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Ventricular Septal Defect Case Study

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Ventricular Septal Defect, Pediatric

A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a hole in a child's heart. The hole is in the wall (septum) between the bottom chambers of the heart (ventricles). A VSD can change the normal flow of blood in the body.
A VSD is often found during a routine exam in the first couple of months of your child's life. The size and location of the hole will determine whether your child has any symptoms. Small VSDs may not cause symptoms and may go away on their own. Some larger VSDs may require treatment.

The cause of this condition is not known. It is congenital, meaning your child was born with it.

This condition is more likely develop in:
• Children with a family history of congenital heart defects. …show more content…
• Rapid breathing.

This condition may be diagnosed based on the results of:
• A Physical exam.
• Chest X-ray. This produces a picture of the heart and surrounding area.
• Electrocardiogram (ECG). This test records the electrical activity of the heart.
• Echocardiogram. This test uses sound waves to create a picture of the heart.
• Cardiac catheterization. This procedure provides information about the heart structures as well as blood pressure and oxygen levels within the heart chambers.

Treatment for this condition depends on your child's age, the size of the hole, and where the hole is located. Many VSDs will close by themselves by age 2 without treatment. Others may stay the same. VSDs do not get bigger with time. Approaches to treatment vary:
• If your child has a small VSD that causes no symptoms, regular checkups with a health care provider are important to make sure there are no problems. Usually, there are no activity limitations.
• If your child has symptoms of a VSD, but there is a chance that the VSD may close, medicines that strengthen your child's heart and help control blood pressure may be needed. Your child may take these medicines until the VSD closes or surgery becomes

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