates, 2011); of the 700,000 transgender people, 100-500 get gender reassignment surgery every year (Scutti, 2014). Not allowing them to use the bathroom of the gender of which they identify means every that every year more and more manly men would have to use the women’s restroom because they used to be …show more content…
Segregation is “to separate or set apart from others or from the general mass,” (Merriam-Webster, 2015). It is not fair that this group of people is being set apart by everybody else and basically quarantined into their own areas. In the mid-1900s before the civil rights movement, African Americans were forced to use different bathrooms as well. Americans had the misguided belief that African Americans would attack them or that they would catch these new diseases from them. They were wrong to think that and now when most of us think of that we are embarrassed; it seems silly to us that Americans at the time would think things as ridiculous as that. If everybody would open their eyes they would see that the same thing is happening all over again. Transgender people are being ostracized from the groups that they desperately want to accept them. They switched genders to feel comfortable in their bodies but now they are being shamed and degraded because many have seemed to have forgotten that they are people too. The segregation of any group is erroneous; one group is no lesser than any other group. Transgender people should not be treated like a problem that deserves to be hidden; they don’t deserve the isolation. The general population trying to separate them is just us as a whole trying to revert back to the injustice and bigotry of days

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