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Anti-Oppressive Practice Research Paper

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Dalrymple and Burke (2006), state that anti-oppressive practice, in social work tries, to discover repression in cultures and communities. Subsequently, the practice aims to get rid of the anxiety and unwrap the power of such coercion hence creating social justice. It is also an exercise that searches societal obstacles as well as structural inequities in activities carried out by social workers. Anti-oppressive exercise strives to suggest more appropriate, open and discerning services by responding to the wishes of persons regardless of their societal positions. The practice symbolizes a person-oriented idea and unrestricted scheme of principles whose concerns are decreasing the lethal results of structural variations in people’s lives. This tactic focuses on the …show more content…
The importance of anti-oppressive practice to social work is that it ensures that much of up to date unfair activities are not against the theory of social justice and unease that undermine, deny or take away essential human rights of persons or groups of people. In social work, being aware of the human rights and adoption perceptions can aid social workers to outline situations regarding repression and those concerning infringement of rights, thus making citizens and the government responsible for dealing with and determination of such violations (Dalrymple and Burke, 2006).
The practice is also important in enhancing social workers to be aware in relation to the customs of those using the service and the existing distinctions thus helping social workers understand diverse habits of

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